@igotamatch#14 🇬🇧


Ask @igotamatch

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Do you press buttons more then worse in the hope it will make something work faster? Do you wait by things in the hope they will go faster? Or is the other manager in the canteen just that damn impatient? ?

TheChaosBringer’s Profile PhotoThe Kind Of Trouble You Enjoy
Nooooooooooooooooooooo . . .
~ I would have had some sort of breakdown , if I was reduced to such . . . .
~ no we are cool ~
~ we keep the streets empty for us ~
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWFb5z3kUSQigotamatch’s Video 148694742394 jWFb5z3kUSQigotamatch’s Video 148694742394 jWFb5z3kUSQ

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Питання Дня: ● Чи вірите Ви у так зване доленосне знамення? Чому? ● Чи траплялося із Вами щось подібне? Якщо так, то як і що це було?

Question of the Day: ● Do you believe in the so-called fateful sign? Why? ● Has something similar happened to you? If so, how and what was it?
* * *
Not in a superstitious way ; but usually , often I can see things coming . . . . like black clouds ~
~ like, way back on SCOTTISH referendum day ; a Liberal Party activist phoned me . . .
(they where stupidly backing 'NO')
Knowing their stance, I was in no mood to chat . . . . finally , I exploded: "fuk, can't you see what is going to happen? ~ If Scotland doesn't get it's independence, it's guaranteed, we're all out of Europe, you idiot !!"
~ and then ~ she said: "Oh no, we would never allow that . . . "
(quite simple: if England was on it's own, Cameron would never even have allowed a Euro-vote .
If arrogant Cameron whacked the Scots though -which he did- he would think he could do the same with Europe.
And arrogant Cameron (and all Tories & Libs) is/are oblivious to the fact that 30%+ of the population are pig-stupid, 30%+ are to lazy to vote, 30%+ are reasonable, caring, rational, intelligent . . . nor could the stupid politicians see the harvest that was waiting , from the seeds of lies they had been sowing since we joined EU, blaming them for all their own inadequacies . . . . had sown seeds of hatred into the hearts of the stupid , against our salvation that was Europe ~ 36% as it transpired . . . .
~ to me , it was rock certain , written in stone . . .
~ What did Jesus say? ~ "he that wringeth the nose, shall certainly bring forth blood"
~ THIS , is a 'fateful sign' ~
* * *

Не суеверно; але звичайно, часто я бачу, що відбувається. . . . як чорні хмари ~
~ як, шлях назад до SCOTTISH день референдуму; активіст Ліберальної партії зателефонував мені. . .
(там, де тупо підтримують "НІ")
Знаючи їхню позицію, я не мав настрій поспілкуватися. . . . нарешті, я вибухнув: "Фук, чи не можете ви бачити, що станеться?" Якщо Шотландія не отримає незалежність, це гарантовано, ми всі з Європи, ти ідіот !! "
~ та тоді ~ вона сказала: "Ах ні, ми ніколи би не дозволили це ..."
(досить простий: якщо б Англія була своєю власною, Кемерон ніколи б навіть не дозволив Євро-голосувати.
Якби зарозумілий Камерон збив шотландців, хоча він і зробив, він думав, що зможе зробити те ж саме з Європою.
І зарозумілий Камерон (і всі Тори і Лібс) не помічають того, що 30% + населення є порожнечами, 30% + ледачі голосують, 30% + є розумними, турботливими, раціональними, розумними. . . також не могли дурні політики сприймати очікуваний урожай від насіння брехні, яку вони посіли після вступу до ЄС, звинувачуючи їх у всіх своїх невідповідностях. . . . вирощив насіння ненависті в серцях дурних, проти нашого спасіння, що було в Європі ~ 36%, як це з'явилося. . . .
~ Мені, це було певним каменем, написане каменем. . .
~ Що сказав Ісус? ~ "той, хто відкидає нос, обов'язково принесе кров"
~ ЦЕ, це "фатальний знак" ~

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Ever had ... - a fake friend? - a “fair weather friend”? - a friend who you least expected to help out, but ended up saving the day? How long was it into the friendship before they showed their true colours?

CactusDoug’s Profile PhotoDoug
"Skin Deep"
Many people tell you that they're your friend
You believe them
You need them
For what's round the river bend
Make sure that you're recieving the signals they send
Cos brother, you've only got two hands to lend
Maybe there's someone who makes you weep
And some nights loom up ahead
When you're asleep
Some days there's things on your mind you should keep
Sometimes, it's tougher to look than to leap
Better watch out for the skin deep
Better watch out for the skin deep
(Better watch out) Watch out for the skin deep
(Better watch out) Watch out for the skin deep
Better watch out for the skin deep
One day the track that you're climbing gets steep
Your emotions are frayed
And your nerves are starting to creep
Just remember the days
As long as the time that you keep
Brother, you better watch out for the skin deep
Better watch out for the skin deep
Better watch out for the skin deep
(Better watch out) Watch out for the skin deep
(Better watch out) Watch out for the skin deep
Better watch out for the skin deep
(Better watch out) Watch out for the skin deep
(Better watch out) Watch out for the skin deep
Better watch out for the skin deep
. . . .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=larI62lksAAigotamatch’s Video 148677497210 larI62lksAAigotamatch’s Video 148677497210 larI62lksAA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZL6j1YKEaKgigotamatch’s Video 148677497210 ZL6j1YKEaKgigotamatch’s Video 148677497210 ZL6j1YKEaKg

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igotamatch’s Video 148677497210 larI62lksAAigotamatch’s Video 148677497210 larI62lksAA

Would you rather be remembered for something amazing you did while you are alive only for it to be forgotten on the day of your d*ath? Or be remembered forever for deeds you have done (good or bad) long after your de*th? Morbid question tonight sorry!

TheChaosBringer’s Profile PhotoThe Kind Of Trouble You Enjoy
~ I'll be dead for long enough ! ~ None of this matters a phuk to me ~
~ but thanks to @viktoriaonegina for giving me these fitting , and appropriate , and meaningful answers (or I'd be stumped) :
Life is fleeting by the slow
It chills us to the wave
And feeds me to the bone
And it's all right
Unless you feel you're too late
Life is fleeting to the sea
By making up your mind
So damn it to the wave
And it's all right
Unless you feel you're too late
So make up your gods
And take them in
It's the end
And it's all right
And it's all right
Life, it fits you like a glove
And you don't like the fit
So what's wrong?
'Cause even the devil finds love
The devil finds love
Unless you're too late
So make up your gods
And take them in
Love is dead
And it's all right
And it's all right
Life, it fits you like a glove
And you don't like the fit
So what's wrong?
'Cause even the devil finds love
The devil finds love
Unless you're too late
Unless you're too late
'Cause even if we're swept away
No one here could save us all
Even if we're swept away
No one here could save us all
Save us all
Your deathwish awaits
Why are you surprised that this is coming true?
Life, it fits you like a glove
And you don't like the fit
So what's wrong?
'Cause even the devil finds love
The devil finds love
Unless you're too late, oh
Unless you're too late, oh
Unless you're too late, oh
Unless you're too late, oh
'Cause even if we're swept away
No one here could save us all
Even if we're swept away
No one here could save us all
And it's all right
Yeah it's all right
It's all right
We belong to each other tonight
In a world that looks for a fight
We got a deathwish closing our eyes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0crY95eobHUigotamatch’s Video 148685582202 0crY95eobHUigotamatch’s Video 148685582202 0crY95eobHU

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igotamatch’s Video 148685582202 0crY95eobHUigotamatch’s Video 148685582202 0crY95eobHU
Liked by: Me.Viktoria

What gives you comfort right now?

lnr87’s Profile Photospuʎ˥
Gives me comfort,
Right now ?
Right NOW:
@viktoriaonegina ~ just sent me this , or the one before anyway : I'm really get this ~ you need a big screen to really have a chance with the video . ~ What do you think is going on in the vid ? Guidance in the lyrics is accurate
*go down to the 11th comment (click on you tube)*
Jack Nickel
1 year ago
this video confused the shit out of me
~ and 'view all 21 replies ~ what you think ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awyBrr0P69Aigotamatch’s Video 148583801466 awyBrr0P69Aigotamatch’s Video 148583801466 awyBrr0P69A

Oceans 8 or Super Troopers 2

TheChaosBringer’s Profile PhotoThe Kind Of Trouble You Enjoy
You think I'm a retard?
~ I once had to endure one of these things , just to please my
'at-the-time-woman-friend' ; it was because she was obsessed with george loony (George Clooney)
~ my way of getting through such brain-rot is to constantly mock, deride, pick holes , say what is obviously about to happen , exclaim in surprise . . .
~ well it's something I seem to be good at & she pist-herself constantly . . .
~ although she was 10 years younger than me, she tragically expired of a fluke condition ; leaving 2 kids ~ I didn't find out till about 2 years later,
That explained why I'd never heard ~ for some time ~
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC7sHxzRQAAigotamatch’s Video 148634824058 DC7sHxzRQAAigotamatch’s Video 148634824058 DC7sHxzRQAA
Oceans 8 or Super Troopers 2

Хей, солнце, можем обменяться лайками ?? У меня уже почти 800.000, это же просто нереально☺✔ Если лайкаешь меня постоянно - пиши, я взаимно пролайкаю. И, спасибо тебе большое за активность, чмок? Заходи ко мне, если интересно ? Доброй ночи, зайчик?

What's the first thing you need right now?

~ when I saw this, earlier , realistically , it was relief from the agony in my mouth . . .
~ now , realistically . . . . oblivion ~
~ and if , hypothetically , in my dreams . . . .
(I won't bore you!)
~ but 'it' , is waiting ~
("Tried to Make You My Own")
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmFdp6fOuAoigotamatch’s Video 148659658362 dmFdp6fOuAoigotamatch’s Video 148659658362 dmFdp6fOuAo

What is the best thing you have taught yourself?

n11shake’s Profile PhotoShake
I honestly can't remember , what could be the best . . . .
~ How can one differentiate (discern?) between what one has taught one's self ~ and what one has learnt (learned?) spontaneously ?
~ if they are one & the same ; perhaps , exorcism . . . .
But when do we know we have an unseen teacher . . .
And , necessity is the mother of invention ~
What is the best thing you have taught yourself
Liked by: Shake

в последнее время меня и моё окружение одолевают мысли о том, что мы живём в обществе потребителей, где практически все люди заботятся лишь о себе и готовы помогать другим только тогда, когда им самим от этого будет выгода. как ты думаешь, это действительно так? если да, то как можно это исправить?

""recently me and my environment are overwhelmed by the thought that we live in a consumer society where almost all people care only about themselves and are ready to help others only when they themselves benefit from it. do you think this is really so? if so, how can this be remedied?""
* * *
Life is a rose garden . . .
One day you wake and see a wilderness of thorns of disillusionment . . . .
The human race is a race of two haves that contradict ; it is a race of choices . . .
Everyone has to choose ; no shortcuts , it's a life of choices ; choose to cultivate or devastate
~ choose to cultivate roses ; become a giver ~ you won't be alone ; we are not always easy to see ~ but we are many ; we will prevail . . .
The worshippers of mammon perish, drowning in their own greed ~
"We learn to outgrow ~ the thorns on The ROSE"
* * *
Жизнь - розарий. , ,
Однажды вы проснетесь и увидите пустыню тернов разочарования. , , ,
Человеческая раса - раса двух имущих, которые противоречат друг другу; это гонка выборов. , ,
Каждый должен выбирать; нет ярлыков, это жизнь выбора; выбирать культивировать или опустошать
~ выбирать выращивать розы; стать дающим, вы не будете одиноки; мы не всегда легко видеть, но нас много; мы победим. , ,
Поклоняющиеся маммоны гибнут, утонув в своей жадности ~
«Мы учимся перерастать шипы на Розе»
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1i_MdcxCMoigotamatch’s Video 148630957178 n1i_MdcxCMoigotamatch’s Video 148630957178 n1i_MdcxCMo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8mCtZnf4Xwigotamatch’s Video 148630957178 f8mCtZnf4Xwigotamatch’s Video 148630957178 f8mCtZnf4Xw

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в последнее время меня и моё окружение одолевают мысли о том что мы живём в
Liked by: *М1шковнА*


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