
Majed Jarrar

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I had a burning question about najasah as well, please excuse the vulgarity. After performing istinja, I try to dry myself with toilet paper and there are obvious sign of najasah left. I spend almost 20 mins trying to clean this off. How do I make amends?

If you wipe only, then it's sufficient to remove the bulk of the najasah, not every sign of it.
If you're washing, then you wash until there's no sign left.
If you're washing then run out of water and it's still not perfectly clean, then you wipe at least three times or until the bulk of it is removed, whichever comes later.

That's a very good idea. Do you think that communication works well for "newbies"? Or do you need status before they take those requests seriously? And what do you do in the event that nobody is in the musalah when you reach or the jamah is over? (I'm afraid of being stuck with small campus)

Perhaps if you avoid emails, and go in person and speak the administrative officer/assistant in your faculty about your situation well ahead in advance of the semester, and ask for these considerations with regards to timings and location.
If you go to a musalla and it's prayer time, and you're alone, then inshaAllah it'll count as you've done reasonably enough searching for a congregation. You pray alone.
In our mathhab if you pray alone, then find a congregation within the prayer time - albeit very late towards the end of the time - then it's recommended to repeat the same prayer seeking more reward.

زوجي بيسلم علي بنات خاله بالاحضان و القبلات ولا يقر بخطا ذلك وانا قد تعبت كثيرا جدا من نار الغيرة في قلبي كيف اتصرف معه علما بانه عنيد جدا ولا ينفع معه الهدوء او اختلاق المشاكل لا شيئ ينفع معه واذا علموا اهله فقد يقيموا علي الحد اني تكلمت في هذا فعندهم نحن اخوه و انما الاعمال بالنيات... تعبت

الدعاء، والنصح، وأخباره بغيرتك الشديدة، والصبر، والستر عليه، وإياك والمعايرة، أو فضحه بين أقرانه، ولا بأس بمكافأته كلما مشى خطوة في الإتجاه الصحيح.

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Barak Allah feek. My prob is that i dont know if they transfer the najasah to the lap/bed etc since i cant see it + maybe it dried before i noticed. If they have been to the toilet, do i assume they automatically have wet najas on them & wash everywhere they sat? I tried teaching them several times.

1. Dried or moist najis clothes do not transfer najasah. Only a wet najasah that leaves a wet mark on another surface transfers the najasah
2. Keep teaching, they must do a minimum of three good wipes, or wash, or wipes then wash, which is the best. It takes a while to learn. Patience and persistence goes a long way.

Actually you brought up a very good point with the prayer times issue. If you had a lecture that lasted the entire/majority of a prayer (usually this happens with Maghreb during the winter). What do you usually tell your students? And how do you find a person to pray with?

I usually teach three hour long lectures that go through Maghreb and Isha, and plan the break or a group activity at the time of prayer. I also request the classroom to be in a building close to a prayer room on campus.
Planning, and early communication with the administration, is key.
Liked by: Abdelrahman Cool

What advantages do women get in the Madhab of Ahmad that they don't get in Abu Hanifah's?

Many! I could write a book on that.

Regarding the discharge question: does that also apply to Hanafi and Shafi'i Fiqh? Barak Allahu feekum.

No, this is a singularity of the Hanbali mathhab with regards to women, all the other mathaahib state that the sexual discharge is impure for both men and women.

I'm thinking of going the PhD route into Engineering academia InshaAllah. What kind of challenges do you see in terms of practicing Islam that are unique to academia? I'm not referring the obvious stuff like handshaking with women etc haha. As far as I can tell now, I haven't seen to much conflict.

Women engineer activists will be so happy to hear this. Engineering is still one of the most male dominant degrees, with average female participation of less than 20%.
Like other areas of research, issues you'll need to watch out are minimal, and primary include things like: teaching/proctoring during prayer times, academic conferences/trips during Ramadan or Hajj seasons, military funded projects, etc.
Liked by: Abdelrahman Cool

I've been having misgiving about clothes covering the awrah properly. Most clothes today like jeans have white pockets that allow the color of the skin to be shown. Also, with khakhis, if they're wet (like after making wudu) you can see the skin color with some. Is this okay?

If you actually soak your pants such that they become see through, then wait a bit for it to dry? Anyway that's way too much water, try doing wudu from a cup. The Prophet used about 250ml of water for wudu, you're not more righteous, so that amount should definitely enough for you as well.
Sounds to me like you may have a bit of OCD thing going there. Don't attend to these small obsessions.

واحدة جارتنا طلبت مني أقرأ سورة البقرة على مية وأديهالها لأنها مريضة .. هيا طلبت مني عشان أنا الحمد لله خاتمة وهعرف أقرأها صح .. أعمل كدة ولا لا؟

بالتأكيد، بس ميكونش كسل منها وتواكل
ولو ظننتي عندها مجال قوليلها تجي تقعد معاك وتقرؤوا سوا، هذا أفضل. كل واحدة منكن تأخذ جزء مثلا او نصف السورة وتقرأه على فم زجاجة مملوءة بالماء، ثم تسكبها في وعاء كبير، فإذا انتهيتن كان عندكن وعاء كبير فيه ماء مقروء عليه سورة البقرة كاملة، فتملؤوه في قناني ماء وتستخدموه بينكن في الاستشفاء، شربا ووضوؤا وغسلا.

بحاول افهم اللي مكتوب واللي فهمته تقريباً أن المسلمين غير العرب فاكرين العرب مش بيحبوهم؟! لو كان كدا يشيخ قولهم ونكرهكم ليه؟ ليه نعمل تصنيف جوا التصنيف احنا بنحبكم جداً ولو فايدينا نحميكم مش هنتأخر أكيد وبتهمنا قضياكم لأنها مننا، انا مسغربة من الظن دا! احنا مسلمين وكفى وربنا بنحبكم بس كدا

لأ هو بيقول احنا ليه مش عرب وازاي ما اكرهش نفسي والعرب أفضل البشر نسبا وتميزوا بالنبوة والرسالة،
هو غالبا مزارش بلد عربي وفاكر العرب دول كلهم زي الصحابة في التقوى وكدة فقلتله متقلقش ربنا مش حيضيع تعبك في تعلم العربية وكدة، وربنا يسترها معانا ومعاك.

Why are woman considered 'impure' when they're on their menstral cycle? Why does this prevent them from worship? It's not like they can help being in this state and calling them impure is a too harsh of a term considering how this is something natural and from Allāh.

Jews say they women are impure when menstruating, and prohibit men to eat with their menstruating women or lay in the same bed with them.
In Islam, the Prophet said: a believe never becomes impure. A woman who's menstruating doesn't perform many acts of worship such as prayer, fasting, touching the Qur'an, entering a mosque, as a form of worship. The God who commands her to pray and fast when she's not menstruating, prohibits her from doing so when she is.
Similarly, a Muslim husband and wife cannot pray, touch the Qur'an or recite it after intercourse, until they perform ghusl. That doesn't mean the intercourse is impure. On the contrary, the prophet said they get rewarded for doing it in halal, just like how they would've committed sins if they did it outside of marriage.
The point is, this is a command from God, and the believing men and women respond to the commands of God with: "we hear and we obey."

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What should I do if I always have yellowish discharge as a unmarried woman. In addition to that I directly get 'wet' if sexually aroused through thoughts etc. Especially if I am outside the house, it bothers me, cause I cant pray like that, right? And I cant always change my underwear if Im out.

Anything that comes out of the privates breaks your wudu immediately when it comes out, whether it's normal discharge or not. So you need to do wudu after each time it comes out.
For women, all discharge, (other than urine and menstruation), is pure. So even if there was discharge (still damp or dried) on your clothes, then your prayer is valid.

This is kind of a question about a different madhab, but it's been bugging me. Why is there such a great disparity in the views of scholars who are "Arab Hanafi" vs "South Asian Hanafi." It seem almost like a night vs day difference.

I don't know :)

هل يجوز إرضاع يتيمة لتصير ابنة من الرضاعة بدلا من التبني وهل يجوز التسمية بالإسم بعد ذلك وحديث رضاع الكبير؟

كفالة اليتيم من أعظم اعمال البر، قال عليه الصلاة والسلام: انا وكافل اليتيم في الجنة كهاتين: وأشار بالسبابة والوسطى وفرق قليلا بينهما.
يجوز ارضاع الطفل/ة الذي لم يبلغ عامين من غير أمه، ومن أرضعته خمس رضعات أصبح محرما عليها وعلى أولادها وزوجها وبقية قرابتها كالنسب (لكن لا تصير اخوات اليتيمة ولا أمها ولا قرابتها محرمات)
ويحرم تغيير النسب لئلا يظن أنها من صلبه أو رحمها، ولا يرث الولد من الرضاعة إلا لو أوصي له من الثلث.

Sheikh, I understand that we're supposed to respect Arabs and the reasoning, but does that mean we should just accept the open racism and exclusion from conversations (i.e.Speaking Arabic with each other in front of nonArabs)? I know it sucks were "ajami" but does that mean we have to be submissive?

Shorter version: no.
Longer version: read the answer to the previous question.

I'm not trying to blame you or anything, please don't misunderstand. It's just frustrating being treated like sub humans because we weren't blessed to be born as Arabs and able to speak Arabic, and it really is something that I hate about myself

There's no need to hate yourself; people like you have to go through tremendous challenges of memorising and understanding the Qur'an and Sunnah and that no Arab can fully understand.
The same God who choose to reveal the Qur'an in Arabic language, is the One who destined you to be born as non Arab. Your struggle to learn Arabic is part of your journey towards Allah, and everything is recorded to Him. Neither He miscalculates nor leaves anything behind.

No offence but you should stop being so obnoxious and a know it all, cause you are one of the most uninformed and worst sheihks to exist. (if you are one, of course) And stop giving advices you gonna ruin someone's life with your bs.

Let me guess, you're bitter because you're Salafi and my answers make you feel uncomfortable.
No offense taken. In fact, I feel nothing but sympathy to youth who fell into this blind following of a few contemporary figures, built a halo around them, and turned them to be the greatest scholars on earth.
I could've easily played their game, claimed there are no differences of opinion, that my understanding of the hadeeth is the only understanding there is, that I'm here to renew people's faith, and that following me is following the truth, that following the salaf is blind following but following me is the true way to be a Muslim. Then I bring a few contemporaries, and we start praising each other, and together we monopolize knowledge, and claim no one is a scholar except us, or someone we're pleased with.
But that's their game, not mine, and it's an exposed game. They are the ones who created blind followers, and actually ruined, and continue to ruin the lives of hundreds of people whom, and I personally know some, ended leaving not just their narrow minded path, but Islam altogether, all because of their hijacking of the Truth.
These so called scholars made you believe you're only a true Muslim if you follow a handful of 20th century scholars. But if you actually follow the salaf then you're a blind-follower, or backwards. The Truth is that if you do that, you're a threat to them, not to Islam.
Unlike your Sheikhs, I will never call people to follow me, or that I'm the impersonation of the truth, or that Truth = following me. I do what the scholars of the ummah did for the last 13 centuries: call people to follow the understanding of the salaf, not mine.
The fact that youth like you can be turned to blind followers to the extent that makes you send this note my way, not because I defamed your scholars or openly criticized them; but only because I called directly to the way of the salaf, which seems to make you upset = this is what keeps me going.

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My nephews/nieces dont wash their privates, instead they wipe poorly. When i wash their clothes, i find najas in their undies. If they go to the toilet here, do i assume they got najas on them after &stop them from sitting on my lap/bed?or do i assume they r pure since i dont see the najas curently?

It's okay to hold them and let them sit on your lap even if they have najasah on their undies.
You just can't carry them while praying or it'll invalidate your prayer.
If they get their najasah on your lap or bed then you need to wash it.
And teach them how to wipe/wash properly.

Is jam3 al salawat permissible bcz of work during? I know the school of imam Ahmad is not very strict in the matter of combining prayers. Bayyakum Allah

If you're a nurse/doctor in ER, such that you can't take a break even for a washroom visit for 3-4 hours at a time,
Or if you're a baker and you must kneed your dough in a specific 2-3 hour period.
Or if you're a proctor administering a 3-hour long exam with no breaks
In such cases, our mathhab allows for combining prayers.
Otherwise, if your job systemically and regularly makes it difficult for you to pray everyday, then you should look for another job.


Language: English