
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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Is it allowed in Islam for a married man/woman to be having a chat, phone conversation with a woman who is not in any way related to him or her either neighbours, old school mates or friend of friends who are not related to him/her all in the name of giving advice or because the man/woman's spouse.

Men and women can speak and do business with each other normally within the boundaries of modesty.
The Prophet had women come to him to complain about their husbands. He spoke to women on the street, in the masjid and dealt business with them at the marketplace.
This is all okay as long as formalities and mutual respect is observed.
Liked by: Bilal Khan
+1 answer in: “In a hadith it says that we cannot abandon our muslim brothers and sisters for longer than 3 days. What if this person is a continuous source of conflict and harm to you?”

How should I respond to my mother when she uses my faith as a tool to control me into being a dutiful child? I’m a convert & my mom is not. But she is using the Quran has a way to make me feel bad for not being close to her. Our relationship is not peaceful & I feel I don’t know her anymore.

Your mother is 100% right. You are 100% wrong. Your Islam is supposed to make you only more dutiful and caring for your mother، even if she disbelieved in God.
Liked by: Abdullah Hsham

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في طريقة معينه أراجع بها 5أجزاء من القرآن ؟مثلا كل يوم أراجع ربع إمتى بقا أجيب من الأول كل اد ايه مثلا ؟

هذا كلام الله، إن وفقك الله لتلاوته، تلوت الأجزاء الخمسة في جلسة واحدة دون أي ثقل. وليس ثمة طريقة تنفع إن لم يفتح الله عليك من رحمته.
ليس لك إلا التضرع، وإظهار الفاقة بين يدي الله، والمسكنة والتذلل إليه أن يلقي إليك بحبله ويأخذ بناصيتك إليه.

أنا مدمن أفلام اباحية وافلام منحرفة أخ مع أخته وابن مع أمه وبتفرج كتير وبستمنى وأنا بتفرج وغرقان وضعيف ومش عارف أبطل إزاى تعبت وخايف انتكس انتكاسة كلية ومعرفش أبطل واسيب الصلاة 😢😢😢😢😢 مش لاقى نفسى ولا عارف ابدأ من فين

المصيبة أنك تظن أنك لم تنتكس انتكاسة كلية بعد.
هذا شيطانك يصغّر ذنبك في نفسك، واستصغار الذنب = كبيرة بحد ذاته.
راجع كتابات أخينا @mostafahask وقناة التعافي من الإباحية هنا على الآسك، لا أذكر اسمها.
+3 answers Read more

I need an advice.I suffer from depression,do hate my parents,Wanda I do hate my life.I suffer from depression,do hate my parents,always alone,always misused by my friends,too weak to take my right,cannot see or enjoy life because of my problems and my deep sorrow,very sensitive person.Help me.

See a counsellor or a psychiatrist immediately. DO NOT try To solve it through online advice.

I was following salafi fiqh, then I came across your posts and decided to follow a madhab because it’s much safer. But sometimes you state that a lay person may follow any righteous scholar from any madhab. It’s so easy to fall for the nafs and start picking and choosing. Isn’t this what salafis do?

*Righteous AND knowledgeable.
If I tell you that you're allowed to see any qualified doctor, would you jump to the conclusion that people will immediately abuse that system to get as many medications and sick days from different doctors as they please?
So is Fiqh.

If i have a relative who needs money but i only give the minimum to cover the fard cuz he is used to begging, mocks the sunnah and is personally mean to me. At the same i have a friend who is dear to me & i give this person more as gift. Is this allowed or must the relative get more no matter what?

If you're doing that then that nafila you're giving is for the sake of feeling better, not for the sake of Allah.
The needy relative deserves more of your charity than your friend, whether you like them or not.

When washing the arms for wudu, is it req. to start at the hands even if they've already been washed in the 1st step? I read that washing the hands initially is sunnah, but it's actually fard to wash them again before the arms. I've been repeating my wudu many times since then b/c I keep forgetting

+2 answers Read more

I'm not sure if last question when through but I'll ask again. Can I sell women underwear online but pictures with of the underwear on the women so people can see how it looks? If not can I use a mannequin?

selling of underwear is permissible unanimously. Displaying pictures of women in underwear is prohibited unanimously. You may use pictures with partial view of mannequins, as long as they're not full body pictures.
+1 answer Read more

What does genuine istighfar look like? Should I be thinking of specific bad deeds I've done while seeking forgiveness?

honesty, humbleness and humility before God makes any worship genuine.
istighfar doesn't have to be about a specific sin. Both types are good.

I had a non Muslim come up to me once asking why we wear it, claiming that "it's not written in the Quran." I know that it's mentioned in Surah An-Nur (Aya 31), but are there more verses ("evidence") that I'm unaware of? JazakAllah khair

Gigi0110’s Profile PhotoGG
"The verse of Hijab", referred to by Aisha in the aforementioned hadeeth, is the one in Surat alAhzaab, verse 59.
And the answer to the non Muslim would be: we follow the Quran and the teachings of the prophet Muhammad. He was sent to humanity to demonstrate the idle life of a person in all matters, no matter how small.
+1 answer in: “Is there a verse in the Quran specifically about hijab?”

Is there a verse in the Quran specifically about hijab?

Yes, several clear verses.
And there's an entire chapter was revealed all about modesty of men and women in their clothing and dealings.
But your question is wrong. We don't need a verse in the Quran to know a ruling. For example, there isn't a verse in the Quran that tells you how many rak'at is Dhuhr.
We were sent a Messenger, who is the best man ever created, and best role model for humanity, and his wives were the best example for women, and his male and female companions were the best example of a community.
Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said:
"When the verses of Hijab were revealed, the women of Muhajiraat took down the curtains of their homes and covered themselves with them." (Bukhari)
They didn't object, hesitate, or let any doubts control their behaviour or even slow them down. They could've even waited until they purchased or tailored clothes. But no, because if there's a verse of Quran that you need to know, it is this one:
"It is not fit for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have ruled a matter, that he/she should [thereafter] have any choice about their affair [but to obey]. But whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly strayed into clear error." (33:36)

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Liked by: GG
+1 answer Read more

What is the ruling of Nabidh in Hanafi Madhhab and how to make one?

Nabeeth is when you soak a fruit in water then drink it. Can be made from grapes, dates, or anything else. It's commonly known today as infused water.
It's healthy and permissible, until it starts to ferment (by taste or foam becomes visible) then it must be discarded.

Is it okay to pray al Jumuah before the Dhuhr Azan?

Yes, in our matthab. Several authentic traditions point that the prophet did so sometimes.
Liked by: basant

Chuck E. Cheese, is that Haram gambling? I read this Time report about court cases in the US arguing it's gambling, yet need to know the Islamic ruling on that .. Jazak Allah khayr! http://business.time.com/2013/05/14/chuck-e-cheese-where-a-kid-can-gamble-like-an-adult/

Haven't been to one, so I recommend asking a scholar from AMJA hotline to get a specific answer to that chain.
Generally speaking, in the Shafi'i matthab, games that are skill based are permissible, even if they had an element of chance, while games that are purely of chance are prohibited.
If those arcade games required a skill (aiming, calculating, focusing, etc.) Then they are permissible in that matthab. And Allah knows best.

لو أنا و صديقي داخلين امتحان , أنا عايز احنا الاتنين ننجح بكل تأكيد بس عايز أجيب أكتر منه , ده طبيعي ؟ و للأسف ساعات بحس ببعض العداء ,,الكلام ده مؤقت فقط عشان الامتحان و المنافسة كل واحد عايز يكون أفضل من التاني , بس بحاول أقاوم الأفكار دي , هل ده صح و ايه الحل في الأمور اللي زي كده ؟ جزاك الله خيرا

ثم ماذا؟
تنافس في الدراسة
ثم تنافس في تحصيل الوظيفة
ثم تنافس في الترقية
ثم تنافس في التوسع من الدنيا
وأين قلبك وهمك من التنافس على إلتزام تكبيرة الإحرام في الصف الأول من الجماعة، وإرضاء والديك، وطلب العلم الشرعي والدعوة إلى الله والصبر على الأذى في سبيل الله؟
الامتحان حيروح
والدرجات حتمشي
والشهادة حتتنسي
وأخلاقك وتصرفاتك ستبقى في ذاكرتك وذاكرة صديقك، وقد يخبرها أولاده وأحفاده يوما ما.
أنظر أين هموم قلبك، وراجع أولوياتك.

When travelling, can one shorten/combine prayers throughout whole journey, or can it only be done for 3 days? And if I pray one full prayer with jamma3h, can I go back to doing taqseer after?

Depends on the situation.
If you're going for a known duration, such as for a week long vacation, and you'll stay in a place you own or rented, or a family/friends house, and have your return tickets booked and confirmed on a specific date beyond 4 days. Then you're only a traveler during the trip between the cities, once you arrive to your destination city you are like a resident, and stop combining/shortening prayers from day 1 of arrival.
If the same story above but you're staying for less than 20 prayers (4 days), then you continue to combine from leaving your home city until you return.
If, on the other hand, you're going for an unknown period of time (e.g. traveling to meet a client until you close the deal, seek your money from a debtor until you collect it, or attend court until trial is over, etc) you're staying in a hotel and paying day by day, you don't know how many days you are staying until you finish your business, then you're a traveller throughout the journey, you continue to combine your prayers until you return home.

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Sheikh if a man wants to convert to Islam and marry me. Will that be legit. The problem is I believe he won't be a practicing Muslim. I feel he won't do it for himself. I'm not a practicing Muslim myself but I want to start a marriage well. Should I forget him? Please I need your advice. Thanks.

You don't guide whom you will. If he is willing to embrace Islam because his marriage depends on him establishing the prayers, and obey God and His messenger, all because of you, and you like him, then why not?
All scholars of Islam agree on accepting the Islam of someone who entered because of a worldly goal. How many people entered Islam like that then become righteous and pious Muslims?
As to you, don't wait for a price charming to be a better Muslima. Any of us could face the angel of death before any of our dreams. So get up now and draw nearer to God, and don't make excuses. If you want a pious man, then start by becoming a pious woman yourself.


Language: English