

Ask @lazcht

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oh masih adakah cinta yang abadi? melindungi.. dua hati saling isi..

ada. kalo liat cinta sbagai energi, abadi kok. saling isi ya banyak itu yg romantis2an, termasuk cinta ke keluarga dan pet

Saya mau mulai karir gambar, tapi ga pernah berani ngambil langkah. Pengennya sih mulai dari buka komisi gambar animu2, menurut anda wise ga kalau mulainya dari buka komisi tok? Thx.

kenapa nggak brani? dicoba aja toh gelar lapak online skr cuma modal dengkul waktu dan internet cukup haha. gambar animu why not?? banyak demand nya kok. yg penting portfoliomu ready dan mudah diakses, sediain juga jalur komunikasi dan pembayaran (paypal atau rek lokal)

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Lebih ingin menjadi pengusaha atau pegawai? Kenapa lebih memilih itu?

dua2nya nggak tertarik sih, tp berhubung gw jg ga pernah jadi pegawai orang maupun punya mindset pengusaha gatau prefer mana. dua2nya ya punya risk dan benefit.
kalo bisa milih, gw ga pingin terikat dgn duit, fokus nyari duit akirnya ga bebas jg, mo bebas kerjain yg disuka jg ga selalu dapat duit. pingin kita smua bisa lakuin yg disenangi tanpa harus mikirin duit tapi tetep bisa terfasilitasi dgn cukup

Vicky ingin tahu: Menurut anda, potensi tipe gambar apa yang cocok dengan goresan-goresan saya selama ini? illust monster kah, illust character kah, landscape kah...

lama nggak dijawab sori, tp skr lbih byk liat gambar u jd mungkin lbih bisa paham. kayaknya skr lg latian render realis gt ya? sbnernya somehow ngerasa u cenderung generalist, tp so far liat banyakan gbr char sih, tp klo interestnya lbih ke ilustrasi poster gt sih terusin aja :D

Is there anything you care less about as you have grown up? What is it?

i get care less about my looks probably

komis karakter berapa duit ?

karakter gimana dulu nih? kalo nggak spesifik rangenya terlalu lebar XD

Is it true that you live in Bandung now ?

yep, but still going back to Jakarta when i got enough money to travel back home XD wanna meet sometimes later?

Do you hate / love yourself?

it's a hard question. i guess i hate myself for loving myself more than the others. haha both?
i thought i've been loving the world enough then i notice that i'm still far from being a loving person, i'm probably more to a selfish person right now.

Any fun games you played recently? What did you like about them?

i play lot of casual or small games recently for mobile game research , well also to comfort myself because some of them are no brainer games haha.
i especially love food themed games and match3s, currently playing Survive Mola Mola, Feed em Burger, Cooking Fever, Disney Tsum Tsum, Nitrome's Roller Polar and Endless Dove, Tap Titans. While ago i was playing Deemo, Godus, and Crossy Road.
i can't remember playing something more serious than those games, except League of Legends haha
what i like about Nitrome games are the design and their execution. basically i love how they can put strong character on such small games. simple mechanics, strong presentation/ aesthetics, addictive, also pixel arts!
how about you and what do you like about them?

Kyuusenshi artinya apa sih kak? Terus kok milih nama itu?

kyuu = 9
senshi = warrior/ soldier
dulu kita pas forming band anggotanya memang 9 orang, trus ya pada wibu wannabe gitu kan jd 9 prajurit dijepangin aja hahah. skr anggota nyusut2 kena seleksi alam tinggal 4 org tp kt tetep keep nama itu ya krn konyol klo tiap ganti formasi harus ganti nama :v

Ada rencana buat Kyuusenshi comeback?

gw gak bisa dibilang ngewakilin smua member, so gw jawab secara personal.
klo mo dibilang matre mungkin personally iya, gw pribadi prefer acara yg mau bayar kita dgn pantas, minimal nutup ongkos kita jalan, latian, dan waktu kita. utk skr aktivitas kyuu masih for fun, tapi prioritas karir gw udah lebih ke profesi yg bisa menghidupi (gamedev), so waktu gw terbatas juga sih utk ngolah diri sebagai musisi band

Jika pada suatu waktu anda diselamatkan oleh orang lain, menurut anda bagaimanakah sosok dari orang yang menyelamatkan anda?

orang yg perduli dgn eksistensi gw atau orang yg simply perduli akan kemanusiaan

Kak Lazcht, nama aslinya siapa?

nama official gw literally "Lazcht", birth name gak bermaksud utk dishare, sorry anon.
bagi yg ngeliat ini dan tau birth name gw, gw berharap kalian utk keep it secret for me, trims. antisipasi klo ada yg mikir becandain/ exposing birth name bakal lucu, no, it'll deeply hurt me.

Lazcht, spelling nya gimana? @__@

spelling mksdnya nyebut atau sepel?hha. nyebutnya pake logat jerman gitu yg sampe muncrat2, cm gw biasa sih nyebutnya laz doang. cht nya itu cm pelengkap

kakak cewek apa cowok sih? aku beneran gak tau @.@

bagusan gak tau deh krn klo dijelasin bukan 2 2 nya pasti tambah bingung hha

kualitas apa saja yang seharusnya dimiliki oleh manusia? in good natured way.

determination? morality? openess/ wisdom. tp masing2 berperan sebagai sesuatu utk universe, hal "buruk" juga bagian dari peran jadi mungkin seharusnya gak dipermasalahkan juga

Hal apa yang kamu lakukan jika sedang bosan ?

melakukan hal yg berbeda dari rutinitas. coding, game design, story writing, masak, olahraga

What's your first thought of a women with niqab? (id: cadar).

hmm actually i'll probably automatically expect them to be very religious in islamic way. i dont know much about the rule since im just learning about it from people around me.
but i find them attractive as long as they look like do it willfully/passionately. i kinda hate it when girls being judged low when they're not wearing it or not yet ready. people should respect other's decision.
as for myself i kind of... dont know how to treat them since usually they avoiding direct contact with... males? cmiiw. not sure but since i dont consider myself as female either, i get awkward sometimes and afraid on getting too close lol.

what do you think of BDSM?

sorry for the long wait.
honestly...i like those, but on certain levels. bandages, ropes, candles and a bit of spanking... i dont think much above that levels, u can ask me specifically hha

whats your greatest fear?

i guess, losing something in general. specifically, forgetting something important.
as a control freak, it makes me sometimes really hate things i cannot control (such as unstable mind, or even others' thoughts), as possessive person, i hate to lose things i possess emotionally

Pilih salah satu, bisa dengan baik mengerti diri sendiri atau bisa mengerti orang lain? Dan jelaskan kenapa.

diri sendiri dulu deh. krn skr suka stres krn sulit tau apa maunya hha

goey ngga reduce. nice sih, tapi kalo kebanyakan goey bisa2 populasinya menuhin dunia pergoeyan dong kalo nemu goey di jalan, hal pertama yang mesti dilakuin apa om?

sebenernya ga bakal nambah juga sih krn sumbernya itu2 aja dan kalo hancur balik lagi ke pipa mario. klo nemu goey dijalan bawa pulang jadiin babu aja, pasti dia senang
goey ngga reduce 
nice sih tapi kalo kebanyakan goey bisa2 populasinya menuhin

first impression and desc me laz...

let's see, gw pertama liat u taun 2011 di indonesiabermain klo ga salah. anda terlihat cina bgt (doh) dan agak2 belagu gitu, tp malu2 juga. bodylanguage sedikit gemulai dan kliatan cuek sama pandangan org sekitar, cukup supple dan berusaha bersikap gentleman (?)

what are the things you want to do if you only have one month left to live ?

traveling far away (if possible outer space?) or make a game i really want with people i love.

If a doctor asked your gender, what is your answer?

just the same as i'd tell anyone else i think 'smart' enough. if a doctor doesn't know a non-binary concept of gender, i consider them as old-fashioned/ conservative

Do you prefer vintage or new?

i tend to take good things on vintage things then combine it with new technology

your gender ? not as a concept, but physically.. like.,.do you have....like.. you know...that thing, or those things ? :v

you mean what sexual organ do i have? well, don't want to answer that haha
fyi, as far as i know and agree, "gender" is more to psychological/identity/role, while "sex" is physical.

Bagaimana pendapat keluarga dan kerabat anda tentang pilihan gender anda?

agak bingung dgn kata "pilihan" krn klo mo dibilang milih berdasarkan apa maunya gw nggak juga sih, krn gimana ya natural aja sih kaya gini, cm sekitarnya aja yg kurang nangkap/gak setuju klo gender itu spectrum, bukan binary
berasumsi klo poin pertanyaannya bukan itu, kerabat n keluarga yg bener2 deket sih paham bahkan setuju konsepnya dan mreka fine2 aja, klo kluarga jauh mungkin masalahin, tapi ya like i care

what do you think about sex ? have you ever had sex ?

not sure how to answer this, though but it's kinda challenging to answer :v
for me sex is mainly emotional/romantic bonding activity, second is for recreational and sport/healthy activity.
well i had experienced some and that's interesting for sure, yet it needs quite good technique and stamina haha
Liked by: Didiet Noor x

1 hour of planning saves 3 hours of execution, setuju? :)

tergantung sih, kadang kebanyakan planning n ga bisa mutusin malah ga jalan2 :/ jadi di sikon tertentu/ utk orang2 tertentu kadang bagusan langsung execute dan trial error, tergantungnya ya seberapa gede scale nya

Are you practicing your religion, or it's just a print in your KTP?

im not believing into any religion, but i practice spirituality
since we gotta choose one religion on KTP, i choose buddhism as it's closer to my current belief. i'd love to let it blank if i could

laz, sehari pup berapa kali laz ? terus mandi berapa kali ? kalo mastu... *dibekep*

boker 2hari skali plg telat, mandi sebisa mungkin seminggu sekali, coli nggak tau, seperlunya aje :v

menurutmu life partner itu cm bole satu atau lebih? kenapa ?

tergantung kesepakatan pihak yg terlibat, karena gak ada rule yg berlaku dan cocok utk semua

apa masa lalu yang paling kamu sesali dan ingin kamu perbaiki seandainya bisa?

hmm bingung jg sih. mungkin jaman sekolah pengen lebih expresif dan aktif dalam kegiatan dan bergaul :s nyesel dulu sekolah cm krn disuruh dan ngerasa ga punya pilihan lain selain nurut

Pernah kipikiran buat ngajar / jd dosen gak?

lebih ke supervising realtime daripada ngajarin kurikulum atau gmn gt haha, sama lebih ke buat tutorial drpd mengajar teori secara public speaking orz

kaka laz knp price harganya pake euro ka ga pake RP atau USD (paling genaral) ? *TanyaIsengAja

krn euro harganya sgitu2 aja banding dolor, rupiah gw jarang klien lokal

kk laz max harga gui per screen berapa? atau satu paket max yg di charge ke client berapa? buat referensi

utk skr ga ada max sih tp gw mulai dgn 50euro /screen, gw gk tau itu masih murah ap pas, tergantung kliennya budget gmn. itu klo simple gak byk tetek bengek tp jg tergantung spek mintanya susah apa gampang. paling gede dulu mungkin skitar 500 euro an utk multiple screen design (skalian sama polish ya)

Kalo bikin commish Game GUI matok harganya caranya gimana sih Laz?

masrinduz’s Profile PhotoTamarindus Indica
sori lama tam. awalnya sih coba2 aja sama ngebandingin sama paket komis laen misal illust, sprite, trs gw patok harga yg gw mau, trs klo klien dateng dan gak mundur denger harganya atau blg reasonable trs beban kerjanya buat kita oke, lanjutin. tp klo bs sih tiap taun ada kenaikan kalo kt terus ngerjain GUI. klo calon klien diliat kayanya enteng bgt blg mau bayarnya brati mungkin harga u dibawah standar/ kualitas overkill dibanding yg harganya. klo kurang jelas tanya lg aja

anon tanya lagi, apa sih yang lw jadiin pertimbangan dalam bergaul ama orang-orang di sekitar elu :v?

gw biasanya (tanpa sengaja) menjauhi org2 sexist/ yg terpatok gender binary dan tipe org maksain pendapat/ fanatik ke pemikiran tertentu. males aja ditodong/ dipaksa masuk ke gender tertentu yg dia pikir gw masuk kelompoknya.


Language: English