
Majed Jarrar

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كيف لي ان أتقوى بالمحادثة و اللغة الإنجليزية حسب خبرتك يا شيخ ؟

براكتيس مايكس بيرفيكت يا كابتن.
Liked by: .Y. Alaa

لو سمحت يا شيخ بما ان حضرتك حضرت اكتر من دبلومه ما شاء الله هو ينفع اني اقدم على دبلومه وانا لسه بدرس في الكليه ولا لازم لما أخلص الاربع سنين الأول ؟

أثناء دراستي البكالوريوس في الهندسة الإلكترونية بدأت بكالوريوس في الفيزياء، ودبلوم في الرياضيات، ودبلوم في علوم الحاسب، وانهيتها كلها معا في خمس أعوام. إلى جانب حفظ القرآن، وحفظ تحفة الأطفال والجزرية والأربعين النووية والطحاوية، ودراسة كتب الحديث والفقه الشافعي والحنبلي.
ثم تزوجت وكانت نهاية رجل شجاع، وإلى الله المشتكى ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله 😁
الخلاصة: لو كنت في عز الشباب ولما تنشغل بالزواج، وعندك قوت يومك، وعندك صحتك، وعندك التركيز الذهني الكافي، فعدم استغلاله بأقصى درجة يكاد يكون جريمة في حق ذاتك لن تدرك حجمها إلا بعد سنوات.
قال الذي لا ينطق عن الهوى: بادروا بالأعمال سبعا: هل تنظرون إلا فقرا منسيا أو غنى مطغيا أو مرضا مفسدا أو هرما مفندا أو موتا مجهزا، أو الدجال فشرّ غائب ينتظر، أو الساعة والساعة أدهى وأمر.

امي زوجتني لشخص لا أقبله غصب عني فقط لكونه ابن أختها،وقت العقد كلنت تحرص عليهما وتخاف مني ان اجرح مشاعره هو وخالتي باي شئ وتهددني بالغضب علي وما شابه ان فعلت اي شئ الان اناببداية عامي الثاني من الزواج اولاً انا لا اطيقه الى الان ما الحل ثانياً لا اعلم حقيقة شعوري تجاه امي لما فعلت ذلك لكن هل هي أثمة

قد يكون لها وجه نظر أخرى، لكن الذي ذكرتيه لا ترضاه عاقلة لابنتها ولا يرضاه عاقل لابنته. ويجوز لك الذهاب للقاضي وطلب فسخ الزواج أو الخلع.

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Is it obligatory to obey ones father if this would lead him to sin? He's addicted to casino and lately he just called to ask my sister for more money but she refused and explained him kindly on the phone why she can't support him in sin. He was calm and understood. I'm afraid he'll ask me next time

There is no authority to any creature over you to commit any sin, be it your parents, spouse or the ruler.

Always been wondering, but you guys mentioned four admins of the Hanbali Madhhab page, I can't seem to find the fourth one: You, Sh. A Wafi, Sh. Khater... John Starling? Lol...

I actually have no idea, there's at least eight hanbali brothers who are working on the page, some are FB admins, some are behind the scenes.
We're working on announcing, a global Hanbali Fiqh league, including all major Hanbali scholars and students from all over the world.
We'll be running a website that will present the official position of the mathhab on rulings and aqeedah matters, as well as workshops, conferences, publications and a fatwa line, inshaAllah.
Your most sincere du'aa is needed.

كيف تكون مكافأة النفس بعد يوم شاق او انجاز كبير ؟

بالنظر في نعم ربها والتفكر في حوله وقوته، وأن هذا جهد المقل، وأن ما من خير إلا وهو من ربها.
ولا أفضل من إكرام النفس بالقرآن والعمل والصالح كخدمة الآخرين وبر الوالدين والصدقة وإرشاد الضال ومساعدة المحتاج وإغاثة الملهوف، وتعويدها أن النوافل من العبادات والاعمال الصالحة إنما هي شرف ومكافأة. وكمثال بسيط: قراءة آية الكرسي دبر كل صلاة امر لا يستغرق عشرين ثانية، وقد ضمن النبي الجنة لمن يواظب عليه، ومع هذا، فمن النادر أن يوفق المرء إليه.
ولا بأس بالاستعانة بشيء من الحلويات واللهو المباح، لكن احذر نفسك أن تصبح مطية للشهوات. قال بعض السلف: أوكلما اشتهيت اشتريت؟!
وكقاعدة عامة، عامل نفسك كسجين حقير خسيس، إن عاملته بحزم وصرامة تذلل بين يديك وأطاعك، وإن اكرمته أهانك وانقلب عليك.
بل أن بعض أئمة السلف من جعل مخالفة النفس أصلا من أصول الاستنباط في الفقه، وقالوا باستحباب مخالفة كل ما تهواه النفس.
لكن رفه قليلا بين الفترة والأخرى، ولتتعود أن هذه دار عمل، والمكافأة في الآخرة.

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https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/142068507458 Oh, i see. But is this statement in agreement with Hanbalis: ''Allah have yad, not a hand, but we dont know the meaning of yad - only Allah knows it'' , and why did many salafi scholars call ibn Qudamah a mufawwid? They bash Lum3a..

No, that's a Mutazili infection in the aqeedah.
Mu'tazila deny the meaning of the lafdh, in other others Yadullah = plololotete of God is the same thing; in other words the attribute has no relation to its dictionary meaning. Their logic is that a man named Kareem may be stingy and a woman named Jameela may be ugly, and similarly, God's names and attributes are meaningless. His hand could mean the colour red or His eye could mean the smell of lemon. His name is the samee' but He has no hearing. Praise Almighty from what they claim about Him.
Even Ash'aris say yes Yad = Hand, but they interpreted as power of God.
Both hanaabila and ahlul hadeeth affirm the lafdh, i.e. the dictionary meaning, in other words: Yadullah = Hand of God.

Asa. I often find drops of someones urine on our floor. How much do i need to pour to purify that? Please answer in modern meassurments like grams, oz etc. If the amount differs depending on how much urine then please give a simple example. After i pour water, will the towel i use 2 wipe it be pure?

If it's on the floor, or immovable carpet, then just a single pour of water that is greater in quantity than the urine is sufficient. If it's a few drops, then a quarter cup of water is sufficient. Then either leave it to dry or dab it with paper towel and dispose it. If a towel is used then it's Najs and need to be washed.
Liked by: Amatullah Abdallah

هو انا لو عاوز امسح الجوجل كروم من عندي علي الموب وهو مش عاوز يتمسح تقريبا ذي ابلكيشن مثبت كده مبيتمسحش حد يقولي فيه طريقه اني امسحه ازاي او علي الاقل لو معرفتش امسحه ميشتغلش تاني ابوظه يعني 😅!

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سؤال الناس اللي عاوزة تمسح الجوجل الكروم
ما دمتم معادين للحضارة والتقدم كدة ليه ما ترموا الاندرويد خالص وترجعوا للنوكيا ابو كشاف؟

Asalamu alaikum Sheikh, i have 5-6 years of qada prayers. I make up 1 prayer of Every prayertime per day. Is that ok or should I do more? By meaning i mean the minimum obligatory

The scholars said you should do as many as you can in a day as long as it doesn't interfere with your basic needs; such as seeking knowledge (e.g. studying), seeking sustenance (e.g. work) and sleeping.
In our mathhab, no suprerogatory prayer is valid while you have overdue obligatory prayers. That includes taraweeh, dhuha and eclipse prayers etc not being acceptable until you make up your missing prayers.
If you don't have much will, I advise you pray them without sunan, or with minimum sunan, so you can do more. For example reciting alfatiha and one verse or a couple of verses only in each rak'ah.
Keep in mind that in our mathhab, the order of making up is also obligatory. If you pray 1 make up at a time then it's not a problem. Fajr makeup after Fajr, Dhuhr makeup after Dhuhr etc. But if you make up 2 days per day, then you can't do 2 makeup Fajrs then 2 Dhuhrs consecutively. Rather, you would pray Fajr Dhuhr after Fajr, Asr Maghreb after Dhuhr, Isha Fajr after Asr, Dhuhr Asr after Maghreb, and Maghreb Isha after Isha, and repeat.
Similarly for 3 days per day.

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Does one sin when reciting Quran in janabah?

Yes, it is sinful.
Moreover, Doing any act of worship in a state of impurity while knowing and being mindful of the prohibition yet institing on doing it, is a form of disrespect of God, and according to the majority of scholars, is an act of blasphemy.

Assalamualykum shaykh, I've always had this question and have not come across much. What were some differences between the aqeedah of Ahlul Hadeeth and the Hanabilah?

To the non specialized, the difference sounds like hair splitting.
Ahlul hadeeth apply ithbaat, refuse tafweedh allafdh and alma'naa. Hanabila apply ithbaat allafdh and tafweedh alma'naa.
The Prophet said in the famous hadeeth: "Our Lord Almighty descends to the lowest heaven in the last third of the night, and calls upon mankind: 'Is there anyone asking for forgiveness so I forgive them? Is there anyone asking so I give them? Is there anyone supplicating so I answer them?' and continues to do so until dawn, and does that every night."
We also know from the Qur'an that God is above His Throne, and the Throne is above the seventh heaven.
The Mutazila do ta'teel: they say no, He does not descend because that's contrary to logic. It would imply He enters the universe, that He has a limited size, and that the throne is above Him, all which would be impossible for God.
The Ash'aris and Maturidis do Ta'weel allafdh: say yes He descends, but Him descending means He sends His mercy (or His angels) down. His Throne is definitely not empty.
Ahlul hadeeth apply ithbaat: leads some of them to say Yes, He descends "for real". Ibn Mandah wrote a book refuting those who claim that descending doesn't mean the Throne becomes empty. Imam Athahabi also wrote a book about the Throne, in which he details the views of ahlusunnah.
But the majority of ahlul hadeeth go with jam3 because of two conflicting ithbaats, and say the throne is not empty definitely, and He descends for real.
Hanaaila affirm the linguistic meaning of descending but do tafweedh alma'naa. They say we do not (and can not) know if His descending means His throne is empty or not. This is stated by Imam ibn Batta, Imam almuwaffaq ibn Qudamah, and alhaafidh ibn Abdul Ghani.
The Muslim laity aren't required to take sides or study this thoroughly. All what they need to know is the last third is the greatest time to pray, and should take advantage of it.

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Liked by: DeenIsAdvice

الان انا بمخيمي بمنى وأريد أن أقيم الليل والكل نيام والمساحة الموجودة لا تسمح لي بالصلاة قائمة وعدم ضبط القبلة بالظبط هل لي ان اصلي جالساً والتوجه لما يقارب القبلة ؟


ASA. I am very desperate and I hope it's okay to ask you. I 20y and want to have a good relation with my Lord but every single day I feel some sort of nifaq. When i do dhikr (tahmid, tahlil, takbir, istighfar) i am very calm and my imaan gets high. But not when i read quran. Is that not nifaq?

A toddler may enjoy a fruit smoothie, but not a ribeye steak.
It doesn't mean the steak is bad, but they're not ready for it.
God describes the Qur'an saying: "God has revealed the best Speech: a consistent book of reiteration, from which the skins of those who fear their Lord shiver; then their skins and their hearts soften at the remembrance of God. That is the guidance of God by which He guides whom He wills. And one whom God leaves astray - for them there shall be no guide."
He also says: "Should they not ponder upon the Qur'an? Or have their hearts been locked up?"
Those of us whose hearts and skins aren't affected by the Qur'an, their fear of God is deficient, and those of us who are unable to ponder upon the words of the Qur'an, may have their hearts locked up.
Do what is best at your heart at your status, while always going back to the Qur'an; for it is the wor word of God, and the criterion of your connection with Him.
Consider a scenario where your hands are dirty and smelly, and you are hungry. If you ate the best food in your current situation, it will mix with the dirt of your hands and you will not smell or taste it well.
If you put perfume over your dirty hands, the smell may be gone, but the dirt is certainly still there.
Depending on your own situation, you need to determine how much soap, perfume and food you need on daily basis. If you stick to washing your hands for too long, you'll starve.
The Qur'an is the food for your soul, the thikr of God (including the salawat upon His Prophet) is its perfume and the istighfaar is the soap.

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السلام عليكم شيخ، اهلى الان مجتمعون على الطعام ما الأفضل ان اكل معهم ثم الصلاة أم اتركهم واذهب للصلاة

وعليكم السلام،
نعم، كل معهم إن كانوا يصلون، ثم صل معهم.

I want to finance a car from Mercedes. The dealer knew that interest is not permissible. So he offered to add up the interest to the total value of the car and finance it with 0 interest. Is this Haram? Knowing that Mercedes has its own bank.

Pm me on Facebook or call me, we'll have to go over the terms. Is this in Ottawa?

Shaykh, give me your expertise on combuters :) Macbook pro or Microsoft Surface laptop? :) Eid Mubarak

I strongly dislike both, but they're both got good specs.

Eid Mubarak. Do I have to wait until tomorrow to cut my nails as my sacrifice will be slaughtered in Pakistan and they celebrate tomorrow

Until you confirm that your sacrifice has been slaughtered.
Liked by: IbnAriadi مصطفى

My father doesn't like me to take part in the Eid prayer bc it's not common for afghan women to attend salatul Eid (back home they didn't go to the mosque bc there weren't women's sections). Is it ok not to go to the mosque (considering if I'd tell him that I wanna go, he'd accept but not like it)?

Eid prayer is obligatory upon the community, not upon every Muslim.
Obeying parents is obligatory upon every Muslim.
Do what is best for your hereafter.

A friend of mine is having doubts regarding the fact that Quran is words of Allah and how can we even be sure that Hadeeths are transmitted correctly to us, and other similar doubts other than god's existence, can you recommend a book please?

Books don't do this. Your friend needs guidance: divine, and from a teacher. Are they in Ottawa?

We are not supposed to remove hairs/Nails during these Days...what about when doing wudu and your are washing the face...i am very hairy so many times i see my hair from beard and eyebrows in my hands after washing...is that ok or should I be more cautious

That's fine, as long as you don't wash your face with a hair removal product or scrub it with a razor.


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