

Latest answers from blissfullybrii

I wanna deep dive into your emotions..

Then dive. Though I can’t guarantee you’ll be able to breathe afterwards bud 🤣🤣

what is the reason why you still smile

I have this thing where I believe things will get better. It may be a bit superficial because good and bad karma comes into play; however, having a healthy mindset of, “it won’t always be like this” is a good thing for me. Put in the work now, then I can relax later.
I come from a really poor family; they hadn’t made the right decisions due to mental illness and just plain ignorance, so our broken family of 7 is struggling a lot. But maybe…. I won’t always struggle later on.

When you make ramen noodles, do you strain your noodles after cooking them and then add the flavor packet and eat them or do you pour your noodles with the water in a bowl and add the flavor packet and then eat them?

Always the latter. I don’t really like my noodles strained and dry :/ they’re better when they’re juicyyyy.

Have you ever gone scuba diving?

No, never. Though I’ve always liked the thought of swimming with sea creatures… the ones that do no harm lol!

I love someone’s personality and company but I don’t find them psychically attractive what should I do ?

Physical attraction goes a long way. There is someone I was friends with some time ago and I simply just could not keep doing it. He was an amazing guy; really smart and easy-going, but he could never be more than a friend for me. Quite honestly, I like the lustful aspect of it; not knowing if that person is attracted to you, while you are attracted to them.

Language: English