
Majed Jarrar

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والله محتاجه الإجابة جدا انا بحب الصلاه جدا وممكن موقفهاش طول اليوم .بس مجرد ما اكبر بنسي اني بصلي وانا في الركعه الكام ولا بقول ايه والاقي نفسي بسلم .افتكر .ولمه اعيد نفس الحكايه .مش عارفه اعمل ايه

أسبغي الوضوء مع الأذكار
صلي السنة القبلية
استحضري وقوفك بين يدي الله قبل الشروع بالصلاة

أقيمت صلاة العصر ولم يصلي الظهر 1يصلي معاهم العصر ثم يصلي الظهر وهنا يوجد رأي ثاني إنه يعيد العصر 2يصلي معاهم بنية الظهر ثم يصلي العصر 3يصلي الظهر لوحده ثم يلحقهم أيهم خطأ ؟ أيهم أصح؟

كلها صحيحة. والذي أميل إليه وأفتي به هو قول الإمام مالك، باللحاق بالجماعة معهم، ثم صلاة الظهر، ثم إعادة العصر. والله أعلم.

في سؤال كثير محيرني!! صديقي شيخ في احد مساجد اوتاوا. قال لي يوما ان لا ابتدء الكفار (الكنديين) السلام. كيف لا اسلم ع اناس ملأ الله قلوبهم رحمه. هل حقا يوجد حديث للرسول كهذا؟ الم يحتمي الصحابه بالنجاشي ؟ اليس هذا فيه نكران للجميل الكندي؟ وان كان يكره الكفار فلماذا يعيش معهم

الأصل عدم جواز ابتداء غير المسلم بتحية السلام لنهي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ذلك، وقد اتفق الأئمة الأربعة على ذلك. والمشهور عن الإمام أحمد تحريم التحية والعيادة والتهنئة بقدوم مولود وغيره، وهذا الأصل في بلاد الإسلام.
أما بالنسبة للجالية المسلمة هنا، فلا أرى بأسا في ابتداء غير المسلمين بتحية غير السلام، مثل صباح الخير أو غيره، وقد نقل ابن القيم قول بعض الفقهاء بجواز ابتداء السلام - لا مجرد التحية - على مشرك لمصلحة أو قرابة ونحوه.
ومفيش حد قلوب مملوءة رحمة، لا يغرنك كيف يعاملون كلابهم بل انظر كيف يعاملون والديهم ومستضعفيهم. كل الأمر أن المجتمع الذي يعيش بسلام ورخاء يكون أهدأ طبعا من المجتمع الذي يعيش فقرا وحربا. وكما يقول المثل الكندي: "الكل ليبرالي حتى تندلع الحرب"، وما هاربر عنا ببعيد.

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Have you read the tafsir by Sayyid Qutb and could you say whether I should read it or stay away from it? It’s available in my language now

The Dhilaal is closer to personal reflections on the Quran written in a beautiful literary style, and in a context that was important in his time (communism was a major part of his writing).
It's unfair to call it tafsir or compare it to classical tafseer texts, as neither the texts meets the standards of a tafsir, nor the author meets the requirements of a mufassir.
I would consider it an essential read for someone who wants to study Islamic contemporary movements, but definitely not on the top 5, nor 10, nor 20 must read books if you want to learn the Quran.

Brother, thank you for answering the questions regarding female circumcision. I agree with your answer. I did noticed in both replies you only referenced to the current practice of this idea in African & Asian cultures. It’s important to not forget & publicize this practice in Arab culture. thank u.

I don't know of any Arab country that follows this practice. The practice is foreign to all gulf and levant countries.
As to the practice found in Southern Egypt, Sudan and Somalia, that's largely influenced from the adjacent African cultures, which, again, is practiced by Christian and Muslim families alike, and has nothing to do with religion.

But medically it is not allowed as it has no effect on sexual desire

Rania Mohammed❤روح الفؤاد❤
Legally, it is not allowed in the US and Canada for infants, girls in their preteen may do it with their consent and their parents consent. Girls over 18 can chose to do it.
Medically, several Muslim and non Muslim doctors, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, refer to the Islamic way of circumcision as free from any conceivable harm, and suggested that it would be even a better idea to promote it instead of the current cultural practice which is done by non professionals and is very damaging to the girl, let alone it is completely unacceptable in Islamic law.
1. The existing cultural practices of female circumcision not only don't go in line with the Islamic teachings, they contradict them. Islam strongly prohibits these horrible practices. In fact, in Islamic law, female genital mutilation has the same criminal level as manslaughter.
2. The Islamic perspective of how male and female circumcision should be done is medically safe, the AAP has reported that there are no harms, and suggested it as a possible solution to promote it in place of the cultural practice in many African and some Asian countries. Some doctors have demonstrated some benefits to it. There is absolutely no harm in it. It is nonetheless illegal for minors in North America.

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+1 answer in: “Is femele circumcision a cultural practice or Prophetic tradition?”

One of the greatest arab philosophers, Al Ma’ari, once said: people are two sorts, stupid with a religion, or intellectual without a religion. Ibn Rushd, the greatest judge in Alandulus, endored him. It seems that the golden age of islam was full of athiests. It should be called the age of atheism.

The Golden age of Islam was the era of the Prophet,
Then the four khulafaa,
Then the Umayyad,
Then the Abbasid,
The Prophet said, no era comes, except that it'll be worse than before it, until the promise of God comes.
The "Golden age" in your mind is that of natural and applied sciences, not Islamic ones necessarily. Nevertheless, it only happened because Muslim rulers encouraged the scientific revolution, paid scientists very well and established institutions. The fact that some scientists were either not Muslim or not believers, is a powerful indication of how tolerant was the Muslim Ummah.

Is femele circumcision a cultural practice or Prophetic tradition?

It's a cultural practice, the Prophet came across it in Medina, approved it but asked the woman who does it to only circumcise a tiny bit, not to remove the whole thing as many African societies do today (whether they're Muslim, Christian or polytheistic)
Liked by: Hassan Akhter
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Salam alykom imam, Is it allowed to give out zakat towards buying medical equipment to be used for poor people in a charity hospital?

I wouldn't, but I know other scholars who would.
And please don't call me imam. :)

What's your opinion on the ketogenic diet or carnivore diet. And do you have any advice to someone who has a stutter?

Please ask one question at a time.

Is it haram working for a convinience store or a gas station that sells lottery tickets and cigarettes? i have been unemployed for a year now and this is the only job that called me for an interview.

If you're not in direct contact or sales of prohibited items, then there's no harm upon you to work in a store that earns some Haram, as long as the vast majority is halal, and you're not dealing with the Haram directly.
Under the Ontario human rights code, an employer must accommodate with reasonable measures an employee's:
1. Religious dress or headwear
2. Time off for prayer and days off for religious holidays
3. Religious restriction on handling some goods such as pork and beef etc.
You may work if you make it clear to them ahead of time that you can't handle these sales, and if they can't accommodate that then you should find other work. There are many more halal opportunities than there are haram ones.

We know that you are not obliged to answer questions and that you probably lead a busy life, but it would be great if you can answer more questions JZK

Certainly. I'd love to.
Liked by: Muhammad

Which is the official opinion of Hanabila? Ithbat or tafwid al-ma’na?

This needs to be studied with a teacher.
+1 answer in: “You mentioned there are three types of Tawfid. Tafwid Lafdhi, & Ma'na. Tafwid of Kayf is agreed upon. Basically, Tawfid Lafdhi means basically we have no clue what the world an sifah means, at all. Tawfid Ma'na means we know the lingistic definition. What about Salafis, how can they do Itbat of both”

هل يمكن التواصل معك لاستشارتك في بحث قصير في العمل الإسلامي،يكتب بالعربية قبل استخدامه لإفادة المسلمين غير الناطقين بالعربية؟

*"الناطقين بغير العربية"*
تفضل على الفيسبوك
+1 answer Read more

I was reading the biography of Avienciena ( ibn sina), the greatest medical doctor and philosopher in the Golden Age of Islam. He was one of the greatest medical doctor ever known. Ibn Taimia labeled him as infidel, and since then he was tortured and his books were burned. What do you think about th

Ibn Sina had several switches in creed in his life, from sophisticated philosophy, to qaraamiti. It was alghazali who called him kafir, and wrote an entire book on it, where he brought 20 proofs of blasphemy which Ibn Sina committed, including denying the resurrection, and denying that God knows destiny, and that the universe was not created, and that prophecy is a stage of wisdom which anyone can attain, etc.
Ibn taymiyya didn't rule him as kafir, he was upon the opinion that Ibn Sina repented from all of this heresy before his death, as Ibn Khullakan narrated in his bio. Ibn alQayyim reported the position of Ibn taymiyya in his famous book assawaa'iq.
Also, Ibn Sina's books weren't burned in his life and he wasn't tortured, on the contrary he was favored by the ruler of his time. A century later another caliph ruled to burn his books, but some copies remained.

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ورد فيه سيدي أحاديث منها ما رواه أحمد أن رسول الله قال " إن السلف يجري مجري شطر الصدقة " والحديث صحيح

جزاك الله خيرا
نعم أعرفه، وكذلك الحديث الذي رواه الإمام أحمد في مسنده أيضا الذي فيه "من أنظر معسرا كان له في كل يوم صدقه"

لكن ليس في الحديثين ولا غيرهما من الأحاديث أن الأجر بسبب السلف يجري مجرى الصدقة كل يوم.
وإنما الذي ثبت عن النبي أن من أقرض مالا مرتين فله أجر الصدقة بذلك المال، وأن من أنظر معسرا فله أجر الصدقة بكل يوم.
ولم أشأ أن أخبر السائل هذا فيظن أن الأجر أقل من الذي كان يحتسبه عليه فيحزن، بل فضل الله واسع، والله عند ظن عبده به، وقد قال تعالى: من ذا الذي يقرض الله قرضا حسنا فيضاعفه له أضعافا كثيرة، فسره بعض أهل التفسير أنه يضاعف إلى سبعمائة ضعف ما أقرض إذا أخلص النية لله. والله أعلم.
+1 answer in: “السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ، سمعت من فترة عن حديث فيما معناه إنه إذا أحد استدان مني مبلغ ، يصير كأني أتصدق يوميا بنفس المبلغ لحين ما يسدد الدين. هل صحيح ؟؟”


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