
Majed Jarrar

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انا كنت بغتسل من الحيض قبل الفجر بحاجه بسيطه ..وده الوقت الي تيقنت فيه من وجود الجفاف لكن الفجر اذن وملحقتش العشا كده عليا ذنب؟

لو كان الطهر حصل مثلا قبل النوم مع أذان العشاء وأخرتي الغسل حتى طلع الفجر فهذا إثم، ولا يجوز تأخير صلاة عن وقتها.
أما إذا طهرتي قبل الفجر بقليل وأذن الفجر أثناء الاغتسال فأرجو أن لا يكون عليك شيء. فتغتسلين ثم تصلين المغرب ثم العشاء ثم الفجر.
لأن الترتيب في الصلوات واجب
ولأن السلف أجمعوا - خلا الحسن - أن من طهرت وقت العشاء فعليها المغرب والعشاء، ومن طهرت وقت العصر فعليها الظهر والعصر.
و في المذهب نص الأصحاب أنه يكره للمرأة أن تحرص على الاستيقاظ أثناء الليل أو قبل الفجر للتأكد من الطهر لأن فيه مشقة وحرج، بل تتحقق قبل النوم للعشائين فإن لم تكن طهرت بعد فتتحقق عند استيقاظها لصلاة الفجر.

Shaykh, can you give some guidelines/advice/tips, for a serious student who wanted to be well grounded in nahw & sarf? The books & etc, level by level, according to your ilm & experience & rec? I would love to take note. Jazaakumullahu khayran.

You need to finish a minimum of three levels in each to be a serious student.
In nahw you have three good text manuals to finish 3 levels:
Ajurromiyya (+ Durrah/Tuhfah),
Qatr Annada
Alfiyya (+ Ibn Aqeel - Ibn Hisham)
For Sarf you could do
Shatha Alurf
Don't bother too much about perfecting the best plan, start with anything feasible.

Jazakallahu khayran Shaykh. That is not what I meant of course regarding mercy towards them. My question is about dealing with the anxiety and worry within of being held accountable for my family's sins. Is this waswas? Is condemning in my heart enough if I can't change it with my hand or tongue?

It's not a wiswas, your role as a sibling or son/daughter is non negotiable. Use the time and interactions to strengthen your relationship and build mutual trust and compassion.
Then, if one of these rare moments in life come where you have a chance to have a frank talk with them and they're willing to listen, then explain your worry and anxiety to them.
There's plenty of wisdom in the way Ibrahim spoke with his father in these verses:
Read the tafaaseer on those verses

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AsalamuAlaykum I woke up very late for Fajr and didn’t have any clean shirts to wear except for a sleeveless athletic shirt that shows the shoulders. I barely caught fajr in its time, but should I repeat it since my shoulder were showing? (I’m male, not female)

An adult woman must cover the whole body except the face (there's a small difference of opinion about hands, and a strong difference about feet).
An adult man must cover navel to knee (and the equal length from the back) as well as both shoulders. If a man only covers one shoulder (like some people in Mecca forgetfully do during prayer while wearing ihraam) then the prayer is valid but discouraged.
In our mathhab, if you had even a towel or blanket to cover your shoulders, then the prayer isn't valid without covering up properly.
In fact, if you had absolutely no clothes except a small towel (e.g. in a solitary cell, or robbed on a highway), then the mathhab is that you pray sitting, to hide your privates, and put the towel over your shoulders.

a person with a grain of brain would know that not all families are good and some people's dillema is ''how can i love my raрist dad or emotionally abusive mum and not ''should I let my dumbass toddler burn herself''

I'll disregard the hatred in you, because that needs counseling, and I'll only answer the confusion you have.
Abuse, rape and even murder are heinous sins, but they are not as heinous as disbelief in God.

All sins are ugly, and for every single sin there's room for repentance. However, only those who die upon disbelief are the only ones who will be banned from the forgiveness of God. God says: "Indeed, God would not forgive those who associate a partner to Him, but He would forgive everything else less than that, to whom He wills."
Nevertheless, God gave the most extreme example of sinful parents, and how they should be treated. He said "If they (i.e. your parents) fight you in order to make you disbelieve in Me, then do not obey them (in that sin). Yet, be a companion of excellence to them in their life. (Meanwhile,) Seek the path of those who repent to Me."
If a parent is abusive or harmful, one should distance themselves (either in conversations or even physically) from them enough to avoid their harm as much as they can, while keeping good companionship to them, albeit by phone and messages.
There is no sin by a parent that justifies being disrespectful to them. It is prohibited to huff and puff, or roll eyes at them even if they were rude and intolerable. God linked your treatment to your parents with your treatment to Him. He said: The pleasure of God is in the pleasure of the parents, and His wrath is in theirs."
So be careful, and keep in mind that everything you will do to your parents will be done to you by your children.

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How do we weigh between loving our family and hating their sins?

Allahu Akbar, a person with a grain of mercy would not have this dilemma.
Your baby daughter is crawling towards the fireplace, do you say: how do I balance between loving my daughter and teaching her a lesson?!
The love for your family must be limitless. Look at how Noah talked to his son, how Joseph talked to his brothers, and how Abraham talked to his father. Three stories in the Qur'an about exemplary believers treating their disbelieving family members with the utmost kindness, unlimited love, care, empathy and compassion.

What is the Islamic etiquette when yawning. My father says "Allah hu Akbar" when yawning. I wondered if this was the sunnah? Thanks

1. Preventing the mouth from opening, and fighting the urge to open the mouth during yawning.
2. If one can't close their mouth then they must cover their mouth with the inside of their right hand or the back of their left hand.
3. There's no sunnah in a specific du'aa or thikr after yawning, so any thikr is good as long as there's no intention or belief that it's related to yawning.

What is the position of the hanbali madhab in regards to a woman adopting the last name of her husband?

Islam prohibited men from inheriting women as objects. 14 centuries later, the west still gives women the last names of their husbands, as if they belong to their husbands.
A person, man or woman, should only carry the last name of their own blood patrilineal family name. God said: "Call them after their fathers'; for it is more just to God."

ماحكم دخول المسجد للحائض قرات كل المشايخ هنا بيقولوا حرام وسالت واخدة ثقةوهى ازهرية وقالتلى لاء عادى الكفار هما اللى نجسين اتلخبطت جدا اعمل ايه ؟؟!!

دماغها محتاج غسل سبع مرات أولاهن بحامض الكبريت.
لا يجوز للحائض دخول المسجد ولا المكث فيه. فإن اضطرت للدخول لحاجة دون مكث، مثل المرور عبره، أو أخذ حاجتها من المسجد أو طلب زوجها أو ولدها، فيجوز بشرط أن تتوضأ، فإن في الوضوء تخفيفا للحدث الأكبر.

https://jpst.it/16zpS This question is one regarding my prayers. I'm really worried about it so your answer will really make a difference.

Alaikum assalam,
We are all born ignorants with zero knowledge, then God Almighty shone knowledge into our hearts.
If you didn't know these rulings because you intentionally avoided learning and preferred to remain in ignorance, in hopes of not getting too many obligations, then this is a sinful attitude, and you could be held accountable for every prayer you did wrong due to not knowing how to do it properly.
However, if you genuinely thought you knew, or were mistaught, or misunderstood, then I hope you won't have to repeat them.
In the famous hadeeth of the man who didn't know how to pray properly; the Prophet didn't ask him to repeat all his previous prayers.
Liked by: Youcef Mesbah

لو انا شاب داخل ع الثلاثين عام لكن الاهل متحكمين فيا لابعد حد ف حياتي واختياراتي ف تعليمي ولما اشتغلت ولما فكرت اتزوج رفضو لمجرد الفارق التعليمي رفض قاطع والبت بحبها ومش متخيل حالي مع غيرها .. هذا قلب .. !! والزواج مش شركه نجيب منها فلوس !! اتصرف ازاي مع اهلي !؟ عاوز اكسب رضاهم ومخسرش حياتي

أهلك يتدخلون إذا رأوك لا تحسن الخيار وتطلب منهم المساعدة.
إذا كنت تريد ألا يتدخلوا، فأحسن خياراتك، واستقل بنفسك، وبين لهم أنك ترغب في اختيار أمورك بنفسك.

أين الفضول في سؤالي؟لا علاقة لسؤالي بمضمون السؤال الآخر ولا صاحبه. و إنما سألتك لم حددت سن 15 ((تحديدا))ظنا مني أن سن 15 قاعدة عامة لها أساس في الشرع,لا لم اخترت سن 15 ((له)).

لا يا أخي، إنما هي نصيحة تربوية، لو كانت حكما فقهيا لوضحت ذلك. لا ينبغي للرجل أن يكون عالة على أهله حتى يصبح في منتصف العشرينات ولم يأكل بيده قط.

At the barber in our place we have the option to give our hair in charity for cancer patients. Is this permissible for a woman to do as non-mahram men will get to see her hair (on the patients)?

There's no harm in men to see the already cut hair of a woman.
The prohibition is in using human hair to another human. The Prophet said: may God curse the woman who connects (i.e. her hair with longer hair from another human, to deceive people of her beauty) and the one who connects it for her.
The hadeeth is for women who do it for beautification. As for cancer patients, I have not read enough scholarly opinions from both sides to make an opinion on it.
Liked by: Ahmad Hamouda

لو حاطه وديعة بالبنك والفلوس اللي بتطلعي منها بصرفها ع ناس محتاجين وغلابة اوووي هل حرام ؟!

افتراض أن البنك ده ربوي
نعم طبعا حرام
والوديعة هذه يستخدمها البنك لإقراض ناس غلابة بشروط ظالمة فيصبحوا أشد فقرا، فما يفعله مالك من ضرر = أضعاف الخير الذي تخرجه من فوائد تلك الوديعة.
أخرجها من البنك، وضعها في استثمار شرعي أو شارك مع تاجر أمين وناجح.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/142838108738?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=android I am not the person who asked but i have a question, i use a hair cream that is very similar to wax but before i apply it, i rub in my hand and then apply it to my hair would this prevents water to reach my hair?

If it's water soluble then it's okay. If it's non-liquid oil-based (stiffens like wax) then you'd have to wipe on the front of the hair where it's not covered by it.
Liked by: سمية محمد

أرسلت لى احدى الأخوات على الخاص مقطع دعوى مسجل بصوتها فلم أرد عليها ثم بعد أيام كررت الأمر ولم أرد أيضا خشيت أن أقول لها أن هذا لا يجوز ويفتح باب فتنة أكون منفرا فهل ما تفعله هذه الأخت جائز علما بأن المحتوى مثل كلام اصحاب التنمية البشرية وتذكر آية فى سياقه

ما يعجبني أسلوبها، لو كتبت على العام كان أفضل من إرسال مقاطع بصوتها على الخاص، هدانا الله وإياها.

A Muslim celeb who died used to encourage female singers, hold talk shows with women doing tabarruj and promote pop culture. He was killed for unknown reasons, probably unjustly. I know we all sin but the fact that he called arabs to evil made me see him as evil. Do i have to ask God to forgive him?

If they were publicly defiant and famous for sins, it is recommended to not make a publish display of forgiveness towards them; such that his fans and followers would learn a lesson not to follow that path. It is recommended for famous righteous Muslims (such as the imam of the mosque and scholars) to refuse to attend the funeral prayer of such figures. Nevertheless, we ask Almighty to forgive all Muslims, whether they passed away or still alive. The sinful ones are more in need of our du'aa than the righteous, and we would like the mercy and forgiveness of God Almighty to encompass everyone.
Liked by: Mostafa sakr

Salam alaikom sheikh Can you please detail the matter of tattoos and piercings for men in Islam? May allah reward you with jannah.

Alaikum assalam,
Ameen to your du'aa.
They are prohibited.
Liked by: Hananً Karim

AsalamuAlaykum Sheikh. I’m a male with long hair that I usually use wax to hold back. I’ve been working on making wudhu properly and I was just told that the Hanbali opinion seems to imply that the scalp must be wiped fully in wudu. Does use of waterproof wax mean all of my wudu were invalid?

Alaikum assalam
What you have heard is not entirely correct.
If you use a liquid oil, then it does not prevent the wudu in our mathhab. The Prophet had long hair, and he oiled it every few days. Water is denser than oil so if you wipe over your head the water will eventually go under the oil, and the oil will stay on top.
If you use non liquid oil, such as wax, which is waterproof, then it may prevent the water from touching the hair at all. One narration in the mathhab is that imam Ahmed said wiping some of the hair is sufficient, especially for women, for the report that Aisha used to wipe the front of her hair only in wudu. That's because the back of their hair would be usually oiled, waxed, or wrapped.
Therefore, if you only wax the back of your hair, or some of your hair, and you wipe on the front and middle, or the parts that are not waxed, that should still be fine. If you wax all of it, you must run your fingers through your hair and make sure the water you wipe reaches the hair or the scalp. No need to wash or remove the wax.

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Liked by: mohamed abdullah

لماذا يجوز الزّواج من نساء اهل الكتاب المحصنات، ولا يجوز الزّواج من نساء الفرق الاسلامية الغير سنيّة؟ وشكرا :)

اجابك الاستاذ @mustafaelmasry

سلام عليكم .. ممكن ضروري أعرف هي شوكولاتة delices de belgique القواقغ من ألمانيا حلال ولا فيها حاجة .. اللي جايبها أكدلي إن مفيهاش خمور بس أنا عايز اتطمن ... ومش عارف اللغة اللي عليها إيه

بلجيكية الأصل، ما أظن فيها شيء محرم، ولو حابب تتأكد ابعتلي صندوق أجربه 😁

#٢ بعد ما كان بيرفض تزوره بدون محرم علشان مسافة السفر للسجن في محافظة تانية وكانت بتضطر تزوره من غير ما تقول له ان معهاش محرم ، أصحابه بينصحوها تتوقف عن زيارته لحد ما يعرف قيمة النعمة اللي معاه فهي عملت بنصيحتهم فهل عليها إثم في أي مما سبق وهل يلحقهم اثم لنصيحتهم هذه؟

تتركي كلام أصحابه وصاحباتك، المغفلين والمغفلات، خاربي وخاربات البيوت، وتحفظي حسن العشرة مع زوجك، ولا تدعي أحدا يتدخل بينكما، ولا أبوه ولا أمك. فإذا عزمتما على الصبر أو الطلاق بينكما،فهذا يعود لكما فقط.
Liked by: Ahmed Abd El Aziz

Also, is there a way to wash “en masse” like putting the clothes in a wire hopper and hosing down the whole thing from the top to the bottom (I’m not sure if that presents the same problem as washing machines do, because water would be flowing through the whole thing, not recycled)

The problem with most washing machines is that the drained najis water stays and spins with the clothes again.
If you can ensure that between each wash, each articles gets squeezed or drained out of water, such that najis water only goes down but does not spin and comes back up, then eventually all clothes will become clean.

I’m trying to start getting into the practice of hand washing my clothes, but I’m not fully sure how to do it. Like, suppose I had a shirt that was completely najis, if I washed it 7 times would I have to wash my hands in between each since they would become dirty?

No need to wash your hands between each wash.
You pour water, squeeze, repeat seven times.
If it can't be squeezed, then scrub between each wash.
If it can't be scrubbed then twist and turn between each wash.
The water is pure before departing the najis object. For example, the water that stays inside the clothes (doesn't drain even after squeezing) is pure, also the water on your hands, while holding this article of clothing, is pure.
The water draining from each wash of the first six is najis, and it's actually less najis each time than the one before.
If, for example, on the fifth wash, the draining water splashed over another article of clothes, then you only need to wash it twice, not seven times.


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