
Majed Jarrar

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الغلام اللي قتله سيدنا الخضر هيدخل الجنة لإنه غلام؟ ولا النار لإنه كان لما يكبر هيكفر؟ يعني ينفع نقول إن قتله كان فيه خير له ولأهله بإنه هيدخل الجنة ولو كان كبر كان هيكفر وبالتالي هيروح النار ؟

هذا السؤال ذكرني بحديث "نعمتان مغبون فيهما كثير من الناس: الصحة والفراغ"
خد هذه القاعدة في التفسير: لا يسكت الشرع عن شيء إلا لحكمة. إما أن تكون لإجل أن نتفكر في ما دعانا ربنا للتفكر فيه، أو أن ننصرف عما سكت عنه الشرع.
اسئلة مثل الكلب اللي مع اصحاب الكهف كان اسمه ايه، والحوت كان وزنه كام، واهل القرية دول كانوا ساكنين فين بالضبط، إلخ. ربنا اخفى هذا العلم عنا حتى لا ننشغل بسفاسف التفاصيل عن الدرس المقصود في القصة، ونتفكر في القصة ذاتها ومعانيها والعبرة المقصودة منها.
الدرس ده ربنا ذكره في اول قصة في سورة الكهف، لما ذكر قصة أصحاب الكهف ترك أهل الكتاب القصة وخاضوا في عددهم، فذكر ربنا خوضهم في عدد اصحاب الكهف "سيقولون..."، ليخبرنا أنه محيط بما يقولون، وبجميع الاقوال التي ذكرت، ثم قال سبحانه: فلا تمار فيهم إلا مراء ظاهرا ولا تستفت فيهم منهم احدا. يعني لا تجادل اهل الكتاب في تفاصيل عددهم وغيره، إلا بما انزلنا لك من القران، ولا تسأل احدا منهم - اهل الكتاب - عن تفاصيلهم - اهل الكهف، لان هذا العلم الذي عندهم إنما هو رجم بالغيب.

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السلام عليكم ،ممكن حل لمشكلتي ،انا بقالي بخطب سنتين ومش متيسره اموري ،واخي بعشر ايام كان خاطب ،ولا عندي شغل ولا شي لاقيه متيسر ، والحمد لله انا محافظ على صلاتي وعلى التزامي ،بس صدقا بدأ صبري ينفذ ومش قادر ،وكل شي بقول لعله خير،،بس العقل بطل يحتمل

ربنا بيحبك وعاوز يكفيك شر انت مش فاهم حجمه ولا مقداره، احمد ربك يا اخي :)

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Nice reply to the Rabi' thing. As salamu alaykum. Hope you are well. With regards to making up prayers that you missed in order, does it mean that if for example you don't make them up in order, your prayers aren't valid? E.g a person misses fajr and dhuhr. Prays asr. Is his asr valid?

Within the last five prayers, no, Asr in your example is not valid. You must first pray Fajr then Dhuhr then Asr. The exception is that if there's only a few minutes left to the end of Asr, and if you prayed in order you'll miss Asr, then in that case you pray Asr, then Fajr then Dhuhr.


It is a menstruation, and all menstruation rules applies, even if all doctors and pharmacists of the world said it is not. The definition of mensuration in Fiqh is different than that of medicine.

Stick to Imam Rabi', he clarified what opinions are weak and strong in Hanbali school. Nam. Follow the Salaf. Ahmed said follow the Hadis. We MUST follow Imam Rabi kama kala Albanee

Sheikh Rabee' almadkhali is not a faqeeh, and little he knows about hanbali Fiqh. Sheikh alalbani never recommended anyone to take fiqh from rabee', and even if he had, Sheikh alalbani himself was neither a hanbali nor a faqeeh, and his recommendation has no value in something outside his expertise.
Volumes can be written (and some have been) on counting their mistakes in Fiqh that they've committed which contradicted the salaf and all the ummah.
"Stick to the salaf", is not a hollow slogan that can only be fulfilled by following rabee' and his club. It means to follow Imam Ahmed and Ash-shafi'i, and alAwza'i and ath-Thawree. The salafis are not those who make kids disrespect the salaf, and train the little youth who barely got a couple of chin hairs growing to oppose the Imam Malik, say tirmithi is weak and Abu hanifa is deviant.
When you read the books of the salaf and study under scholars who follow their path, not some self-claimed faqeeh without a sanad or ijaza in a single book of Fiqh, you'll see how little the knowledge and understand of Fiqh, Usool, Arabic, Tafsir and even Aqeedah those contemporary Salafis really have.
Yes, and Sheikh rabee is not an Imam, and is not a 'allama, nor fahhama, nor the greatest scholar on earth, whether in Hadeeth or anything else.
Don't call people to someone because you think they're awesome or because you blindly trusted others who told you so.
Islam isn't a cult or a sorority, and we don't give ranks like candy. If you don't know the weakness of rabee in Fiqh, or alalbani in Usool, you can't be blamed for thinking they're the most knowledgeable in everything.

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http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/139942259522 Just to clarify, with regards to point number 3, do the other schools regard it as permissible to pray in the semi transparent clothes?

I could not find anything in their texts differentiating between being able to see the skin colour immediately or after squinting = hence it appears the two (points 1 and 3) are the same in the other mathaahib.

Salaam Sheikh. What is the Hanbali opinion with regards to the garment covering the awrah? If my thobe is quite light and you can see my skin is my awrah considered covered? And are you aware of any difference of opinion with regards to this issue amongst the other schools? JazakAllah Kheir

1. If it's transparent, or mesh like, that you can identify the skin colour without much effort = the prayer is invalid according to all four mathaahib.
2. If it's translucent or tight, such as you can tell the size/contour of the body but can't tell the skin colour = the prayer is valid according to all four mathaahib, but these clothes are discouraged.
3. If it's semi transparent, such that if you squint long enough you'll recognize the skin colour, Malikis they say you must repeat the prayer if you found more decent clothes before the prayer time was up.

My sister used to pray til she was 18, then started believing that women in Islam are oppressed. Her feminism has since lessened. still, she wont come near anything Islamic. She's interested in modern philosophies and psychology. Any reading suggestions and/or general advice?I am in pain bcuz of her

She can't have started believing that overnight. It's perhaps something that took an extended period of neglect and misinformation, and hence would need an extended period of nurturing and education. She's responsible for herself now so be advising, not patronizing.

My mum had food poisoning while in ihram. She knowingly used scented soap after using the toilet (kind of necessary considering food poisoning hygeine). Will she have to offer an expiation?

According to Sheikh Ibn Uthaimeen, she doesn't have to.

طيب الزاد يخالف مشهور المذهب كثيرا نوعاً ما ... إذن ما الإشكال في تدريس العمدة لابن قدامة؟ يقولون إنه على المشهور عند المتوسطين ولكن طبعاً هو كتاب حنبلي ليس كل شيء مخالفاً لمعتمد المخأخرين حقاً؟ أين الإشكال...

ما فيش اشكال، ادرس او درّس اللي انت عاوزه من المذهب، المهم تنتفع وتعرف ايه فوائد المتن وضوابطه واشكالياته، العمدة ممتاز، والمقنع ممتاز، وهناك ما هو افضل منهما ألفاظا وتحريرا وتبويبا.
لكن كقاعدة عامة في التعليم والمناهج: المعلم الجيد يجيد استخدام المنهج ولو سيئا، والمعلم السيء يسيء استخدام المنهج ولو جيدا.
Liked by: Dina ♡♥

Is it haram to use fireworks at newYear? Bcz you do israf, frighten children, old women and also animals like dogs, cats and so on? And you make the streets dirty after all package and boxes left over. And the chance to harm other by using it? Can we say its haram?

That's called spoonfeeding the answer to the mufti. Even if it works with some gullable scholars, it's ill-mannered and disrespectful to your position as a person asking a scholar about what pleases God Almighty. Read the Qur'an from chapter 4 (annisaa') verses 55 to 65, and you'll know why it is wrong to do what you did.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/139909531458 Would it not be considered encouraging her friends to engage in something impermissible (since they don't have their mahrams), or even us engaging in something impermissible since her freinds' trav is impermissible?

The vast majority of scholars, and the mainstream opinion of all four mathaahib is that it's not permissible for a woman to travel without a male guardian - unless for emergency. Some scholars like alqadhi iyadh and albaghawi even narrated it is a consensus. This is what I would give a fatwa for and this is what the asker is doing, so there's no problem with that.
As for others, there are two questions that result from seeing others doing something you consider to be wrong.
1. Should I advise them?
2. Should I unfriend/boycott them?
As for the first, you should always advise others, even if it's about encouraging them to do a Sunnah or discourage them from a makruh, as long as you're not harsh, and as long as you're not driving them to fall in something worse.
As for judging them to be doing something impermissible, it has to be established first that the matter is unanimously impermissible before you judge them or take action against them.
The consensus isn't established, because before alqadhi and albaghawi there were major scholars who have disputed.
If it's a safe trip - source, destination and path - then a woman may travel with other women, without a mahram to any destination for a permissible purpose, not just Hajj, according to one opinion in shafi'i mathhab as narrated by alghazali and almawardi, and the opinion of Alhassan and alawzaai and Abu Dawood, and one narration in hanbali mathhab, and it was the later choice of Sheikh ul Islam ibn Taymiyyah. While this is an erroneous fatwa, any of these scholars are qualified to be followed, and hence there would be no room for judging others or questioning their righteousness.
Lastly, if they don't know about the fatwa of those scholars - meaning they only know the opinion it's prohibited, and are doing it knowing they're sinful, what should you do? You could advise them and remind them gently, but according to our scholars, it is permissible to lead them to that opinion of those scholars even if you believe in its weakness. They are traveling anyway, it is better to let them travel without committing a sin. The Muslim scholars have always put in consideration the practicality of the fatawa to the laity.
And God knows best.

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Salam shaikh. I need to improve my math-knowledge but the problem is I forget everything after revising it. But my hifdh at other subjects is great (quran, hadith, biology etc.) Any solution? Should I memorize more Quran or? Jazak Allah khayr wa BarakAllahu fikum. Allah yuhayyik

Beyond the basics, math is all about practice, not memorising. Solve all problems of the chapters unassisted and you're guaranteed to understand at least half of the material.

هل هناك فرق بين المؤمنين والمسلمين؟ انا اعرف كل المسلمين هو المؤمنين،بس هل المؤمنين =مسلمين؟

الايمان والاسلام مصطلحان اذا اجتمعا في النص، افترقا في المعنى، واذا افترقا في النص، اجتمعا في المعنى.
بمعنى آخر، كل المؤمنين مسلمون وكل المسلمين مؤمنون إجمالا.
وفي التفصيل، المؤمن أعلى درجة من المسلم، فشارب الخمر الذي لم يتب منها، ليس مؤمنا، ولكنه مسلم.

Any Islamic solutions (reading certain surahs) or other solutions for someone with weak memory? Someone who perhaps forgets something they have studied. I am just not able to keep the information I have learned and forget it quickly.

Memorising the Qur'an, and revising it daily, gives you a stronger memory.
The people who memorise the Qur'an notably live longer and have strong memories, even those who live to 90s and 100s.

In regards to ghusl with a cast/bandage, do we apply the scenarios of wudu to ghusl as well (with tayammum, mas7, etc.)?

Yes, the same scenario applies.

Seriously Shaikh Majed what were you thinking of when they took this picture for you? 😊

Trying to solve the optimization problem of saving an ummah with rapidly increasing disasters and decreasing scholars.

Is it permissible for my wife to go on holiday with her friends provided that I accompany her as her mahram, even if her friends are not being accompanied by their mahrams?



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