
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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How realistic is it to apply for an IT job in Canada from an Arab Country.... Do companies provide sponsorship?

There's a path for that, but it costs a company so much to do so.
The first have to prove to the government that no one in Canada meets this qualifications, by advertising for the job first in Canada and not getting a single suitable candidate,
Next they must file for a labor market report proving this job/discipline supply is not as high as the demand...
The story goes more but you get the idea.
It is possible path if you were a world expert or a senior consultant in a rare field.
Alternatively, the express visa allows you to apply if you have the qualifications to work in Canada (age, education, work experience, language and adaptability), without even contacting a company (you can also get a job offer from a Canadian company, provided you'll do your own immigration paperwork, and that'll give you extra points to your immigration file).
More details can be found on Citizenship and Immigration Canada website.

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I have a friend converted into islam 4years ago She told me now that sheis losing her faith and start to rethinking How can i help her?

She needs on ground support, starting from 4 years ago. Contact a local mosque.

Salam Shaykh, would extreme activities such as sky diving be permissible? JazaakAllahu Khayr

Strengthening a man's heart and fostering courage is a noble cause that Islam endorsed and encouraged. The Prophet said: a strong believer is more beloved to God than a weak believer, and there's goodness in both.
As with any form of entertainment, it shouldn't distract from obligations such as prayer, and it shouldn't be played as a form of gambling for money.

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I understand in the Hanbali school washing machines to remove najasah are not acceptable but in one of your old questions, you mentioned that Hanbali scholars recommend taking other schools opinions on this (ie Hanafi). If we do that, would that cover the condition of taharah to wipe on cotton socks

I'm not comfortable answering this. Ask someone else.

Alsalamu Alaikum I am a civil engineer I've been always using illegal version of Autocad but Haram? But in Germany these versions are available. But honestly it is very expensive at least 700€ it dependents on the version itself and expires in a year. I need many programmes but what should I do??

يا شيخ لو انا عايشه في بلد اجنبيه ، هل حلال أكل مايونيز أو كاتشب فيه نسبة كحول او خمر ضئيله جدا ؟

أما إن وجد عين الخمر في الطعام، كأن يقال هذا عصير مخلوط بالويسكي، أو هذه شكلاطة مطعمة بالبراندي، أو هذه سمكة منقوعة بالواين، وغيره من الأطعمة والمشروبات والحلويات التي تعرف بأنها مطعمة بالخمر spiked أو spiced فيحرم بالإجماع، قليله وكثيره.
وأما إن استخدم خمر في صناعته أو بعض مكوناته واستهلك، كالكيك الذي يحتوي على الفانيليا (الحقيقة، المستخلصة من بذور منقوعة بالسكوتش او جِن، وليس خلاصة الفانيليا أو نكهة الفانيليا التجارية)، أو كاتشاب أو مايونيز أو صوص سلطة إيطالي يحتوون على خل مصنوع من الواين أو غيره من الخمور، فمذهبنا حرمة استهلاك هذا الطعام بسبب ملاقاته نجاسة الخمر. وعند من يرى زوال النجاسة بالاستحالة يجوّزون هذا الخل والفانيليا، وعلى أساسه يجوز تناول هذه الأطعمة عندهم.
وأما مادة الكحول ففي الغالب أنها ليست خمرا.
وعلى المسلم أن يتحري طيب الطعام، وأن لا يأكل ما اشتبه فيه، ولا يعمل إلا بفتوى من يثق في دينه وعلمه من أهل بلده ممن يعلم الواقع، وتبرؤ الذمة بسؤاله، وليتق الله في غربته ويتذكر قوله عليه الصلاة والسلام: أطِبْ مطعمك تكُن مستجاب الدعوة.

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I have incontInence, and was praying Zohr at the very end (very very extreme circumstances, I usually don’t) I said the first tasleem, and then right when I was halfway through doing the second tasleem, the athan for Asr came in. Should I redo my prayer?

No, people with incontinence redo wudu for every obligatory prayer, the wudu doesn't break with the athan.

Shaykh, can I do akhsar and then Umdat talib or are they technically in the same level?

The Umdah is longer, has more details, and uses a more standardized jargon.
Akhsar is a good textbook for the beginner who does not know what Fiqh is, what does it contain, and how to study a book of Fiqh.
Liked by: A. Irfan Arrosid

As a Hanbali student, should I memorize Bulugh alMaram or Muharrar fil hadith? Are they interchangeable?

I don't know if they are or not.

If I find myself asking Allah for something (as long as it's halal ofc), does this mean that Allah wants me to have the thing? I read that a sign of Allah wanting you to have something is that He inspires you/opens up the door for you to ask from Him? can you give motivational words please :)?

It could be, but not necessarily true.
One of the most mixed up issues in aqeedah is the differentiation between the order and will of God. The order is what He commands to happen, what He decides it must happen. The will is what He loves to happen.
They are not always together. Just because there's war and famine, doesn't mean that God loves it.
Therefore, just because you were destined to pray doesn't necessarily mean it'll be accepted. Nevertheless, one would certainly hope and pray for that to happen.

Sh. I feel like Im very slow when it comes to memorising Quran. Im alhamdulillah able to memorise small surahs, but I keep forgetting when Im memorising other long surahs, its not as smooth as short surahs that I memorised.

Memorizing the Qur'an is a commitment, not an achievement.
If you recite Surat alkahf once every week, you'll notice that in two years, you know the entire Surah by heart.
The same thing for the Qur'an. Anyone who doesn't recite the entire Qur'an on weekly basis, does not memorize the Qur'an properly.
Every Muslim should plan to memorize enough Qur'an that they can pray comfortably with. Ideally one should aim to memorize from Qaaf to the end. But if they can't, then Juz' Tabaaraka and Amma are plenty.
Liked by: Abu Nusaibah

Salam alekoum How are you, hope you are fine, regarding Honduras friend until now no one contact with her, if it's hard please inform me. Thank you

Thank you for following up, I'll send a reminder

If I memorize annazm al jaliy will that be enough in terms of memorizing a text?

It's excellent and sufficient until you finish Arrawdh.

If I miss to pray sunnah before the iqama for fajr salah is called. is it allowed to pray sunnah after fard or I pray sunnah and join the jamah later ?

Catching the takbeeratul ihraam in the first congregation is the greatest act of worship you can offer. Be sure to catch it even if you had to rush or even terminate your Sunnah prayer.

Sometimes when i am praying, i feel some internal gas or air movement in my bum or somewhere close but im not sure if it existed or stayed in the bum area. Note: i dont mean stomach. Should i stop praying and repeat the wudu or can i consider my wudu to be valid because im not 100% sure it broke?

Do not quit the prayer unless you're certain it has been nullified, such as if you hear a sound or smell something. Any doubts are from the shaytan.
Liked by: jojo

What is the hardest Bab/topic of Fiqh in your opinion? For me it has to be Buyu'. I can't tell what is being said at all usually. Too complicated things going on. Any ideas for how I can improve that?

You should work on improving your Arabic.
Albuyoo', or business transactions, should be the easiest category of Fiqh. It is a framework of what's permissible, and most of it is in the negative sense (i.e. you study the few forms that are not permissible, and the rest is permissible)
The most complex category is the Fiqh of Worship, and the most difficult chapter to grasp is the chapter of purification, and the hardest section of it is the section regarding mensuration.
Liked by: Esraa Tarek

I am working in Europe now. As you now they dont use water in the toilet. The work 9 hours plus 2hours on the way It is very hard not to go to the toilet How should I wash (wodo'o)to pray? Also how should I wash my feet if I washed them at home then I wore the schoes? Can I wipe on it? I am woman

Keep a bottle in your purse for cleaning, something like this:
As to your feet, you may wipe on footwear (socks or shoes), given that:
1. You've done wudu before putting them on
2. They cover the entire feet, to the ankle bones, all inclusive.
3. They are not see through, and have no holes. You can't see your skin colour through them,
4. They also fit well. you can't see your feet from above (e.g. you're wearing large boots that you can see your ankles or part of your feet inside when looking from above into the boots.)
5. You can walk with them normally. (i.e. They don't fall off on their own easily and they don't fall apart or tear after a few steps)
If all the above conditions are met, then you may wipe on the footwear.
You wipe most of the top of the feet. No wiping of the bottom or the ankles is needed.
You may redo your wudu and re-wipe unlimited times within 24 hour period of continuously wearing the footwear since you broke your wudu.
The permissibility to wipe over the socks ends after 24 hours (3 days if traveling), or if you take them off, or if a hole/tear appears. Your wudu also expires at that moment, if it depended on wiping.

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عاملة أسلمت عندنا بفضل الله،الان سترجع لبلدها وزوجها نصراني لم يسلم وعندها منه اولاد،واعلم من عقليتها أنها لن تتركه ولا أظنها تستطيع،ماذا علي أن أفعل لها؟اضافة الى خوفي عليها من الردة لانه اهلها نصارى ايضا؟انصحني جزاك الله خيرا

تختبر إيمانها، فإذا اقسمت انها ما أسلمت طمعا في دنيا ولا هربا من بطش زوج وإنما رغبة في ما عند الله وحده، تبقيها عندكم وتنفقون عليها، ويعتبر زواجها السابق باطلا، ولا بأس أن تجدوا لها زوجا مسلما.
قال تعالى: ياأيها الذين آمنوا إذا جاءكم المؤمنات مهاجرات فامتحنوهن الله أعلم بإيمانهن فإن علمتموهن مؤمنات فلا ترجعوهن إلى الكفارلا هن حل لهم ولا هم يحلون لهن... الآية
وانظر تفسيرها هنا

Salam alaikum dear Sheikh, does it still count as sadaqah if I sponsor a charity event with the intention of giving sadaqah but my buisness gets promototed on their flyer as an "exchange" for the sponsorship? (Urgent question since I have to reply them today or tomorrow)


ياشيخ الرياء يفسد العمل مثلا الصلاه اذا كانت فيها رياء فترد وتبطل فهل يجب إعادتها ؟؟؟واعظنى لانى لا اعمل عملا إلا وانا مشرك به الناس ماذا أعمل وقرأت الكثير عن الرياء وادعى لى؟؟؟

ليس الرياء من مبطلات الصلاة اتفاقا.
وتبرؤ الذمة بأداء الصلاة ولو راءى فيها،
وليس عليه إعادتها
ولكن ينقص من أجرها بقدر ريائه فيها، وقد ترد كلها إذا فعلها كلها رياء.
ويستحب عند أصحابنا إعادة الصلاة التي ارتكب فيها مكروها، أو نقصا في كمالها، ما لم يخرج وقتها، وهذا فقط للصلاة الحالية التي لم يخرج وقتها، فلا يشرع إعادة الفوائت.
وليس للمرء إلا ما فعله خالصا لوجه الله، متبعا لسنة رسول الله. لقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم: إنما الأعمال بالنيات، ومن عمل عملا ليس عليه أمرنا فهو رد. وهذان الحديثان عليهما مدار نصف الدين. فليحرص السائل والقارئ أشد الحرص على إخلاص النية لله في جميع عباداته، وأن تكون على سنة رسول الله.
Liked by: Ahmad Hamouda

Please, can you tell me the meaning of داعية in English??

Daa'iyah means someone who calls/invites others, usually to religion. Depending on the context, it can be used for a Muslim missionary, celebrity, or a TV preacher.
The term is usually used to Muslim public figures who neither have enough qualifications to be called an Aalim, i.e. scholar, nor old enough to be called a Sheikh.
Liked by: Dan .Y.

هو مين حضرتك معلش ع السؤال اصل لقيتني متبعاك ومش فاكره صراحه تابعت حضرتك امتي

وأنا والله كذلك معرفش حضرتك متابعاني ليه ولا امتى. وقليلا ما أجيب عن الأسئلة المرسلة باللغة العربية.


Language: English