
Majed Jarrar

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Looking from the outside, what is your take on this new trend of Muslim e-commerce/entrepreneurship? Is it something we should pay mind to?

The Messenger of Allah said: O Allah I seek refuge in you from inability and laziness.

Is it permissible to make Du'a for the destruction of the enemys of Islam and add 'if guidanxe isn't written for them'?

It's permissible to make du'aa for the destruction of the enemies of God or God's religion. It's also permissible to pray for their guidance.
Noah, peace be upon him, prayed for their destruction, and God destroyed them.
Muhammad, May the peace and blessings of God be upon him, was asked to pray for the destruction of the enemies of God. He said: I was sent as mercy to the worlds. He prayed for their guidance.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/140988532802 Could you please elaborate. Is it prohibited even to order through it?

If you're buying bulk, then storing it in a place and selling it individually, that's permissible. If you make an agreement with the seller that you become their retailer/distributor, such that you sell their products and they (the owner) cut you a percentage for you, then that's permissible as well.
The prophet prohibited selling something which you don't own, by making people think you own it, when the order and pay, you take their money and go to the market and buy the goods they want. That's the prohibited form of drop shipping.
As a buyer you buy from whom you think is the owner of the goods. If you find you're buying from a commissioner, it's in your best interest to bypass them and buy directly from the seller.

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I need an intellectual hobby. Any suggestions other than reading? or maybe one that requires reading but does not stop there

I wish I had some of your free mind.
Start a Qur'an journal. Read verses you've already memorised, and write down every question and thought that comes to mind. For any question, attempt your own answer and write it down, then ask a scholar or look it up in books of tafseer and make the necessary correction, without omitting.
In a few year's time, you'll have a rich progress in Arabic, reflection and tafseer.

Shaykh, being you are into E-business - what is your take on going into E-commerce/Amazon/Drop shipping? Is it worth my time and effort and is it promising?

Drop shipping is prohibited, it is not synonymous with e-commerce and Amazon.
It is imperative upon every Muslim to learn the fiqh of transaction before they start a trade.

Is it permissible for unmarried individuals to do istimna'a? Is it haram to stay unmarried? What if one can't find what they look for?

The Messenger of God said: "O youth, whoever has the ability, let them get married (...) And whoever cannot, let them fast."
Consult with a righteous and knowledgable Sheikh to guide you how to choose.

Is it allowed to make du3a to Allah for more (halal-tayyib) wealth with the intention to give more sadaqah (building mosques, paying for poor, build water wells etc) if one is mukhlis? Such du3a combined with the asking of akhira, najah from 3adhab and etc? Is that allowed (mubah)?


يا شيخ .. لا احفظ من القران الكثير واريد ان اقوم الليل ,فهل يجوز ان اقرا من المصحف ف القيام؟؟ ..وايضا هل يجوز ان اجهر بصوتى حتى ف صلاة الظهر والعصر

نعم تجوز القراءة من المصحف في القيام.
والسنة أن تسر القراءة في الظهر والعصر، ولا يفلح من خالف السنة.

My religious friend has been trying to get married for some time, but since he is part Afghan part Bengali, literally every single Muslim ethnicity hates his guts, including his parents' respective ethnic groups, and people think he's "impure". Can you please make dua for him Sheikh Sahab?

The Messenger of God said about ethnic zeal/supremacy: "abandon it! it is filthy."
May the Almighty grant him a loving spouse.

SalamuAlaykum Sheikh I was reading some of your previous answers and was wondering what is the ruling on making wudu during Ramadan , specifically for washing the mouth and nose. Is it still fard to do that when fasting? What happens if we accidentally swallow or sniff in too much water?

It's a pillar of wudu to wash the mouth and nose, in our mathhab. The sunnah is to wash both thoroughly, unless the person is fasting then you do not exaggerate.

How can you prove that Islam is the truth? Keep in mind that the lines "Where do I start?" or "the evidence is just so great that I can't" are both cop-out answers.

Where do I start, the evidence is just so great that I can't. :)
Science can only prove what's evidently false. Logic can only prove what's logically correct. The Truth can only be reached by belief.
To answer your question, God says "Whomsoever God does not make a light for, will not have a light."

Salaam Sheikh. A small amount of pre-ejaculatioj fluid touched/potentially went on my clothes. It's so small I can't even see it. Can I pray in these clothes?

No, wash enough area of the clothes (or, all of it) until you're certain the najaasah is washed away.

هل النار فانية ام باقية؟ بعض الملحدين يظن بتعارض الرحمة الالهية و تخليد الكفار في العذاب.

باقية أبدا، قال تعالى: ولو رُدوا لعادوا لما نُهوا عنه.
ولو كلما ظن بعض الملحدين شيئا أجبناه، لما قامت للناس دنيا ولا أنهينا مصلحة.

Salam Alaikom Brother, When relatives of members of our community die abroad they sometimes ask to pray Salat al ghaib on them at the mosque even though most times they have already been prayed upon. Is the practice allowed?

Wa alaikum assalam,
Salaatul ghaa'ib is permissible, in our mathhab and also Shafi'i mathhab, upon a Muslim who died far away and no one prayed on them.
The other view in our mathhab, as imam Ahmed himself reported, that it's only permissible on a well known pious Muslim who died far away and no one prayed on them, not just any Muslim.
As for Malikis and Hanafis they say it's an act specific to the Prophet only, no one else has the right to do it.
The opinion that it can be prayed on someone away even if people there prayed on him or her, is an odd opinion that isn't supported by any of the four mathaahib.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته كنت ناوية صيام الأيام البيض اللي اليوم اول ايامها لكن لما صحيت شربت الماء سهوا وليس قصدا اكمل الصيام ؟؟

إذا بيتّي النية للصيام من الليل، كأن تسحرتي مثلا، فلا يضر صيامك ما أكلتِ ناسية

السلام عليكم قيام الليل وفوائده هل يجوز ان اقيم الليل بقراءة القرآن من المصحف ؟؟

وعليكم السلام،

اسئلك بالله ان تجيب ، هل يجوز دفع الرشوه فى بلد غير مسلمه وفى جامعة ودكاتره ه غير مسلمين، وان دفعت الرشوة هل لها توبه ان كانت محرمه، وهل هذا الكلام صحيح ان دفعت رشوة فى الجامعة يصبح مالى الذي اكتسبته فى عمل بهذه الشهادة حرام، هلى العلم ان هناك دكاتره يرغموننا على الرشوة ولكن ليس مجبورين

الحمد لله وبعد،
لا يجوز دفع الرشوة، في بلد المسلمين او الكفار او في المريخ، ولو لم يكن بد للحصول على هذه الشهادة الا بالرشوة. قال رسول الله: لعن الله الراشي والمرتشي.
وكم من صاحب شهادة لا يجد عملا يسد رمقه، وكم من تاجر ثري لم يدرس بعد الابتدائية شيئا.
ولا يجوز أن تقول أسألك بالله لقول النبي ملعون من سأل بوجه الله. وقوله لا يسأل بوجه الله إلا الجنة.
ومن السنة ان تبدأ الرسالة بالسلام.

Is part-exchanging a car allowed? Popular in the UK, you trade your car in and pay some cash on top for new car.


I converted to Islam around 5 years ago, but now don't feel sure that Islam is the truth anymore even though I still pray. What do I do?

Feelings are a platform of desires and doubts. The truth is not gauged by feelings.
Find what is corrupting your heart and fix it. It may be committing sins, or delay in responding to commands, or doubts in your mind. Allah says: every human is a witness against themself, even if they pulled up their excuses.

Is it disrespectful to the quran to listen to it while studying? It feels as if it brings blessings as I study much better this way...

Yes, and will make you used to hearing the words of God and not paying attention to them.
Allah says: when the Qur'an is recited, then listen to it, and pay attention, so you may be granted mercy.
Liked by: Umm Anṣār آية

Is listening to quran recitation and reciting it yourself at the same time permissible?

Yes. Our scholars explicitly stated if someone's memorization is so weak that they can't memorise alfatiha or any Sura, then they may recite along someone else's recitation, as long as they don't pause too long to break the required flow of the recitation.
Liked by: آية

There are shuyukh who say that bashar al asad is muslim and revolting against him was impermissible. Is this true?

Being Muslim is irrelevant to the ruling of revolting against a ruler. More than five companions and thousands of tabi'een revolted against Muslim oppressive rulers. Injustice is the criterion.


Language: English