
Majed Jarrar

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What is Hafs? Is that the name of the son of hazrat Umar (RA)?

Hafs (Hafs ibn Sulaiman Ibn alMughira) is a major scholar of the Qur'an. The student of Imam Asim al-Kufi: one of the ten major narrators of the Qur'an.
Omar, was given the appellative: Abu Hafs; where Hafs is an endearment to Hafsah, i.e. his daughter, i.e., the wife of the Prophet, peace be upon them all.
Liked by: sara

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Asalamu alaykum. If a woman gets a tiny amount of pink discharge at a time when its possible for her period to come, but then the colored discharge stops for like 3 days before the flowing blood comes. Does she keep praying during those 3 dry days or are they counted as period-days? JazakAllah khayr

If it's her usual time of the month, and she has a regular cycle, she stops from the first instance, and continues to withhold herself from prayer for as many days as her regular cycle goes. Then bathes and resumes prayer.
If a change to the cycle happens once (i.e. it goes for 5 days instead of 6), she continues to withhold for the regular 6 days. If the 5 days repeat for three months, only then it becomes the new regular, and she withhold for 5 days onwards.
This is still the case if the period comes intermittently; such as one drop on day 1, nothing on day 2 then normal on 3-5.
Liked by: Warisha. Ama

When I was a teenager, I gave bayah to a Naqshbandi Sheikh in the US. Over time, I realized the problems with Sufism, and since have completely abandoned it as well as the Sheikh. I have been told that revoking my bayah is equivalent to damning myself to the eternal hellfire. What should I do?

It's an invalid bay'ah.
Repent and adhere to the Qur'an and Sunnah, and follow the scholars who call you to them and adhere to them.

I want to learn how to call an atheist or a non-Muslim to Islam

A brother I met just came to Canada last summer, bearly speaks English, isn't necessarily a scholar or "student of knowledge". A very unassuming person. If you saw him at a masjid you'll think he's there to clean the bathrooms. Quite frankly, he'll be the last to be asked to step forward and lead a prayer if the imam is late.
He arrived in August, got assigned a roommate in the dorms. By November his roommate came to the mosque to embrace Islam. The imam asked him with a mic in front of everyone: why do you want to be a Muslim? it's not like it's a good thing on the news! He said: I want to be as good as my friend Muhammad.
That debating industry is mostly a show biz, entertainment, and an evil desire to prove oneself is right, it's a boxing match to those who are too lazy to workout. Learn how to be a Muslim, and your actions will speak louder than words.

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Why do so many muslims eat from Mc Donalds etc.? Isnt it haram?

So many Muslims
McDonald's etc
Isn't it haram
Not correcting your spelling, these are three uses of generalizations with overconfidence.
1. So many? I don't know, do you have a statistical study? So many would be, I dunno, between a significant minority and almost half, so 30% and 45%? Multiplied by 1.5b that's almost 600 million Muslim customers you just gifted McDonald's. I'm sure they appreciate it.
2. McDonald's, etc? You mean other restaurants with yellow and red? Or other restaurants with a creepy mascot? Or other restaurants that have a drive thru (and misspelt like that). I think you need to first specify what folder should I double click on before you tell me to select all :)
3. Isn't it? Why are you so confident like it's a verse in the Qur'an. If you're saying their beef/chicken is haram because we don't know where it came from, some scholars say it's halal because it's a Christian majority country, and the meat slaughtered by Jews and Christians is permissible to Muslims. It's an opinion by several respectable scholars that I disagree with (the opinion, not them), but I don't have the merit, nor the capability to refute. And Muslims are not sinful for following the opinion of whom they think is a righteous knowledgeable scholar.
If you're saying it's Haram because it is a Zionist organization that funds the Israeli army, sends American children on free trips to illegal Israeli settlements, then that's something not everyone knows, and some people deny thinking it's a hoax, so those who doubt it are doing what they think is halal.
So let me rephrase the question without those generalizations:
Q) I saw some of my Muslim friends eat at McDonald's, and other restaurants that I don't think serve halal food. What's the ruling of that?
A) The ruling is that you need to stay away from the Haram even if everyone in your family and friends is doing it, and you do the obligations even if no one is doing them.
And stop generalizing please.

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https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/142424651330 what does being married has to do with eating at subway?

You should've deducted that I meant only desparate single men who are trying to lose weight in a lazy way before proposing = eat at subway.
Then you should've realized this is a very obscure assumption, which meant I was trying to be unfunny, as usual; it's my way of detecting that the asker is human or an AI bot, but sadly you failed the test.
For future reference, Mr. X2, here's how humans smile: 😁
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

Is it permissible to chat with the fiancé through whatsapp (keeping in mind that in our culture engagement means you're going to marry the person 100%)

(Not certain if you're missing an e from fiancée as a typo or you're the girl)
Chatting privately is not permissible before marriage. You (assuming guy) may talk/text in a group that has one of her male relatives, or in public, while keeping in mind she's not your wife yet.
Assuming you're the girl, keep the talk formal and only to necessities; you're almost there but not quite yet, so be patient.
A general comment: say to future plans: God willing (inshaAllah); there's no 100% in this world.

Is it permissible to recite the riwayah of 3aasim with tashiil al hamzah like in Warsh? Or is that forbidden bcz that's not how it was transmitted from imam 3asim?

There's one tasheel in riwayat Hafs which is the second Hamza in the word A'a'jamiyy.
That's the single tasheel in all 50+ different ways of Hafs.
It's not permissible to mix between different ways of Hafs, (e.g. switching between 4 and 2 elongations in the madd) let alone mix between different narrators altogether.

If a person has urine/wind incontinence, can he lead the prayer (if he had done a speparte wudhu for that prayer) 'cause people says that if the prayer of imam is valid according to the opinion he follows, then the prayer of those who pray behind him is also valid?

In our mathhab it's not permissible for the person with incontinence (or a woman with istihaadha), to lead prayer unless the led also has the same condition.
Your parable does not work because incontinence is not an opinion; it's an exemption due to a medical condition. So it only applies to the person who has it. As for the perspective of others, this person has the same ruling as if they're praying without wudu. If they know that ahead of the prayer, they can't let them lead.

I need to go to university but in order to do so I'll have to take out a student loan which has added interest...I've hard of fatwas that say it's permissible to take out the loan because going to university in a western country is pretty much vital if you want to get a job. What should i do shaykh?

It's not vital at all. Ask the scholars in your country about the student loan.

ألم يكن قول النبي احثوا في وجه المداحين التراب من باب المبالغة لا غير!

ولو فرضنا ذلك، فما حملك على تأويل قوله عليه السلام وإثبات قولي؟
Liked by: أحمد فضل Tmra am

To follow up on the subway question, do we need to ask them anything specific before they start making our food (like clean the knives, change the gloves, etc)

They are required to wash all utensils, cutlery and change gloves between customers. If for example, you notice the employee is still wearing the same glove they handled meats in it - which happens on campus locations very often because the employees are probably students, you can ask them to change gloves.
I feel sorry that you have to resort to subway, I hope you get married soon.
Liked by: Rashad Ragab

Salam Shaykh, is it permissible to eat machine slaughtered chicken based on Islamic guidelines?

If it has been certified by a Muslim authority, then yes. There's no difference between slaughtering with a knife or a clown robot that has knives, both are machines.
The duty upon Muslims that God has commanded, is to ask the people of knowledge, and trust them in their expertise.
If someone is not a qualified scholar doing a research, nor an appointed supervisor for quality assurance, then it's prohibited to dig up beyond what other Muslims tell you, or assume ill intent, unless an evidence comes your way. In that case, you present it to a scholar to see if it stands.
Liked by: Basma

As salaamu alaikum Shaykh, may you answer my question I sent 1-2 days ago regarding masturbation as an unmarried woman. Barak Allahu feekum.

Please resend, and forgive me for the inconvenience. Wallahi there's a dozen new questions everytime I check, and I check sometimes twice a day.

true, who would work for a psycho with a god complex.listen you twit. God's rules are not illogical every single one is there for a reason,and that reason is explained, like why something is haram or an obligation and a Muslim should know 😉

Oh boy, how much do you remind me of my young self.
Sadly, not everything has to bound to the human logic. I know it's your game, and you'd like to feel in control. But if you get up earlier than the crowd and excited to stone the devil in Hajj, and go stone him at 12:15 PM. Your Hajj is incorrect. If you wait until 12:45 PM, your Hajj is correct. The answer to why would God do anything is very simple, and found in the first story in the Qur'an. You can read it for yourself.
If I were to time travel and meet my young self, who talks just like you, I would shake him by the shoulders and say: you need to submit to the fact that God is not assessed by us. We are the creation. He is the Master. We are servants. We can't judge Him; Not by human logic, not by human standards, not by human definitions of what He should and shouldn't do.
God does not need to be merciful, nor fair, nor good. He chooses to. It is beyond our authority to question His choices. Questioning our choices is something He will do on the day of judgement, and He knows everything we hide.
Actually, a significant portion of the proofs for the truthfulness of the Messengers of God, is that they brought things that defied logic and human knowledge.
Imam Ali, may God be pleased with him, said: had the law of God been subject to human logic, wiping over leather socks would have been from the bottom of the feet, not over the top.
You need to acknowledge that logic is a servant to the Law of God. So is manners, and may need some help with both.
You have a sharp mind, but that doesn't qualify you to think that you can assess God's actions. You can choose to submit your intellect to Him, and restrain yourself from foolishness, or you can continue on this path, and you might not get a second reminder until you find out you were wrong on the day of judgement. All the logic in the world will not squeeze one drop of guidance, if He choses not to bestow His guidance upon you.
Read this answer again.

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