
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/141696425282?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=android Different asker. I thought it Isha ended right before Fajr!?!?! I'm really conerned now since for years I've prayed isha many times with tahajjud since I stupidly rationalized that I would be able to make 1 wudu

Like Asr, Isha has a permissible window and an urgency window. Delaying the prayer from the permissible window to the urgency window without a valid excuse is sinful.
The window of urgency for Isha is from the end of the first third until Fajr.
Liked by: علياء

Asa 1- if I'm traveling can I do advance jam3& kasser in the time of the first prayer, even if I get home before the time of the second prayed goes out ? 2-can I pray late jam3 for the first prayer when I get home if the time of that prayer got in and out while I'm traveling ?

1. Yes, and Qasr for both.
2. Yes, but no Qasr for either.

The Imam in my community groped my backside...I don't know how to bring this up anybody since people think that because I don't wear "proper" hijab that I sleep around. What should I do?

This is not harassment, this is sexual assault. Do not wait for it to happen again to you or someone else.
Sexual assaults are one of the hardest crimes to prove, and has one of the highest probabilities for the predators to retaliate.
Write down everything that happened as soon as possible and date it, give it to a trusted friend, you'll need it later.
If you personally know a board member of that mosque - approach them about the situation, see what internal investigation will they carry out, if you find out there has been other victims, and the mosque board is reluctant in taking proper disciplinary action, inform the community about the Imam, or send me his contacts and I'll do so. Also, contact the police, even if you live in a city where they aren't likely to do anything, having a police record will make it more likely an action is taken next time another victim comes forward. Keep in mind that It's never too late to report sexual assault.

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Would it suffice for me to leave the city/country with a friend if she has her mahram with her (ex. brother)? I was told by a relative that if that is the case, I would no longer need a mahram myself.

The scholars who say a woman may not travel without a mahram, are upon that opinion whether or not it is safe. In this case, it is prohibited for her to travel without her mahram even if other women had their mahrams with them. For the Prophet said: "No woman who believes in God and the Final Day is permitted to travel except with a mahram."
There are scholars who say a woman may travel withoht a mahram if journey is safe, are upon this opinion whether they're traveling with another woman, or with another woman and her mahram. This is based on the understanding of some of the companions and the wives of the Prophet after his passing.
If you follow the opinion that women don't travel without a mahram, then having someone else's mahram does not suffice for you.

Amin to your dua, please make dua for me that i keep the salaah to my death. Thanks for the answer, is that the same thing for Isha prayer? I must pray it before midnight, right? I can't delay it without a reason? https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/141694634306

Will do. No, Dhuhr is the only prayer that is okay to delay near the next prayer.
The permissible time for Isha is to the end of the first third of the night.
e.g. If Maghreb is at 7 pm and Fajr is at 4 am, then Isha's permissible time ends at 10 pm.

Assalamu alaykum. 1. I live in a area that has late isha (around 23:30). Is it allowed to combine with maghrib? 2. When combining salah, do they have to be prayed right after each other? 3. Can the same dust be used for tayammum repeatedly? 4. Is a womans regular discharge (wadi?) pure?

1. No.
2. Yes, according to the majority opinion.
3. Yes, according to the stronger of two opinions in our mathhab
4. Yes, and it breaks the wudu.

Salam aleikum, i am 19 years old and started to pray al Hamdulillah but i have a question about the prayer times. I usually pray Dhuhr 5-10 before the time ends (before the start of Assr), is that okay? I heard its not permitted to delay Dhuhr prayer.true? InshaAllah i try to pray it in the begining

The best way to do all prayers is at the start of the time, in congregation, at the mosque.
Having said that, it is okay to delay dhuhr, especially if missed the congregation and you're trying to find someone to pray with, even if it's 5-10 minutes before Asr.
The prophet said: The prayer in congregation is 27 times better than the prayer individually.
Also, he said: the prayer at a mosque is 25 times better than the prayer at home or work.
It is prohibited to delay Dhuhr until Asr, unless there's a legitimate excuse like combining during travel.
Let your biggest concern now be on learning and improving your prayers. May Allah grant you steadfastness.

فاتني المغرب والعشاء لظروف سفر ودخل وقت الفجر الأولى المغرب ثم العشاء ثم الفجر أم الفجر ، والمغرب والعشاء مع مغرب وعشاء تاني يوم

المغرب والعشاء أولا، والصلوات بالترتيب.
إلا لو كان آخر دقيقتين قبل الشروق، فتصلي الفجر اولا ثم المغرب ثم العشاء.
ولا تؤخر الصلاة لليوم الذي يليه بحال من الأحوال.

Sheikh, my mom randomly decided to walk in front of me while I was praying and it was near the end of the time. I had a sutra (pair of boots). Do I have to repeat that prayer?

Your prayer is valid, whether a woman or a donkey passes in front of you, unlike the common belief.

It looks so wrong to see a muslim smoking. I know what Ibn Uthaimeen rahimahullah said but in his opinion it still was haram. Smoking shisha and cigarettes clearly shorten ones life span... even in small amounts. How can it not be haram?

A) Mountain climbing, working in stressful work environments and night shift work all have an effect on life span too. That alone is not a factor.
B) The risk factor is probable, not certain. There is a certain risk at putting your hand in fire. There are millions of people who have been smoking for decades without any apparent health problems.
C) There's no doubt that smoking puts one's health at risk. But so does caffeine, aspertame and processed white sugar.
D) Smoking is a bad habit nonetheless and people should attempt to quit. Telling people they're sinful, or committing major sins, or that prayer behind them is invalid, or refusing to marry them to one's daughter does not help them recover, but rather adds insult to injury.
E) Telling a smoker that it's makrooh to smoke one or two cigarettes a week, but prohibited to chain smoke, is a proven effective way of helping people quit.
F) This is in no way an invite to non smokers to smoke, rather a way out to help smokers not feel alienated and judged by an elitist "practicing" community of Muslims.
G) I will not entertain further questions on this topic.

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Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

Asa ,my finger got cut by hand blender, I had 15 stitches , in the accident my nail got cracked then a piece came out , to prevent the rest from coming out , until the new nail grow , I put liquid Bandaid on , it holds the pieces together, but it prevents water too what do I do for wudu and gusul ?

If you were on a state of wudu before placing the liquid bandaid, then you may wipe on the bandaid (like you do on socks) as long as it's medically needed until it heals.
If you placed the bandaid without wudu, then wiping wouldn't work. So, when you do wudu/ghusl you wipe on the bandaid, and after you finish wudu/ghusl, you also have to do tayammum to compensate for the impure part underneath the bandaid that you cannot wash.
Liked by: Rokayah Mahmoud

Salam Sheikh. I was reading that Shaykh ul Islam ibn Taymiyyah believed that the hellfire will come to an end. Is that truly his belief? If so, on a basic level (to save you from a long explanation) can you explain how that really works? May Allah reward you Sheikh :)

A short trust-me kind of an answer: learn the basics of your faith before you delve into bigger topics.
Ibn taymiyya said: "Whether Hellfire is mortal or eternal was disputed since the Tabi'een. The dispute is famous." He goes on to establish that the majority of ahlusunnah are upon that Hellfire is eternal just like Paradise is eternal.
It appears that both ibn Taymiyya and ibn alqayyim leaned towards the mortality of Hellfire, but they also went back and forth. There's a dispute on what was their final belief with regard to this.

Is smoking impermissible? I've seen many brothers who smoke and mentioned that the scholars of the past didn't say it's haram.

Any addiction that has potential harmful results is prohibited, whether it's aspertame, nicotine, caffeine or cocaine. The prohibition varies according to the seriousness, strength of addiction and likelihood of harm.
Smoking tobacco, without doubt, is not a major sin, and many scholars don't consider it even sinful if done on reasonable amounts.
Before fanatics jump out of their seats, I say: if I told you that sh ibn Uthaimeen said it is possible for smoking to not be prohibited, what do would say to that?

I am going to study alim course (4years) and economics (uni). After I graduate from the alim course my aim is to work10 years to save 100k dollar and use it for traveling to seek more knowlegde (6+years). But the only thing preventing me from this plan is how can I earn a living after returing back?

The Devil is sitting there laughing at you.
Graduate from and uni and let's see if you finish this Alim course.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

Salam, three questions. Whats the Hanbali opinion about: 1) is it obligatory for a husband to provide for Hajj to his wife (if she dont have any money) . 2) Is it obligatory for a son to provide for Hajj to his mother and 3) is it obligatory for a father to give Hajj money to his children?

Is it obligatory for me to answer your questions?

حضرتك هتجاوب بقية الاسئلة امتى؟؟

أكرر الاعتذار عن الإجابة عن الأسئلة باللغة العربية، وليس المقصود من هذا حث العرب المقيمين في بلاد عربية أن يراسلوني بالإنجليزية، بل هذا تدليس!
ارجو ممن شرفه ربه بمعرفة لغة القرآن، والعيش في بلاد الإسلام، أن يسأل أهل العلم المتحدثين بلغته القاطنين في بلده، إنما فتحت هذا الحساب مرغما لأساعد - مع قلة بضاعتي - أولئك الشباب الذين لا يحسنون العربية وابتلاهم ربهم بأن أكون في نظرهم من العلماء.

AoA Sheikh. My cousin has been trying to borderline force me to go with him on tablighi jamaat. When I see what they do, it doesn't really seem Islamic though, more cultural. What do you think about them?

I'd rather be in a tablighi jamaa'ah than sitting behind a keyboard judging people; that's just a sad way of life.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

As Salam alykum, someone who committed Zina while fasting, and has too fast 60 days. Is the person allowed to delay the fast till December, where Time is short, because they do not want there Mom to find out they have done Zina. Or, do they have to start right away.

Only having a sexual intercourse on a fasting day in Ramadan requires this severe expiation of fasting 60 days, back to back. If one day is broken in the middle, you'd have to restart the 60 days fast. The only exception is sickness, loss of conscious, or - if the asker is a girl - the days when she's menstruating.
Committing Zina is a grieve sin, and one of the leading causes that lead people to Hellfire. It is even greater if done while fasting. However, if it was a fast outside Ramadan, the 60 days does not apply.
Either way, the first thing you need to do is the repentance from this crime. If you are afraid that your mom would find out, what how do you feeling knowing that God - who has more right and favour over you - already knows, and saw you do it?
He is nonetheless more merciful and loving than your own mother is to you, and you should immediately turn to Him for forgiveness and repentance.
As for expiation, it is either recommended to be done immediately, or obligatory to be done immediately. The majority of scholars are upon the opinion that if the fast is an expiration to a sin, then the expiation must be done immediately.
You don't need to tell your mom the reason behind your fasting. If afraid, you may say it's Sunnah, and you wouldn't be lying; since it both means doing a voluntary act of worship, or following the guidance of the Prophet, peace be upon him, which you'd be doing.

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Salaam sheikh. I keep relapsing from porn addiction. I don't want to look at thus stuff anymore. I'm praying, making dua etc but continously slip up. How do I beat this? Should I see a councillor?

Counseling could help, but - even if you got it covered with your insurance or can afford it, - it could take anywhere from 6 months to a few years.
In my teenage years I struggled with nicotine addiction. I rolled and smoked over 40 cigs a day without a filter for several years. One day, after a short talk with a friend, who was not even a councillor. I threw the cigarettes from my pocket, once and for good, alhamdolillah.
All I'm saying, you have chosen to enslave yourself to this habit for reasons you know, and you can break it with the help of Allah.
Ask @mustafaelmasry, he may have a better suggestion on where to go.

Sheikh, when we gaze upon your face it is as if we are looking at the moon. Grant us the blessing of thine presence in America ya Hidayatullah. Lol

Liar. The moon doesn't have a beard (and is arguably feminine, as French people claim).
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

I have a friend came back from france 2 weeks ago he got married to a Christian girl without his parents permission He brought her with him to meet his parents but she confessed that she was born a boy and made an operation he left her in hotel and he lives with me now what to do??

1) Kids, that's what you get when you get married without your parent's permission.
2) I understand that the marriage is nulled, but why leave her at a hotel? couldn't he at least book her a flight home out of courtesy? If there's no romance then at least let there be some bromance? 😁


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