@laurareynolds94#12 🇦🇺

Queen Procrastinator

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Yeah i will for sure, i could find inspiration i never heard of the word limerick before! Are you super intelligent or am i just stupid?

I'm intelligent and well-educated.

Oh so not rhyme but one sentence rhymes with the next sentence? I'm not really that smart

Google some examples.

Santa's been looking over his naughty list & when he gets to me you know he's gonna be pissed! Cause after he heads out on his yearly trip, I'll be sneaking off to the pole for a bit. She'll be waiting for me out there in the northern snow & I can´t wait to get her underneath the mistletoe Mrs Claus

Definitely sounds like a limerick.

What is limerick mean? It's a song i wrote and i use popular songs melody and sing a parody of them.

A limerick is a form of verse, usually with a particular rhyming pattern.

I only watch the shows that other guys say "Eh, this really blows" But that's the way it goes they all make fun of me & I watch alone 😢 My friends all think my life is such a pity cause I've seen every single Sex in the City. Someday I swear I'm gonna go out and find me some more testosterone 😎💪

Sounds like a limerick.

I liked this girl, so then I told my friend and then my friend went and told the girls brother… because they were friends as well.. so then the girl brother came up to me and started threatening me about his sister… what should I do now, fck his sister then fck him up haha

Grow the fuck up.

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If you ex blocks you on all platforms how do you get in contact to apologise and set the record straight?

You leave them the fuck alone. Clearly they don't want anything to do with you.

Her boyfriend commutes to work, she herself lives at home. Want to be intimate with your boyfriend?

This makes zero sense.

My sister is pregnant, do you think it's important that I, like her brother, support her?

Not necessarily.


Language: English