
Majed Jarrar

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my grandpa is an illrterate and he cannot learn even two verses by heart. he say similar words from our dialect. can he ? pray without reciting fatiha

If he knows one complete verse of Qur'an, then he repeats it until he fulfill two conditions:
1. Seven verses are recited
2. The length of 25 words, or 120 letters, of Qur'an.
If he knows one complete verse of alfatiha, then no other verse of Qur'an is sufficient.
For example, if he can say
الحمد لله رب العالمين
Then if he repeats it seven times, it suffices as a replacement for alfatiha.
If he can't learn a single verse, then it is sufficient for him to say the four phrases:
سبحان الله
والحمد لله
والله اكبر
ولا إله إلا الله

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If you could choose again, would you again decide to be a scholar or rather be an 'every day muslim', layperson? (Serious question). I don't know if the responsility of a scholar amazes me more or the reward...

If I could choose, I'd rather be a tree that gives shade to passers by, or a cat that amuses a child, than to be a human with these immense duties towards God, the community, my family and myself.

Sheikh u metioned that the distance for travel is around 180 km but it seems other sources say 83 km (I always followed that). Are there different opinions?

I don't think I've said 180km, if I have that would've been a typo or a slip.
The minimum distance that counts as travel in our mathhab is a bit over 135km.
Many scholars have made the mistake of repeating someone else's calculations without checking validity or accuracy.
The ~80km opinion is not found in any of the four mathaahib by the way, although some people mistakenly ascribe it to the Hanafi and even Hanbali mathhab.
To seal this, here's the breakdown:
The author of the muntaha said:
"The distance is approximately sixteen faraasikh (sg. farsakh) - by land or sea; which is equivalent to two days in expedited travel; which is also equivalent to four burud (sg. bareed).
A bareed is four faraasikh.
A farsakh is three Hashemite miles, (or two and a half Umayyad miles.)
A Hashemite mile is (twelve thousand feet, or) six thousand arm spans.
An arm span is twenty four adjacent fingers.
A finger width is six grains of barley aligned such that their centre widths are side by side.
A grain centre width is six hairs."
End quote
Using the finger width as the base conversation to SI: the average finger width is 1.99 cm ± 0.1 cm. This makes the distance about 138 km ± 1 km rounded to the nearest km.
For 80km to be valid, a human finger width needs to be 1.15 cm wide, but medically, the minimum healthy finger width of an adult is 1.6 cm.

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How far do we have to go in our research whether food in public places is Halal? Eg there's a turkish restaurant which says the meat is Halal (I even saw the certificate) but they sell alcohol. Do I trust them or doubt their reliability?

The verbal testimony of a Muslim is sufficient, unless you see something that discredits the testimony.
Serving alcohol is prohibited, and it discredits the integrity and religiosity of the owner for sure.
However, it doesn't necessarily affect the credibility of the cook or the halal meat inspection agency that made the certificate.
If in doubt of forgery, contact the certification agency to verify.

Salam, i got some aid (studies) here in Sweden. The goverment payed me bcz they thought i studied...but i did not study and only made a exam. Should I tell them and give back the money? I am asking bcz i dont want to do haram. And in Sweden they dont give money for only exams..only for a study year

I don't know how this started, did you give them a misinformation that you'll be studying?
I also don't know whether there exists a path to return the money, if not, and it's not yours, then gift it to someone who needs it.

انا التزمت فى الصلاة وانا ١٥ سنة مش قادر افتكر خالص سن بلوغى عشان احسب الصلوات الفائتة قبل الالتزام واقضيها ايه الحل ؟

١٥ سنة هجرية يعني ١٤ سنة ميلادية ونصف تقريبا.
يعني بحد أدنى عندك ست شهور تقضيها، ولو بلغت وعمرك ١٤ هجرية مثلا يعني الحد الاقصى سنة وست شهور. قدر بينهما واقض.
Liked by: محمد حمدي

This is an extremely dumb question, but its been bothering me. Do we need to recite Surah Fatihah behind the Imam? If so, what do we do in they gointo ruku (or even stand back up) before we even finish the fatihah?

You don't need to, weather the imam recited it in a loud or a whispering voice.

Nowadays so many people are complaining about Salafi Fatawa sites because apparently they don't mention the difference of opinion. But if we look at the fiqh books of the madhahib, everyone mentions only their 'strongest opinion'. That's just one topic, why aren't scholars of madhahib critisized?

Because you're talking about beginner mathhab books, where they teach the basics, not give fatwa.
In more advanced books that are references for fatwa, scholars state clearly: the strongest in the mathhab is such and such.
They also bring all the textual evidence, whether it's with or against their opinion.
They also say: there's no blame for someone to follow the mainstream opinion of another mathhab.
But modern Salafi fatwa sites, like islamqa and such, make claims such as: this is the (only) correct opinion (not according to our opinion), sometimes even accusing the opinions of the four mathhabs to be lacking evidence (!!! Accusing thousands of Muslim scholars over hundreds of years of committing the major sin of speaking in religion without proof, instead of just admitting their ignorance the they don't know all the proofs). Worst of all, the bias in hiding proofs that go against their opinion, giving the illusion to their viewers that they're "following the daleel", while in many cases it's a single daleel which has more and stronger proofs against it.

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إيه يا مولانا فاتح حنفية الأسئلة اللي بالعربية ليه النهار دا؟ :)

علشان اهيصكوا بمناسبة العيد.

أيهما أفضل؟؟ الدراسة المذهبية أم الدراسة والتعبد بالدليل؟! يعني أتمذهب ولا أتبع ما يرجحه شيخي؟!

ليس هناك ثمة شيء اسمه تعبد بالدليل
فالدليل يعرفه السلف قبل الخلف، وإنما الأمر هو اتباع فهم السلف وأئمتهم كمالك والشافعي لهذا الدليل
أو أن تتبع فهم شيخ معاصر للدليل.
اقرأ هذا
ولو أردت الاستزادة فشاهد هذا
https://youtu.be/qI4ZX-5GMNMMajedJarrar’s Video 141323724866 qI4ZX-5GMNMMajedJarrar’s Video 141323724866 qI4ZX-5GMNM
https://youtu.be/bBXIyWpAwaQMajedJarrar’s Video 141323724866 bBXIyWpAwaQMajedJarrar’s Video 141323724866 bBXIyWpAwaQ
https://youtu.be/ebvlRXf8cZUMajedJarrar’s Video 141323724866 ebvlRXf8cZUMajedJarrar’s Video 141323724866 ebvlRXf8cZU

اليوم اصابني الم شظيد في رأسي (الشقيقة ) لم اتحمله فأخدت الدواء بنية ارجاعه هذا اليوم كما انني لم اصلي اقظر اروح التراويح وعند عودتي اصلي ما فاتني من اليوم ؟

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته شفاكم الله وعافاكم.
متى ما قدرت على الصلاة فاقض الفريضة أولا وبالترتيب قبل النافلة، لأن الفريضة أهم من النافلة بلا خلاف، فالأولى قضاء الفوائت قبل التطوع بتروايح وغيره.
وعلى قول آخر: لا تُقبل النافلة أساسا حتى تتم فوائت الفرائض.
وبالنسبة لقضاء اليوم من رمضان فيجب عليك القضاء قبل رمضان القادم، ويستحب عندي التعجيل واتمام رمضان قبل الشروع بالست من شوال خروجا من الخلاف.

ممكن لو سمحت ادلة علي موضوع التيشرت بالصليب ده اصل اسلام ويب كاتب لا يجوز

هم نقلوا الكراهة في المذاهب الأربعة وثم صرحوا أن اتجاههم نحو الحرمة هو اتجاههم هم. وهذا علامة علمهم وامانتهم في النقل http://fatwa.islamweb.net/fatwa/index.php?page=showfatwa&Option=FatwaId&lang=A&Id=8015
وليسوا كأولئك المدلسين الذين يبينون بعض الأدلة وأقوال العلماء، ويخفون بعضها الآخر ليوهموا أن ثمة إجماع وأن المسألة قطعية.

كان نفسي اصلي واقرأ القرأن واقوم الليل ومتضيعش عليا ليلة القدر بس عندي عذر للاسف ممكن تهونوا علينا بدعائكم لينا

الذي فرض عليك الصلاة بالطهر هو الذي حرمها عليك في الحيض، فلا يضرك ما دمت تتقلبين في عبادته بين الاستجابة للأمر والامتناع للنهي، ولعل الكريم يرى في قلبك من مراتب محبته والشوق إليه وأنت محرومة عن اتيان العبادات في عادتك ما لا تصِلين إليه بالصيام وطول القيام.
سبحانه هو القابض الباسط، يبسط عليك نعمة التعبد إليه حتى تذوقين لذة مناجاته، ويقبضها عنك حتى تعرفي الشوق إليه، ويقلبك بين القبض والبسط كي تعلمي أن الأمر كله بيده، وأن التعلق يكون به وحده سبحانه وتعالى.


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