
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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Sometimes this happens: soon there is a exam in a subject like math or chemistry...but you are lazy and dont wan't to study it - and then instead starts to recite Quran, to istighfar, do salawat etc. Like you get waswas that these things are superior than study secular subjects. How to overcome it??

These things are superior than secular subjects, no one denies that except a disbeliever.
Ask yourself, why are you studying this degree? If you're unable to find a sincere answer to this question, or lacking the motivation for your studies, perhaps you should speak to a career counselor.

Allah tells us in the Qur'an how he punished many people, destroyed them etc - why can't we se such things now in our time? Why does not Allah destroy people today. Its a serious question, can u answer to remove some shubuhat :) JazakALlah khayr

1. Because every message and messenger before were sent to a specific people, in a specific time. The final message and messenger were sent to all humanity until the end of time.
2. Because the Messenger, who was sent as mercy to all worlds, asked for it. He said: I have asked my Lord to protect my nation from a non discriminating punishment that destroys everyone, and he granted it to me. And I have asked Him to protect my nation from a global famine that causes everyone to perish, and he granted it to me, and I have asked Him to protect my nation from fighting each other, and He denied me this one.
3. Because if a major punishment comes to destroy everyone, and it's not the day of judgement yet, then who will be sent to the people after, with what message? There's only one final message, and all religions of God have mentioned that the Messiah will not come back with a new religion, but revive and rule by the religion of God that is already existing.
4. That doesn't mean every person and every group are immune from punishments or calamities, and the examples are too many to count.

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2 questions: 1. Is it haram to recite the Quran without ijazah? (like in prayer or read it for yourself only) 2. Is it permissible to make a khatm of Quran by reading different suwar in different qira'at? Like reciting Fatiha in Khalaf, then Baqarah in Hafs, then Imran in Duri and etc?

1. No.
2. I don't know.

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بإذن الله هتقدم بعد رمضان بس محتاج اظبط بعض الأمور مع عائلتي أولا (ماديات و اتفاقات) فهل ينفع اخلي الوسيط بيني و بين البنت اللي شايفها مناسبة يسألها من دلوقتي لو ينفع فلان دا يتقدم ولا لا ؟ عشان لو هي الزواج مش في دماغها أو في حد في حياتها يبقي هأجل الأمر كله

ينفع نعم. وأنا أفضل انك تكون متاكد من الأمور اولا علشان متعلقش البنت بعدين تطلع مش مستعد.

being in a friendship with a non mehram is haram ? What Quran says about it and what Allah's messenger says about it? Please describe with reference. Jazakallah!

Sounds like a high-school exam. :)
Yes, it's prohibited. The reference is an entire chapter of usuul called sadd-uth-tharaa2i3.
The Prophet said: I am not leaving behind a greater fitnah on men = than women; it is only second to the Dajjal.
Asking for a reference in a quick question in this platform or Twitter, etc, is not common etiquette of asking. The teacher may have tens of sources that you're not qualified to read/understand. If you want to learn reference about something, attend a class or send an email.
Finally, when you want to thank someone immensely, the prophet instructed us to say: jazak Allah khayran. Saying jazakallah only could imply may Allah reward you with good or with punishment.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/140761298498 طب وحضرتك متعصب ليه كده ؟ ما يمكن انتكس فعلا :) ، هو أنا قولت انه صلّي قيام النهاردة ، ونام اليوم اللي بعده ؟

لان الانتكاس حالة منهجية، فلا ينبغي أن يقال "انتكس في بعض الامور"
هل يسير الى الله، ومعترف بتقصيره، ويحاسب نفسه، أم يومه شر من أمسه، وفخور بماضيه، ومنشغل في ذنوب الناس؟
وأنا حاطط ابتسامة واسعة ومنشكح ومش متعصب خالص على فكرة.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/140765473346 But malik and maaliki were both used..i have not seen anyone saying that maliki/maaliki is not a ayah or its ayah (like the the debate of basmalah If I understand your answer, you mean that the basmalah was read as a ayah sometimes and sometimes left?

You're saying how can a mutawatir oppose a mutawatir, and I'm giving you an example. The Qur'an verse counts is between 6236 and 6666 depending on different narrations. Because for example some count basmalah in every surah as a separate ayah, some don't. Some count the word alkhannas as a separate ayah, some don't, etc.
You should avoid talfeeq (making up/collage) of the Qur'an, so if the narration you're learning says you must say bismillah as an ayah, then you must, if it says it's not, then it's not.

لو واحدة مخطوبة لشاب ملتزم ومتدين , ثُم انتكس في بعض الأمور .. الصح تتركه ، أم تصبر عليه لإنها تعلم معدنه الطيّب ؟ نصيحتكم ؟

يعني ايه انتكس يا جماعة؟ من كثر ما سمعت المصطلح هذا اظن اننا حنسمع حد يقول إن الامام احمد كان بيصلي ٣٠٠ ركعة قيام في الليلة ثم انتكس وبقى يصلي ١٥٠ بس في آخر عمره.
بالراحة بس في الانتكاس علشان الموضوع وسع كتير.
واحد رايح من القاهرة إلى الإسكندرية، ماشي بسرعة ١٠٠ كيلو في الساعة، ٥٠، ٢٥، ٥، ٠.٥، ده كله ماشي للإمام.
الانتكاس أنه يلف ويرجع القاهرة.
ممكن نقول حد قصّر في بعض الامور، أخطأ، زل، إلخ، بس لو ماشي في الطريق لا يقال له انتكس.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/140753978434 Different asker I'm used to saying in most of my prayers durimg sujud because my understanding is عفو is even higher than غفر and I can't think of better ways to request it. If there's more ajr in limiting it to only Ramadan, I'll start doing that!

The negative sunnah with intention also receives reward; e.g. the act of withholding a specific du'aa in times the Prophet did not make it, because he didn't, is equivalent to the act of making the du'aa in the times the Prophet did it, because he did. The complete following of the sunnah doesn't happen except with both.

Is bismillah a ayah of Surah Fatiha? This is confusing me. According to 5 qiraat the Bismillah is a ayah and according to the 5 other it's not a ayah... How can mutawatir report contradict mutawatir report?

Just like a mutawatir narrated it's malik, and another mutawatir narrated it's maalik.

Can we say Allahumma innaka 3affuwun, tuhibbul 3afwa fa3afu3anni everyday or a habit even if its not the last ten days of Ramadan

You can say whatever good you want in your du'aa; but you will get more reward if you follow the footsteps of the Prophet. He only used that du'aa in Ramadan.

Salaam Sheikh. If I'm really struggling in a uni assignment, can I ask my friend for an idea and use it if he suggests something useful? Not the actual argument of the essay itself, but more a single idea which is widely acknowledged but I simply didn't think of it. JazakAllah Kheir

Email the professor and sit down with him and ask the stupidest of questions and verify the smallest of steps. Professors feel better when they explain something they know :)

I need an example for the correct way to make du'a with the sunnah of praising Allah and salawat. Is the following okay? "Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'alamin. Allahumma salli 'ala muhammad. *Du'a* Allahumma salli 'ala muhammad."

That is a permissible form.
Nevertheless, to exclude the prophet in salawat without tasleem, and to mention the prophet without his family, is a type of stinginess in du'aa.
Also, a more specific praise of Allah is likely to be more sincere
A generous and sincere du'aa is more likely to receive a generous answer.

Can a female doctor treat male patients?

The default ruling is that it's prohibited for female doctors to treat male patients and male doctors to female patients for numerous reasons such as: the prohibition of a man and a non related woman going behind a closed door, the prohibition of a man or woman to look at the body of the opposite sex, particularly if treatment required taking off clothes, and the prohibition to touch someone of the opposite sex.
Like every rule, there are exceptions, such as when it's an emergency (e.g. the first paramedic on site of the accident), when it's a matter of availability (the only physiotherapist in town is female), etc. There's a difference of opinion in the permissibility of the exception where quality is the factor (e.g. a pregnant woman seeking a make gynecologist because he's better than other available but average female gynaecologists.)

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Changed your mood Shaikh. Hope all is good☺️

Alhamdolillah, may Allah grant all our brothers and sisters happy spouses that make them happy

As-Salaamu alaikum ustadh. I have a question about wine. Is it true that the 'ulamah from Kufah (Abu Hanifah, Thawri, ibn Ma'in permitted nabidh (non-khamr) drinks? According to their fatawa its mubah to drinke something like vodka without getting drunk? Can u clarify this issue?

Nabeeth is fruit that is juiced and left a little bit. The wives of the prophet would make nabeeth for him, by soaking dates in water at night and he would drink it in the morning. Nabeeth is permissible unanimously when it's fresh. After three days it begins to ferment and should be discarded.
Khamr, initially is only refer to grape wine; but the majority of scholars said it includes everything that intoxicates. Imam Abu Hanifa said it's wine made from grapes and grains only, but other intoxicants are metaphorically khamr, and some Hanafis say that it's wine from grapes only, and everything else that's intoxicant is metaphorically khamr.
No one contests that intoxication is prohibited and is a major sin. However, the difference is about the small amounts; the majority follow that all intoxicants are khamr and hence are prohibited even in a slightest amounts. The Hanafis see the grapes wine prohibited in smallest amounts, but other nabeeth is not prohibited if drank in small amounts and not for intoxicating purposes. For example if someone made dates juice, they can continue to drink from for several days as long as it's not fizzy (fully intoxicating), while the majority see that once three days pass, the juice will begin fermenting quickly and must be discarded.
Definitely neither vodka not beer is permissible in any mathhab in any form.

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Salam, is it true that imam Malik (the son of Anas) rejected the hadith ''Allah created Adam in his image/in the image of al-Rahman'' reported by Bukhari?

That hadeeth isn't in Bukhari. Rather, it is "God created Adam in His image." Some scholars differed in the pronoun and said it meant in Adam's image, meaning in the image God destined Adam to be in.
However, Imam Ahmed refuted that opinion, as narrated by Abdulaziz alfaqeeh, and said: whoever claimed that Allah created Adam in Adam's image, is a Jahmiyy. How could the image of Adam exist before he was created?!
And alkawsaj was asked about the hadeeth he said I asked imam Ahmed he said it is an authentic hadeeth.
As for the explicit narration: that God created Adam in the image of arrahman. Scholars have disputed the authenticity of that expression. It appears that some weak narrators such as abi luhai'ah have substituted the pronoun with the noun to avoid confusion. Nevertheless, the meaning is correct as Imam Ahmed affirmed. And the hadeeth with the pronoun is in both Bukhari and Muslim.
Imam annawawi said in his sharh over Sahih Muslim that the pronoun referred to Adam, then later on went back and said this hadeeth is a hadeeth about divine attributes, and the creed of the salaf in the attributes of Allah is the safest and best (Imam Annawawi was Ash'ari by the way. Compare his words to today's Asha'aris).
As for the narration that imam Malik rejected the hadeeth, the narration doesn't stand in both the authenticity nor in the context.
Ibn Qutaibah said: "the image is less explicit than the Hand, the Eyes, etc. But because we are used to hearing those in Qur'an and famous hadeeth, we find this word a bit strange."
Finally, Sheikh ul Islam reported that not a single scholar in the first three centuriesrejected the hadeeth or its meaning. But later scholars were hesitant to explain it publicly lest it be misunderstood.
This doesn't of course suggest anthropomorphism, as some linguistically-crippled buffoons think. Didn't the prophet say that the first batch of people to enter Paradise their faces will be in the image of the full moon?!

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Tell us the sharh of the hadith ''Jinaakuum bi-dhabH...''

First, you should bend your knees in a scholar's circle to learn the sharh of hadeeth alniyya, the mushtabihaat, the fahowa radd, and the yujma'u arba'een.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/140730762562 Sheikh sorry to keep bothering you (I probably have OCD :( ) but to make sure, is it almost like the requirement to wash the mouth and the nose is "symbolic" as in we should do it but there's no exact amount to wash beyond doing the the sunnah method?

It's real wash, you swish the water in your mouth and sniff it in your nose.
Just because you don't use a gallon of water in every rinse doesn't mean you don't do it.
The wudu of the prophet was one Mudd. That's approximately 250 ml (one cup of water). Try doing your full wudu from that, and make it as your usual amount.

لو سمحت يا شيخ ماجد كيف آكون متميز فى اللغة الانجليزية ؟

لو عاوز تتكلم انكليزي طبيعي زي اي بني ادم تاني تتعلم
لو عاوز تميز وبتاع شوف الجماعة بتوع نوت كورسيز ده مش شغلي :)

ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/140728972098 JazakAllah khair Sheikh. Is there any guideline in the books of fiqh for how much is "too much" or "too little" in washing these parts for wudu, specifically the mouth? For instance, puting water into our mouth seems to be hard to detemine if it fully spread

The Sunnah, is that you scoop water with your right hand, and that scoop you sip from it to swish around your mouth and sniff from it to clean your nose. Then you use your left hand to slightly squeeze your nose as you blow the water out. Gargling to your throat is not from the Sunnah.
Another possible sunnah is to scoop with your right hand for your mouth then scoop again with your right hand for your nose.
It's not a sunnah to scoop water in both hands.

Salam Sheikh, I accidentally washed a small plastic bag with my clothes pocket. It was slightly dirty when I put it my pocket, and very insignificant traces of that dirt were still in the bag when I found it. Should I rewash all of my clothes?

Do you mean it has traces of najasah? If so, then yes, seven times. If not, and it's just a regular dirt, then up to how clean you want to look.


Language: English