
Majed Jarrar

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I share company accommodation with a Christian staff and he used the frying pan for pork, is it okay to wash it and use or not ?

If a utensil carries najasah, it must be washed seven times, with the first one using earth - or any detergent - before it becomes permissible for use.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

رد ضروري بالله...انا نمتمن المغرب لحد تاني يوم مصلتش مغرب او عشا ولا فجر....اعمل ايه ف المغرب والعشا اصليهم دلوقتي ولا اسيبهم مع المغرب والعشا اللي جايين

قضاء الصلوات يكون فوريا وبالترتيب.

2) In my wallet Ive found £3.30 change plus the £1 that appeared under me on the sofa. So logically the £1 is not mine. Shall I go and put the £1 back where I found it? Jazakallah khayr Isn't there an extra pound?

Yes, and it is a gift from Allah. Take it and be thankful.
If what you find has a value that the average of people will likely not return back for it, such as £1 and £5, then you may use it. This is the mainstream opinion of most mathaahib; that the limit is relative to the community's wealth. In Hanafi opinion it's anything that's worth less than one gram of gold.

انا بسافر كل يوم ومبحبش برامج القرآن اللي على الموبايلات ففجيبي المصحف دايما حتى لو رايح مشوار واوقات كتير قوي بكون على غير وضوء بل ان صح القول قليل اوي بكون علي وضوء فهل كدا مقراش من المصحف ولا يجوز ليا اني اشيله في جيبي حتى

يحرم مس المصحف لمن ليس على طهارة (صغرى وكبرى)، لا بأس بحمله في جيبك لكن لا يجوز حمله ولا ميه ولا فتحه بيدك إلا وأنت على وضوء

So logically the £1 is not mine. Shall I go and put the £1 back where I found it? Jazakallah khayr

No, take it. It'll cover the cost of your calculations and sending this question.

Assalamu Alaykum, I am a female university student here in Ottawa. I would like to begin seeking knowledge of the deen more seriously, but I am not sure where to start. I’ve started to read on my own but I know that this isn’t sustainable and that I need a teacher. Do you have any advice? JZK

I will be delivering two lectures at Carleton U in preparation for Ramadan, these coming two Fridays 6-8 pm, inshaAllah. covering Fiqh of prayer, fasting, taraweeh, itikaaf and more inshaAllah. Q&A available.

هو حكم مشاهدة التليفزيون كتسلية ممكن يختلف من راجل لست .. علشان يعني مشاهدة المتبرجات ؟ وهل المسلسلات التاريخية ليها نفس ذنب الدراما ؟ انا بنت وبحاول اقلل من التليفزيون .. وهل يجوز اسمع مسلسلات اذاعية ، صوت بس منغير صور ؟ واسفة لو تجاوزت حدود ادب السؤال

نظر الرجل للمرأة الأجنبية بإمعان ولو من غير شهوة = حرام.
ونظر المرأة للرجل الاجنبي بإمعان من غير شهوة = جائز، والأولى تركه.
ويجوز الاستماع للمسلسلات الإذاعية ما لم تحث على الحرام.

Al salamo 3lykom sheikh. Do you know sheikh Sa3eed El Kamaly from al Maghreb and what do you think of listening to him ? And also Sheikh Ahmed Salem from Egypt

I'm not a peer, let alone a more knowledgeable person than either of them to be qualified to answer this.
Evaluation should be sought from their teachers. Not peers, and definitely not less than that.

Lool akhi let em put it this way. What should a girl be pursuing when searching for a companion? What should she look for before agreeing to marry him? Also i agree with you on the feminist option with 5 + cats is best ;)

His commitment to the five daily prayers, congregation, zakaat, treatment of parents and distant relatives.
Anything after that comes second.

Asalamualaikum- following a sin- what is the immediate actions one should do- I'm aware one should grieve/repent and intend not to repeat- but is there any supplications or nawaafil prayers that are recommended in an attempt to "right the wrongs" as it were. Ps - this platform-v beneficial resource.

The prophet said, "anyone who sins, then immediately does a purification, and does it excellently, then prays two rak'at and asks God for forgiveness = God will forgive them."
Liked by: Kashif Raza

Shaykh, what is your stance on the dawah of the Najdi movement? Is their take on ibadah and shirk correct?

This isn't the proper platform to answer this question.

Who is better fit to lead qiyam (if they both are equal in other requirements): -hafith and experienced in telawa but his voice is not melodious -not hafith (will have to read from qura'an) but experienced in telawa with a melodious voice that helps in attaining khoshou'

Melodious tone brings entertainment. Khushoo' comes by paying attention.

السلام عليكم ما رأيك أخي الكريم بكتب محمد حسين يعقوب في التزكية و التربية بعيدا عن بعض آرائه الفقهية لأنه يعالج قضايا تمس الشباب ككتابه : قصة الإلتزام و إلا فبمن تنصحون من المعاصرين في التزكية و التربية و جزاكم الله خيرا

Amine Laarais- أمين لعريس
لطيف، لكن لو عندك اعتراض على آرائه الفقهية سيصعب على قلبك الانتفاع منه. أهل التزكية كثر

https://www.joebradford.net/isnt-drop-shipping-haram-no-and-heres-why/#_=_ This Sheikh is a Hanbali, but I thought this was contrary to the opinion of the mathab. Are there differing opinions?

I don't know the brother, the division he makes is essentially correct, but there are a few mistakes. Not everything in part 1 is permissible, and most dropshipping violates the conditions of Salam sales.
Also, selling regarding unlocked samsung 'any colour', if that's meant to say all colours available, and customers are free to choose any colour, but they must choose a colour, then that's okay. If it means you'll get a random colour of the Samsung, that's a prohibited form of Salam.

Some girls will accept a proposal if the guy has a "decent" personality, is well off and the parents are ok with him.Is this a good criteria? She may not care if the guy has same life goals or has a compatible personality. Should girls tell the parents type of guy she wants or settle for what comes?

You just named the best 1% case scenario of a marriage proposal on earth, and you're asking if a girl should 'settle' for that. I'm confused.
And why do you think it's either settle completely or demand upfront? Why not think of other options. For example, she can join a feminist movement, adopt five cats and be a strong independent woman. :)
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

يا شيخ ... والدي معتقل واخد حكم 6سنوات ... دلوقتي أمي مصدر دخلها مساعدة مني و عملها البسيط ( الف جنيه)والدي معاه شوية فلوس علي جنب هيا شايلاهم ..هل يجب عليهم الزكاة ..مع العلم انه دة مصدر دخله لما يخرج ان شاء الله ...يعني هوا لو كان مش معتقل كان حيصرف منه لانه اترفد من الشغل بسبب الإعتقال ...

لو بلغ المال النصاب وحال عليه الحول، تجب عليه الزكاة فورا.
والله الذي رزق أباك من قبل قادر على أن يرزقه من بعد. فالحمد لله الذي جعل رزق العباد في يديه وليس في يدي عباده "إذا لأمسكتم خشية الإنفاق"
فرج الله عن ابيكم وعن جميع أسرى المسلمين

As Salam alkyum, Which prophet came after Adam, was it idris or prophet nuh?

All prophets came after Adam. 😁
The difference of opinion on the precedence stems from whether Idrees (Enoch) is himself Elias or not. Some companions and scholars said Elias is Idrees. They conclude Noah was first, because Elias (a.k.a Idrees) was a Prophet sent to the Israelites so definitely after Noah.
This who say the two are different, use narrations that imply that Idrees was the first Prophet God sent after Adam.
Both arguments are strong, and I personally have an inclination towards the first opinion, because of authentic hadeeths that the people of Noah were the first to deviate since Adam. And if no deviation occurred before him then it would not have been useful to send a prophet to a guided community. Those who were against this opinion said why two names for the same man? And clearly we have other prophets with two names: Yaqoub (Jacob) is Isra'eel (Israel), and Yunus is Thun-noon, etc and there's no dispute in that. Lastly, the Qur'an stated that Idrees was the one who was elevated to heaven alive, and there are reports from the Israelites, and in the corrupted versions of the Torah and the Bible today, that it was Elias who was raised to the heavens. And Allah knows best.
It's more important to study the lessons behind the stories of the Prophets than to focus on unnecessary details, especially if they were details that God and His Messenger intentionally did not mention to us.

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https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/141129823554 JazakAllahu khayr. I have only read some basic aqidah books as Tahawiyyah, Risala and etc. I am a jahil. So it's nice if you tell me about this topic :)

Tahawiyya is one of the more advanced aqeedah books. I suggest you start with basics like ma'aarij al-qabool, then lum'atul i'tiqaad, and study them well under a strong Sheikh who explains them to you especially the problematic statements in them, until you earn the ijazah with connected sanad.
Then study al-wasitiyya
Then attahawiyya
Then alhamawiyya.
And that's it if you are not going to specialize in aqeedah, and meanwhile, stay away from examining or judging other individuals and sects.

Salam. I know its mustahhab to do much worship during 15 Sha'ban according to imam Ahmad and other from Salaf. But according to imam Malik...the mashaykh of Madinah (atba' al tabi'in) never did and they took their fiqh from tabi'in and they took it from sahaba. Is it not better to follow this way?

As if imam Ahmed, Abu Hanifa and the other salaf took their religion from Zoroastrians.
I hereby register my first official SMH on this site.

Salam alaikum ustadh. I would like to know if the belief of seeing a non-prophet better/superior than a prophet constitutes as kufr? For instance, saying Ali bin Abi Talib better than Jesus AS. Is that kufr according to Ahl as Sunnah? As far as I know, that's the belief of Rawafidh. BarakAllahu fik

This is explained in the most basic of aqeedah books. If you haven't got that straight, I would suggest you should be concerned about your own aqeedah than that of others.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish


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