
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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Does it counts as tahajjud if you offer the prayer after Isha and before Witr without any sleep? Or?

Any prayer at night after praying Isha and before Fajr athan is qiyam / tahajjud. Tahajjud and qiyam are the same prayer.

Is it permissible to recite the Quran from the mushaf during fareedah prayers?

Although, I prefer if a person recited from memory because it's more likely to attain khushoo' this way.



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What's the difference between a bank and a islamic bank? Answer: Nothing, you only cloth the riba (interest) with a thawb and beard :D

That's not for the laymen to decide and judge without evidence.
The difference, God says, "Allah has declared selling as permissible and usury as prohibited."
As for you and me, Allah commanded us to assume well of our brothers and their intentions.

Oh thanks ustadh for the advices. But do u think one can get a good results if one study like 5-7 hours each day (1 month) for the SAT test? And then of course also Tahajjud everyday that Allah grants you the good. But yeah, what do you think. May Allah bless you

If you do tahajjud every day for one month, nothing will block you from the way to please God.

All respect to u but why is the every blame on these ''salafis'' when it comes to the approach of aqidah and the ''strong opinion'' etc. They learn it from somewhere and its not like a kanz from the heaven!? But as usually, many would not tell us the problem :)

I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say, or in response to what.
We don't discredit contemporary Salafis altogether or undermine the importance of the knowledge they have, but the narrow mindedness of some students has led to understanding one opinion to be the one and only opinion in numerous cases.
The contemporary salafiyya movement was born mainly in a vacuum of knowledge, and they set off with the intent to fight fanaticism and eradicate evil innovations. By not taking the path of the salaf in fundamental issues of dawah and khilaaf, they created a new type of fanaticism and evil innovations themselves.

Assalamualykum Shaykh Majed, may Allah preserve you for us and the Ummah and make you a thorn in the throat of those with ghuluw. I wanted to ask if you have looked into Forex trading. I find conflicting reports about it's permkssibility. Can you clarify the matter and give me a hukm barakAllahufek

I'm a gentle rose bro 😇
I don't know much about FX. My advice to you is not to search for a fatwa through reports. Rather ask a known and knowledgeable scholar who has expertise in contemporary financial issues.

Advice on how to score good at GMAT? Much du'ah or? :) Share with us your advices ustadhuna!! Your are a gem! May Allah love you amin

Much du'aa or...?
As Tom Mulcair said: Why not both?! :)
As an engineer, I took SAT and GRE not, GMAT, but with over 95 percentile scores I can say that. It is not about understanding or fluency in your language (nor math skills, but I don't think you take math in GMAT), rather it's about
1) time management: the questions are designed to be impossible to solve on time for 60% of people.
2) preparing the way they want. The GMAT is not credible assessment of anything. If you buy their preparation materials and or take their courses (It's a for-profit company, not necessarily an angelic educational institute) and study according to their tips and guides, you'll easily achieve something above 90%.
If you think, I'll just read lots of novels and write lots of practice essays on my own, you're likely not going to reach over 80%.
Ideally, you need two hours a day, every day, for three months, to be ready to GMAT. Compressed study works well only for few people.

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You shouldn't even entertain such questions Ustadh, these people think Islam is about assuming every other person is Ashari, reading usul ath thalathah ten times over again and claiming to follow the salaf when they just mean their Salaf ends at Shaikh al-Albani and others who taught themselves

May Allah have mercy on Sheikh al-Albany and Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab. If every Sheikh was to blame for the ignorance of students who came after them, no one would have survived the blame.

You are completely unknown to the Salafi du'at here in the West. You have yet to show a tazkiyah from any of the Salafi ulema. Tell me, who gave you the right to put yourself forward and shoot your mouth off? Who gave you the right to be this arrogant? Subhanallah

I have ijazas in all nine books of hadeeth with connected isnad to the Prophet, peace be upon him. And ijazas in Fiqh from Azhar and Madina.
I have not opened my mouth in public until I received ijazas from twelve scholars from eight different countries, after studying Sharee'ah for eleven years.
Tell me, young man, how many of your 'salafi du'at here in the west', or the east even, have read Sahih albukhari once? Or have memorised 100 hadeeth from it with the final narrator? 10 hadeeths? How many have an ijaza in a single book of Fiqh? One basic book that they read with a Sheikh from cover to cover?
Or did you "blindly follow" someone who said you should listen to them and you did? Or did you "blindly trust" their word that their teachers are the most knowledgeable on earth?
All that, ijazas and degrees from universities and what not, does not matter an ounce to me anyway, but it's just to show you their nakedness, and alienation from the true path of the salaf.
Do you want a real tazkiya? Take their knowledge, and my knowledge, and project it against the words of the salaf. No, not Shaikh Allama Fahhama Batteekha hafidhahullah. Words of true salafi sheikhs who learnt from the true Madina university, like Sheikh Malik and Sheikh Abu Hanifa and Sheikh Shafi'i and Sheikh Ahmed and Sheikh Awzaa'ee, etc.
You are miskeen, my young brother. I was like you ten years ago, studying at the students of Sheikh Albany and Sheikh bin uthaimeen, overwhelmed by the aura of praise that surrounds these du'at. A simple question kept asking, why aren't we studying hadeeth and tafseer and Fiqh, while my Sufi and Ashari peers of the same age are studying the muatta' and the musnad and collecting ijazas in everything.
If you only listened to a few people, it's easy to say they and their Sheikh are the most knowledgeable people on earth. Heck, in the milky way, might as well. The truth is: the level of knowledge - and manners - of those du'aat speaks for itself.

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How about imam al-Saffarini's statement about asha'irah and maturidiyyah and atharis are from Ahl us Sunnah? Is that even a valid opinion? Clarify!

Ahl assunnah is a relative term and is based on context.
Politically, it can be everyone but Shia, which includes even Mutazila and Khawaarij.
Theologically, it can be the three groups you mentioned, against Mutazila and khawaarij and Jahmiyya, etc.
The most precise and accurate definition of ahl assunnah is that they are the companions of the Prophet. No other group of people has a right to call to itself, nor claim infallibility on their unanimous decisions as a group, except them.
It is sufficient for the laity to believe that to be among ahl assunnah; with more knowledge comes more responsibility, and tests. Indeed, ignorance is bliss. :)

What are the guidelines for knowing if one is excused from flatulence in wudu? I have a hard time keeping wudu but i dont have a "doctors note" for it. It doesn't happen 100% of the time but enough for me to suffer because i keep fearing my wudu will break in salah because of how often it happens.

If you can keep your wudu for 4 minutes, even if requires waiting an hour, or missing congregational prayers, then your prayer needs wudu, and is invalidated when your wudu breaks.
To confirm whether or not you can keep it for 4 minutes, speak to a Muslim doctor. If you're in Ottawa, talk to Dr. Atif Kabir.

Is one who rejects the dajjal a kafir?

Praise be to God alone.
In Islam, rejecting any of the coming of Dajjal (the false Messiah), the return of Eesa (Jesus) peace be upon him, or the coming of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj (Yagog and Magog nations) is a major apostasy in Islam.
As for the Dajjal, there are over 150 different narrations of hadeeth with good authenticity about his coming.
As for the return of Eesa and the coming of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj, they are explicitly mentioned in the Qur'an, as well as numerous authentic narrations of hadeeth.
A person who rejects any of this cannot be ruled an apostate immediately, until all requirements of excommunication are established (sanity, consciousness, puberty, intention, etc), and all barriers are proven to not exist (barriers to verification of knowledge, interpretation of understanding, etc)
Finally, these are minor details in the beliefs of Muslims; a person does not need to know them in order to be Muslim. A Muslim who is unaware of all of this has correct Islam.

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Would you say the asharis have minor bid'ah? I am sincere and asking for the sake of learning. Jazak Allah khair

Yes, I say that, along with a few of my buddies, like Ibn Uthaimeen, Ibn Taymiyya, Bukhari and Muslim, who all said that they are the closest of all group to the people of sunnah.

But what is the ruling on a marrying a ashari wife? Is it permissible? You mentioned that the discussion (salafi-ashari) is for ulamah and not laypeople. So we can marry the asharis or? I find you a bit strange with comparison to other who says asharis should be treated like heretics. AkrakumuAllah

No one said Asharis should be treated like heretics (kuffaar) except the Khawaarij. The Ash'ari bid'a is unanimously non heretic (ghayr mukaffira).
Marrying a Sufi or an Ashari or Zaydee etc is valid without doubt. While our official stance is that it's makrooh, that's not my point.
My stance is that looking into their aqeedah in details as a *primary requirement* for marriage is a bid'a. The scholars of sunnah have laid out that testing the faith of average Muslims is Bid'a, and mentioned exceptions, but marriage isn't one of them.
Being salafi or ashari is not an indictor of religiosity or manners. The most important categories should be manners and religiosity, as the prophet indicated.
Marriage is built upon compassion and love, and is sustained through sacrifice and turning a blind eye from the other's shortcomings. Without these, any marriage will be destined for failure, regardless of number of books of Aqeedah each spouse has memorized

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She understands all that shaykh, but she is more concerned about when it comes to teaching children and the husband, being an Ashari "by affiliation" wants his children not to learn Aqidah from "Salafi" Mashaykh (not extreme ones of course. She knows the difference)

If he's extreme, or narrow-minded, or argues alot in aqeeda with laity, or classifies others based on their adherence to his own sheikh, then do not marry him, even if he was Salafi.
Marriage from people who have a minor bid'a in aqeedah is makrooh, but permissible. If his manners and character are excellent, such as his daily prayer, his relationship with his parents, treatment with neighbors, poor people,etc. Then that's what matters.

Important: A sister has been looking to get married for a long time time and now that she has reached an age where she really needs to get married (in our culture) she is refusing food prospects based on the fact that he is Ash'ari saying it will affect them in the future. What's your advice?

Before you help the sister find a husband, help her find her mind, and a proper mosque and friends who aren't brainwashing her with this ignorance.
This is skewed understanding of what marriage is for and who is a spouse. She's a laity, and her religious requirement of a husband shouldn't be more than the basic duties of a Muslim, such as praying the daily five on time, fasting Ramadan, and being conscious of God in earning a halal income. What aqeedah books he reads aren't worth anything compared to his manners and treatment of his parents.
How many salafi students of knowledge, who beat their wives, abuse their children, ruin their household and bring shame to their community?! What benefit did the wife get by marrying someone who studied alusool althalatha or alwasitiyya? This is certainly a form of extremism.
The entire salafi-ash'ari debate is an academic one. Sheikh ul Islam ibn taymiyya says it's not even permissible to bring up this topic in front of the laity, they won't even underatand the nature of the debate or its boundaries. Look at this poor sister as a victim, a consequence of those who took the opposite path and resurrect 8th century battles from the books because of their narrow mindedness, emptiness and a perfect escape from the reality that they fail to encounter.

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What's with the sad face? :( Share with us.

I received an invitation to go to Mecca, but I won't be able to take my family with me.
This world is incomplete; even in its greatest pleasures, it still feels like a prison to the believer.

.That last statement is like when they tell us after losing a sports competition:at least you participated. Anyhow,nikah is just a contract,one that locks women at home and prevents them from even fasting because they have to satisfy a man's urges. Why's it special and why's it so in favour of men?

Don't you wish that the sport competition was true, if it wasn't for the fact that the game is the world, the player has one chance, and the loser goes to hellfire?
What is marriage except a verbal contract that allows men to have sex? What is Islam except a verbal contract that circumsizes people and tell women not to enter mosques or touch a Quran while menstruating?
These are questions that subdue even the most defiant of disbelievers. They can mock the Religion all they want, but they know that the truth is simple; these contracts are words that pleases God, but their ego does not want to submit to anyone but their own desires.
By Allah, a person ascends in paradise because of one word they spoke by the pleasure of God, and another falls in hellfire for seventy years because of one word, by the wrath of God.

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To be honest,shaykh,I don't quiet understand why I should be jealous over my sister for having a boyfriend if having a husband is fine. Could you explain? I have no guts to ask this to someone in real life so please don't ignore it.

I have not ignored it; the question has kept me thinking for days.
Imagine you're an optician, and someone says to you during an eye exam: "I don't understand what's the fuss about having to tell you which letter is what, they all look the same to me."
You'll be greatly concerned; not because the letters are a sacred text, nor because they mean something to you. Rather, those letters are indicators for healthy eyes and brain. A person who says they're the same may suffer from a brain tumor, not weak eyes.
Jealousy over your womenfolk from falling into obscenity, and happiness for them for marriage, are basic indicators of a living heart that can distinct the permissible from the prohibited. This is the basic instinct of morality that God created.
The Prophetic saying: "a sin is what troubles your chest, and you'd hate people to know about" refers to that basic instinct.
So, what happened to those who don't feel a sin is shameful anymore? Their instinct became corrupted.
The prophet said: "A word of truth which remained from previous religions: 'If you have no shame, then you might as well do what you will'."
That's not an invitation to obscenity; rather it's a severe warning that a person might have reached the bottom of the pit in sinfulness.
Read those words carefully:
Huthaifa said: I heard the Prophet say: Temptations will be presented to people's heartslike a reed mat being woven; stick by stick. Any heart that accepts one will have a black mark put into it, while a heart that rejects it will have a white mark put in it. Eventually, hearts will be of two types: one like a white stone which will not be harmed by any temptation as long as the heavens and the earth endure; and the other black and grey, like an upside down cup, unable to recognize the common good nor reject the clear evil, except what these desires dictate." (Sahih Muslim, 267)
Your shame in asking this publicly is a sign of life. But your heart needs immediate attention. Speak to a local imam.

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Salam Alaikom, What is the ruling for Witir prayer, is it obligatory? On a related note what is the difference between wajib and fard?

Imam Ahmed said, if a person abandons Witr = their testimony will be rejected.
On a side note, study Usool.

What are your thoughts on brothers who excercise in mixed gyms here in Canada?

Here's a thought flow chart to help you:
Must I have thoughts about everything? Not necessarily
If I have thoughts, must they be universally right? Not necessarily
If my thoughts were right, must I share them? Not necessarily
If I want to share my thoughts, must I share them publicly with anyone? Not necessarily
If I want to publicly share my thoughts, must I do it now? Not necessarily.
In conclusion, busy yourself with something that benefits you. The more you consume yourself thinking about others, the less you pay attention to saving yourself.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/140549525570 Ahsant, may Allah bless you. But does she sin if she dont obey him (with this situation) - that's my question. The divorce is really difficult when the whole family get their money from the government.

I answered already. Her duties to her husband are in obedience to Allah. If he disobeyed Allah in fulfilling his duties towards her, she should respond by obeying Allah in fulfilling his rights.
Allah is the sustainer, not the government. No one needs to feel they're sentenced to life in a marriage that makes them suffer.

I am interested in someone who is not yet ready for marriage for several reasons. I am very attached to them, they do not know it. There is nothing going on between us, but I want them to marry me in the future. I am a female. What do i do?

If they're not ready for marriage, then there's no reason for you to torture yourself over him. May Allah grant you a righteous husband who will take you by the hand to jannah.

I just want to say I love u for the sake of Allah, you've helped me in the way I see fiqh and understand how differences of opinion work in terms of tolerance, I wish I knew this a few years back when I'd read one translated article and declare every other view as strong or incorrect lol

May Allah love you akhi. All what I've said is for people to follow the salaf, read their books and walk in their footsteps, instead of following contemporaries who claim they follow the salaf, and you'll see their discrepancies yourself, and you'll find that the majority of narrow minded opinions are made up by the contemporaries, and you'll discover that many "consensus" rulings are not consensus at all.


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