
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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Salaam. Is there any benefit in being burried besides those you love? Like your parents, wife, etc?

The asker clearly has never tasted love before.

Even deobandi ?

Are you following up on this?
There are four mathaahib, Hanafi, Maliki, Shafii and Hanbali. They all have the same belief, but they differ in rulings, such as how to pray, how to lease, how to get married, animals permissible to eat/hunt etc.
Follow any knowledgeable, righteous scholar who's following any of these mathaahib and you're guaranteed to be on the safe side, by consensus of the Ummah.

Well, isn't Morphine and virtually every anesthetic used in healthcare an intoxicant?

There are three different things here:
1. Intoxicants: they numb the mind and cause pleasure.
2. Sedatives: they numb the mind and limbs, and cause relaxation.
3. Anaesthetics: they knock out the mind and or limb completely.
Intoxicants are prohibited at all times, and are punishable by law.
Sedatives and anaesthetics aren't, but the ruler may prescribe penalties for using them for recreational use.

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someone told me I must follow hanbaly to be safe.is it true?

They don't know anything about Fiqh for sure. Follow any mathhab and you're equally safe.

السلام عليكم ما حكم الذي يضيع احد الصلاوات عمدا(اقصد متعمدا) كصلاة الفجر في يوم من الايام خاصاتا اذا كان مواظبا على جميع الصلاوات و ماذا يقال عنه؟ و ما الحل اذا؟

عليه القضاء.
لا يقال عنه شيء احنا مش في حمام نسوان.

السلام عليكم ما حكم الذي يضيع احد الصلاوات عمدا كصلاة الفجر في يوم من الايام خاصاتا اذا كان مواظبا على جميع الصلاوات و ماذا يقال عنه؟ و ما الحل اذا؟

ايش يعني عمدا؟

السلام عليكم Is it halal to invest in medical cannabis/marijuana companies and what about using those medicines for cure? Thank you.

Alaikum Assalam,
The Prophet said: every intoxicant is prohibited.
The Prophet said: If Allah prohibits something, then its price is also prohibited.
The Prophet said: Allah has forbidden upon us to seek cure in that which He forbade us from.

As salam alkyum. Is it a must to pray in front of a sutra? Even if I kno that no one will walk in front of me or if I'm at home

A sutra is sunnah. If it's not a wall or a pillar, then a chair or a table, if not then a box or a bag, if not then a keychain or a wallet, if not then at least a line in the carpet, any of these (in that order) would suffice for a sutra.

As salam alkyum. Someone told me that when you read quarn for the dead. The blessings don't reach them. Only charity and dua reach the person who is dead.

Read Quran, do charity and make duaa, it all benefits the dead.

ما رأيك فى الهجرة لبلاد مثل كندا والمانيا من مصر فى الوضع الحالي.. برجاء التفصيل جزاكم الله خيرا :)

روح عند ترزي بيعملك أحلى تفصيل

Your opinon on buying Kitab al Adhkar by shaykh al-Islam imam an-Nawawi? I mean...there are many weak ahadith..but do u recommend it to buy? I even heard people saying: ''we witnessed miracles after reciting the adhkar from this book''

Of course buy it and read it and memorise it if you can. Anyone who tells you otherwise smile and say it was nice meeting you, then walk away. Never talk to them again. 😎
Liked by: Mariam Khairy

خطوبة اختي خلال اسبوعين و شوفته بتقيس هدوم ضيقة جدا عندها للخطوبة و هي محجبة اصلا و ليس من عادتها انها تلبس ضيق، لما شوفت كده قولتلها لو لبستي كده مش هحضر خطوبتك هل انا مخطئ و ما العمل ؟

طبعا لست مخطئا يا أخي، العمل على قدر ما تستطيع. لو انت وليها تمنعها من الخروج، لو لا تنصحها بالحسنى، ازاي عاوزة توفيق ربنا ورزقه بمعصيته؟ ولو عاندا كلم ابوك او اخوك الاكبر وواجب يمنعها.

Does the fatawa of the 7 fuqaha of Madinah have any importance in the Hanbali madhab?

Absolutely. It is uncommon that there's any opinion in the three other mathhaabs or by previous fuqahaa that isn't found within our mathhab. If it's not in the mathhaab then it's for a reason, and you can look up that matter and find a discussion why that opinion isn't in the mathhab.

Salamun aleik. Your opinion on naming children with names in Qur'an by other qirats than Hafs. For example: Ibraham (Ibrahim), Laysa3 (al-Yasa3), Jibril (Jabra2il), Muse (Musa), Yahye (Yahya), Ilyasin (Ali Yasin) etc Permissible or makruh Barak Allah fik Ustadh. May Allah give you trees in jannah

Ameen and you too, I love trees!
As to your question, I really have no idea. Pick a name that's not going to get him bullied or laughed at in school, and won't be frustrating to pronounce in every customer service call :)

The "mufti" Abu Layth was asked about secularism. He said there was islamic power before but never ( few) pious rulers. He said that there were pubs, brothels without any cricism in the time of Umayyads, Abbasids, Ayyubids, Ottomans etc. He said "islamist" rulers only ruled short time. Ur opinion?

I don't know him and don't have contact with him, but I do have my contact with you right now. Here's my advice to you:
If you're not following his opinions, don't listen to him. If you're listening to his opinions, don't follow me.
When you have a question about a ruling, ask a scholar whom you trust their knowledge and righteousness. If you ask, don't say what do you think of so and so who said such and such. I hate that more than the news you brought me.
The Messenger of God said: "A Nam-maam (someone who spreads news with the intention of stirring up enmity among people) shall not enter paradise."

But how can one get rich in this world? I heard many peple saying daily adhkar, istighhfar, good akhlaq, not cheating and morning&evening adkhar, night prayer can increase the wealth And of course, if a person hears it...and start practice it...should that not be ghayr ikhlas?

The prophet said: Had this world been more worthy in the eyes of God than the wing of a mosquito = He would not have granted any disbeliever a sip of water from it.
My concern is with your focus on becoming rich here. Listen with your heart wide open and read three times:
The Prophet said:
"Whosoever makes this life their [sole or greatest] concern, God will scatter their matters, place [the fear of] poverty between their eyes, and yet, they will not earn anything more than He decreed for them.
And Whosoever makes the hereafter their concern, God put bring their matters together for them, place richness in their heart, and the whole world will be brought to them on her knees."
Finally, and most importantly, listen attentively to the first seven minutes of this recitation of Quran (English and French subs available)
https://youtu.be/oK6V7bX0OwMMajedJarrar’s Video 139609886018 oK6V7bX0OwMMajedJarrar’s Video 139609886018 oK6V7bX0OwM

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MajedJarrar’s Video 139609886018 oK6V7bX0OwMMajedJarrar’s Video 139609886018 oK6V7bX0OwM

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/139609927746 If there was one very powerful, customizable system that would be like a franchise, and it had the right marketing and administration, do you think it could be a breakthrough? Especially for those who are disappointed with Islamic schools?

Possibly, I don't think educational research has reached this maturity though, to determine what's customisable and what shouldn't be. It's a great idea theoretically. To my knowledge, however, what you're suggesting hasn't been implemented by 'mainstream' (vis a vis Islamic) homeschooling initiatives, despite having significantly more resources and demand. However, this only means there's a lot of room for contribution. Go for it and reserve me a copy.

What do you think of homeschooling in general? Also, wouldn't Muslims all over the world benefit greatly if someone were to come up with a strong, complete system for educating young Muslims (as an alternative to mainstream education)?

There's already solutions, like this:
There's also free apps that contain PDF scans of public school curricula in many Muslim countries.
Homeschooling is built upon the customisation of learning, and the fact that people are different. Therefore people choose differently.

Aha okay. But if one is giving sadqah (spending majority of wealth) with the intention to get rich - but he disclose it, give it secretley and is doing it with NO riya and only for Allah but also with intention to get richer in this world...is it haram? Or is it another form of non-ikhlas?

That's the textbook definition of insincerity; to do it for a reason other than exclusively for the sake of God.

Related to previous discussion... as a layman who generally follows the hanbali madhhab but is aware of both rulings of Niqab, will I be blameworthy for not following hanbali opinion?

Not at all, as long as you follow scholars, not books.
As a lay person, you should not give yourself fatwas from books. Rather you should ask scholars whom you trust their knowledge and righteousness.

Is it true that if you give much in sadaqah with ikhlas and no riya...Allah can make u rich in this world? I know that Allah give you ajr in akhira but in this world? Makes you rich? Is it true?

If you give money in charity insincerely, i.e. Not for the sake of God, then you're guaranteed to become rich in this life. God promised that no good deed will be unpaid. Those who do deeds for show off or for the sake of money, fame or other worldly matter, it will be paid back in full to them in this world, then it will be said to them on the day of judgement, your balance is zero. [Quran 46:20].
Those who have charity for the sake of God, will be rewarded immensely on the day of judgement. They may be given more or less money in this world, but it's not an indicator. This world is a place of test, and the hereafter is the place of the reward.

Am I allowed to be hanbali but believe niqab is not obligatory?

Not sure you understand clearly what hanbali means.
You're a Muslim who is permitted to follow the opinions of any scholar from the Ummah, whether they are from the four mathaahib or have reached the highest level of ijtihad that they don't need to bound themselves to one mathhab.
Can you follow a hanbali scholar in businesses rulings, a Maliki in worship rulings, a Shafii in marriage and hanafi in criminal law? Yes you can, if you're following the best scholar in their specially and they turn out to be from different mathaahib.
Can someone follow the convenient opinion to you in every matter, by searching the four opinions then choosing one that suits them? No, that's closer to heresy and self-worship than following a religion.
Can someone separate between knowledge and practise? Say I learn fiqh from hanbali books but I follow my sheikh by practise? No, that's partial secularism.
No one tells you that you must follow the books used in Harvard, but it's nonsensical that you say I will study at Harvard but use some textbooks from MIT.
Becoming a student of a mathhab means you study within that school, and your practise must always conform to what you study.

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I hear many muslims saying "you cant force anybody to pray, wear hijab and so on..." But isn't that a lie? A father have full right to force his daughter wear hijab? Or? This is some controversial when kuffar journalist ask us such questions to pressure us Shed some light ya ustadhuna Majed

You can't force anyone to believe, but there are rules you set towards your dependents of course.
As to whether you decide to stuff those green veggies down their throats, or make them into a beautifully decorated smoothie, that's up to you. Building a strong relationship (especially with the girls, as their emotions are more delicate) is more important than winning an argument about a ruling. What would be the benefit of winning the battle of her hijab if that means you'll lose her heart? Pick your battles, and remember that you will reap what you harvest.


Language: English