
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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where could an international student with a budget of 67000 CAD study in Canada?

60k is enough to studying bachelor's and/or master's in most Canadian universities.
Find all details on the federal Education Canada website

I asked my friends to give reviews on my Amazon product. Is it considered as cheating with customers or laying?

If you asked friends who haven't tried your products
Or if you asked friends who have tried and specifically requested positive reviews,
Then yes, that is considered cheating, and it's prohibited.
There's nothing wrong to encourage your friends who have tried your products to review them.

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Assalamu alaikum.. I have a Hindu friend, can I eat meat in his house? And what about the foods prepared during their festivals?

Alaikum assalam, my understanding is that Hindus don't eat meat.
If you mean he bought meat for you, then you can't eat it unless he shows or tells you that he bought halal meat (slaughtered by a Muslim, Christian or Jew)
If the meat was slaughtered by a Hindu, then it's not permissible to eat.
If you brought your own meat and you're wondering if it's possible to eat meat in his house, because it may be offensive to him, the answer is that if he said it's okay, then it's fine, otherwise if you think he'll be offended then it's prohibited. God said: "Do not insult those whom they worship beside God, lest they insult God back in return, out of lack of knowledge".
Liked by: A Y A

you are looking way too deep into the lawyer question. It's not a ''its a non musim job'' but more of a ''what if I have to defend a rapist or a murderer or have to lie/backbite/blackmail/etc to save my client'' in my opinion

You do what every Muslim does in every profession. Act ethically. Your religious principles come before money.
That's how honest men are made. They appear in these situations.

Brother, is it allowed to buy the content of a storage unit in an auction? Sometimes it's b/c owner of the content didn't pay rent to the storage house. JAK

That's a prohibited sale, closer to gambling than to business. The description of an item is a requirement in the sale to be valid.
Liked by: Menna Zaker

Help! What are my limitations supposed to be with my husband/fiancé whom I have kitaab but no wedding and consummation yet? 😰 Please explain, I find people have opposite opinions and I'm so conflicted :(

After the kitaab, you're married.
If your society/culture expects you not to consummate the marriage until the wedding night, so be it.

Assalamu alaikum, i need help. Please help me. Im sooo worried. I beg you!

"Those are those who believed, and their hearts rest at the mention of God. Indeed, isn't with the mention of God do the hearts rest?!"
Liked by: A. Irfan Arrosid

Shaykh, I'm not a Hanbali. If I wanted to know the mu'tamad of Hanbali school on specific matter, what book do I have to refer to? Usually these days, I've seen a lot of aqwal here and there, that claim that x is Hanbali position, turns out it is not correct, or misunderstood, etc. Jzkk.

Iqnaa' and muntaha.
Liked by: A. Irfan Arrosid

Regarding the conversion of older units to modern measurements, I heard that to convert the Sa' to Ritl (size to mass), the scholars used high quality flour as a basis or something. I was a bit confused, so can you explained why they chose that, and why the content has impact on this entire thing?

Start by studying highschool physics, like, density and what not.
Then, take a Fiqh class, it'll be useful, and you look like you need more questions answered that just that.

Assalamu alaikum.. Who is considered to have incontinence? e.g. does it have to be continued for a long time or not? What does one do if he has incontinence? e.g. madhiy

A medical assessment, not a personal assessment.
A person who has incontinence (urine, gas, etc) is a person who can *never* stop himself/herself from this. Some medical research showed that approximation 8% of the adult population have some sort of incontinence. They become exempted from ensuring their proper purification, and they do wudu once for every obligatory prayer, and they pray even if they felt a drip or passed gas unintentionally.
However it takes a while, say half an hour after urinating to completely dry and become clean, then that's not incontinence; they must wait, even if it meant to miss the congregational prayer. They can't pray without proper purification. And they should seek medical opinion on why they have such excessive delay.

شيخي، حفظك الله، ممكن أن تشرح لي بشكل بسيط ما الإشكال بالضبط بعبارة (واجب الوجود) لوصف الباري عز وجل؟

بشكل بسيط
لم يصف الله به نفسه
ولم يصفه به نبيه
والدين قد اكتمل
فلا حاجة للابتداع
فالخلاف هو من حيث التقول على الله بغير علم
فلو قال فلان أن الله سبحانه وتعالى طيب الرائحة
لانكرنا عليه
ليس لأننا نريد إلا يكون طيب الرائحة
جل وعلا
ولا أن الرائحة الطيبة ليست صفة جميلة
ولكن لأن القائل خاض في وصف الله بدون علم
فكذلك الأمر في وصفه بأنه واجب الوجود
الله وصف نفسه بأنه الأول والآخر والظاهر والباطن
وأنه الخالق البارئ المصور
وأنه بما يعملون محيط
فلو تركنا هذه الأسماء وقلنا واجب الوجود
لقيل من أوجبه وكيف ومتى وأين
وصد ورد
وكلام كثير لا فائدة منه
كله بسبب أن فلانا من الناس لم يلتزم بما وصف الله به نفسه
وبما وصفه به نبيه

Is it haram to be a lawyer?

That is a disturbing line of thinking. To think, this is a non Islamic discipline hence it's Haram to be involved in it.
If that's the case, then it's also Haram to be a police officer, firefighter, paramedic, doctor, engineer, accountant, a cashier at a grocery store or every single profession in which you serve the public.
They will say: but as a lawyer, you will have to obey and work using non Sharia laws!
- So will you, if you worked as a doctor, engineer or in any discipline, there are codes and regulations in that discipline that are not derived from Sharia, some are in line with Sharia and others are in contradiction.
In fact, the mere living in any city on earth, including cities in Muslim countries, will involve obeying laws that are not derived from the Sharia.
So what do you do? Live in a cave? You do your best. The Prophet said: Be conscious of God, wherever you may be. The Prophet was a merchant, he dealt with non Muslims all the time in business, so did the companions, and the major scholars of Islam. But they never let their work interfere with their religion, nor they let anything take precedence over their faith.
If you're obliged, as part of your job, to follow rules that contradict your religion, such as to miss a prayer, or to not wear your religious attire, or to have business meetings over alcohol, or to sell pork, or to advocate for sins that are prohibited in your faith, then explain to your boss that you have this dilemma, and you can't do what your work is expecting you to do. The Prophet said: no creature may be obeyed towards the disobedience of the Creator.
In certain areas of the world, like Ontario, you have the religious freedom as an employee not to do something that opposes your faith, and your employer can't force you or fire you because of it.

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السلام عليكم يا شيخ ، محتاج بعض النصائح والتوجيهات ، انا خاطب كنديه وهيا مسلمه حديث وطبعا اختلاف الثقافات بينا وكون انها "مسلمه حديثا" محتاح اعرف التعامل الصحيح وخصوصا اني المرجع بتاعاها لي الاسلام ومبتكلمش حد غيري.

كونك مرجعها في الإسلام خطر كبير على دينها وعليك
راسلني على الخاص حتى اوصلها بمن تعلمها دينها

إذا شعرت في طريقي لطلب العلم أنه باب صعب علي لدخولي الجنة لما يتطلبه من مذاكرة وجهد واستغراق اوقات كثيرة وأن للجنة طرقا أيسر تناسبني... كصلة الأرحام وبر الوالدين والاهتمام بالزوج ورعاية الأطفال وعيادة المرضى وقيام الليل والصدقات وغيرها لا يكفي الوقت لهذا أبدا ولا يخلو البال إن كان هناك وقتا ⌚⌚

اختاري ايسر الابواب لك وأحسني في اتخاذه
فزوجة لا تحفظ القرآن ولا تطلب العلم وتحسن إلى زوجها خير من ملء الأرض من زوجة متعثرة في حفظ القرآن وطلب العلم والإحسان إلى زوجها وأولادها ووالديها

قال عليه الصلاة والسلام: كلٌّ ميسرٌّ لِما خُلِق له

السلام عليكم - في بعض الاحيان عندما تغلبني نفسي وامارس العاده السريه يصيبني شعور بأني لابد أن أكفر عن هذا فأجتهد وأستيقظ باكرا لقيام الليل والدعاء ولكن عندما لا امارسها يصيبني الكسل من قيام الليل فبماذا تنصحني؟ - وفي ايهما انا افضل حالا؟ جزاك الله خيرا ونفع بك

لا شيء أفضل من العافية، والشيطان يريد أن يزين لك الفحشاء كسبيل إلى قيام الليل، فيزين لك ارتكاب الآثام بنية التقرب إلى الله... هل هناك تلبيس أحمق من هذا؟!
دع وساوس الشيطان، يكفيك من الذنب ظن السوء هذا أن ربك لن ييسر لك القيام إلا بالاستعانة بحبال الشيطان، فاستغفر وقم الليل واطلب العفو وارجو المغفرة.


Language: English