
Majed Jarrar

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يا شيخي نحب نسألك في ايه ؟ يعني انت جاوبت ان حضرتك دكتوراه اصلاح التعليم . هل يعني الفائدة الاكبر للمعلمين والمربين في سؤالك فقط ؟ ونحن نعمل ايه طيب : (

أحب أكون في جزيرة مهجورة، ومعي كتبي، لا فيها حد يسألني ولا حاجة تنغصني.
أما بالنسبة لكم، انتو تروحوا تسألوا اللي انتو عايزينه وتنسوني. حبقى سعيد جدا.
يا جماعة الخير، أنا فتحت هذا الحساب هذا العام بضغط من الواقع المرير اللي حولي، وقلت مرارا لو حد فيكم بيعرف يتكلم عربي ميسألنيش في الشريعة والفتوى الله يكرمكم، أهل العلم المتحدثون بالعربية موجودون وبكثرة.
لو حاجة انت شايف محدش غيري يعرف يساعدك فيها تحت أمرك، لو تعرف حد أحسن مني روحله ربنا يفتح طريقك وسيب مكان للي ميعرفش عربي يسألني، ربنا يرزقكم ويبارك لكم ويجزيكم خير على كل سؤال سألتوه لحد غيري

Apologies for not seeming clear enough, the brother basically does not want to enter the state of ihram but constantly gets whispers and "forced thoughts", e.g "i want to enter the state" even though he doesnt at all. And then he gets doubts about whether he did or not enter the state due to it.

Wait, so your jinn is inviting you to pray and you say no thanks? Go pray! ☺
No matter how hard you intend, you cannot enter into a state of ihram without uttering takbeeratul ihram with a minimum of an audible whisper.

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I am about to get out of a shubuhat phase. Tonnes of shubuhat that I've gone through shaykh,I'm satisfied with most now,but still feel weak. If someone writes an article about a shubha in a strong manner I start doubting again..how do I prevent this? And how do I get the few ones that are stuck off?

A sick person is put in quarantine for three reasons:
1. To prevent them from spreading the disease
2. To prevent them from catching another disease while their immunity is low
3. To put them in a controlled environment so treatment can be administered.
You need to put your mind in quarantine; by avoiding debates, discussions, etc. while working on each shubuha until it's removed. Go off-grid from all social media for a minimum of six weeks, see your local imam/trusted scholar and work daily on this until you figure it out. Recite the Quran and ponder on it, daily. The health of your mind and heart are your most important things you need to protect in this life, and therefore you need to take this seriously.

asalamuaykum, I got superglue on my hands and tried to take it off. But there were remnants left. I did my prayers and later found out that my wudu was invalid because water cudnt contact the skin as a result of the remnants. I reprayed all 5, but I have just found some remnants of glue on my body.

Your prayer and wudu are both valid.
Sheikh ul Islam ibn Taymiyya said with regards to the condition of removing barriers from the skin prior to wudu: for the exception of what is difficult to remove, such as the paint on the fingertips of the painter and such.
Also imam buhooti said in the Kashaf, except for the tiny barriers, such as dirt under the nail, they are forgiven, and similarly is (tiny spots of) dried blood and dough on the skin.
This is our mathhaab, but it's contrary to the majority opinion that mandates removing all barriers.
Ask Google how to effectively remove super glue from skin.
Liked by: Nasim Abu Dujjanah

is it normal to feel like you are ready to commit to marriage at a young age

Absolutely. Then you find out more about it and get really scared and say I'll never be ready, and you'll stay like that even after you're married 😊

When will the friday halaqa be resuming

It never stopped, we had a beautiful guest last week, but we continue for two more weeks inshaAllah until the winter break.
Follow uoMSA Facebook page for details. Also visit their website to download previous slides.

We want to understand what Allah is saying in the Quran, the disbelievers will be raised blind, dumb and deaf, is that literal or a metaphore? Also is true disbelievers will be blind day of judgement from everything except hellfire and the angels?

Good question that shows a deep reflection about the Quran and trying to connect its meanings.
There's no doubt that the disbelievers, on the day of judgement, will see hellfire brought in chains, hear its roar and speak in regret, as all are mentioned in the Quran.
Imam Tabari, when explaining the verse that you referred to in your question 19:97, he says: it is possible that they are resurrected this way in the beginning of the day of judgement, but then when hellfire is brought they are given those senses again. It is also possible that it is a metaphor, as reported that Abdullah b. Abbas said: 'blind' from any good view, 'deaf' from any good news, and 'dumb' from any good word.
And God knows best.
may Allah bless you and increase you in knowledge, and guide us and protect us and save us from having that ending, ameen.

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Is it permissible to fast the whole winter with the intention to make up for all the fasts I didn't fulfill because I didn't practise Islam?

Yes to: fasting with intention to make up days.
Don't fast everyday though.
Liked by: NourhanYahia

Apostasy: Uff, I knew this would be your reply -.- come on, I know there are more important questions and laymen shouldn't delve into such topics but that are questions we are confronted with in uni and the internet is full of almost every possible opinion. So death penalty for apostates? Help plz 😑

I was about to answer, until I found this amazing quote by a great scholar. He says "there are more important questions and laymen shouldn't delve into such topics."

Asa, if I want to make up my missing prayers , can I pray kadaa after I pray my resent fajr prayer or I can't , because it is forbidden to pray after fajr until sun rise ? Same question about asr ? Jazak allah khairan

Alaikum Assalam, yes, you can make up qadhaa' in these times.

(1) as-Salamu alaykum shaykh Majed. Allah yuhayyik. I have a problem. I used to recite the Quran in prayer by the qira of Khalaf (Hamza) but i read that many of Salaf hated the qira'a of Hamza such as imam Ahmad. Ibn Mahdi said the Sultan should forbid the recitation of Hamza. And other said (read 2

Alaikum Assalam, this is with regards to leading a congregation in public with a strange recitation that people aren't accustomed to.
Imam buhooti says: it is discouraged to read in a qiraa'ah (while leading a congregation) different than which the residents of that country are accustomed to it.

Should and how can I start taking control of things around,be more active,and exhibit a more dominant presence? I think Muslim youth should do this,as we need to be an example to others,make changes. Am I right or is this me getting caught up in the dunya?

Yes, Muslims should be active and establish presence. This is one of many reasons why God prescribed the five daily prayers in congregation in mosques for men, so we don't hide in ghettos.
However, there's a silver lining: to become active in the community and establish presence out of ego, pride and narcissism is a major sin in Islam. The Prophet said: no one shall enter paradise if they had an atom weight of pride in their heart.
Yes, all actions must be sincere for the sake of God alone, but extra attention should be given to actions that could gave dual intentions like this one. Eliminate any chance for your self to feel fulfilled.

I'm not using them as excuses,you asked why I can't propose.Mu question was how can I get it off my mind not how can I achieve it. I honestly don't get the last line,are you saying work towards it or forget about it and resume life?

Put the girl aside, work towards preparing for marriage. You *will* change in those two years, and so will she. When you're ready in two years, reevaluate yourself, the girl, and whether she's right for you anymore or not.
It's pointless to torture yourself worrying about your future home when you haven't gathered lumber to build it yet.
How to get her out of your mind? Here's four effective methods:
1. When she's not around: this is prime time! Involve yourself with something physically and mentally challenging. Volunteer for running a blood donation clinic, or help collect winter clothes for homeless people. There's plenty of great programs out there, if you're in Ottawa pm me on fb and I'll connect you with some. There's nothing greater and more satisfying than spending a few hours of hard work helping complete strangers who really need it (and forget her!)
2. When she's around: avoid eye contact by all means, and avoid looking at her as much as you can. Focus on other matters. Engage in conversations with other people. If you're bound to talk to her, for example in a class discussion/assignment, try to focus your mind away from that which you find attractive about her. Love is blind, and your mind tries to make her look like a perfect person, but no one can be perfect. Hence try to establish that by thinking about her negative qualities to balance yourself.
3. When she's not around, you can't find anything else to do, and you keep thinking about her: turn to the Quran. God describes its effects as mercy and healing for the hearts and guidance for the believers. Recite. Memorise. Listen. Ponder. Study. Reflect. Repeat.
4. Protect God's commands, and He'll protect you: Any fire needs fuel. Curb your desire by fasting as many days in the week as you need, try a minimum of Mondays and Thursdays, as the Prophet did. Lower your gaze all the time. Maintain your prayers on time. Finally, have a share of regular hidden or secret good deed that no one knows about.

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https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/139501216066 احرجتني باجابتك الشافية : ) بعد ما آخذ القرار واعمل بكلامك ارسل لك كل شيء وانت تقولي يناسبني السفر لكندا ولا لأ يا شيخ ؟ ممكن

أما عن كون السفر مناسبا لك، فاستشر القريبين منك ممن لهم خبرة في السفر والغربة.
أما أن تبعتلي تقول أنا خلاص جاي المطار بعد يومين، أقولك تحت أمرك واجي اخدك واعزمك على أحلى شاورما 😊

Assalamu alaikum sheikh Majed, My brother's friends praise him sarcastically and he thinks that they're serious. He's unprediactable;might just start crying if I talk to him or might just not react at all. How do I get this across to him?

The answer would clearly vary by age, say if your brother is 4, 14 or 24.
Also, depends on your age, how many siblings you've got, how are the parents and where they from this. I suggest that you speak with a councillor regarding him. Try Islamcare.ca

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/139492551234 Tonnes of reaons: 1. I'm only 18. 2. I'm not at all psychologically stable at the moment. 3.We're both moving abroad for university. 4.The cult I exhibit at the moment wouldn't be very attractive to me had I proposed to myself 😂let alone to a girl.

4 and 3 are choices you've made, so you can't use them as excuses.
2. Speak to a councillor
1. Okay, let's aim for a reasonable marriage plan, for example to marry by 22. This means that by 21 you're engaged. This means that by 20 you've reached a level of maturity and responsibility suitable for marriage.
This means: you have two years of not being ready to marriage, so you need to acknowledge that you're not ready by staying away from this path. Don't fool yourself about fake plans. Focus on preparing yourself. A girl on your mind now = a distraction from your goal to be with that girl. Does that make sense to you?

السلام عليكم، أنا كنت قد هجرت القرآن بالفعل ولا أقرأ شيئاً منه إلا قرآن الصلاة حتى أرسل إلي أحدهم هذا البرنامج والذي يرسل لك مرتين يوميا رسالة فيها صفحة من القرآن واحدة في الصباح وواحدة في المساء، أرجو أن تنتفعوا به http://m.me/quranmessenger


http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/139500827458 فعلا دعوت له في سجود صلاة العشاء وسادعوا له ان قدر الموالى ، كلنا في هذا العمر ومن الممكن ان يعيش معي في البيت ولكن اخاف التاثر به .... نسأل الله السلامة في الدارين.

طيب، طبق النصائح على نفسك مثلما تريد لأخيك

بصراحة يا شيخنا هل السفر لكندا أمر محرز ؟ لو أنا طالب في كلية هندسة و بلدي الوضع تعبان ونفس الوقت عاويز دخل معقول قي فترة بين 5--7 سنوات اروح كندا ؟

الموضوع يعتمد على أولوياتك في الحياة، وأهدافك، وسلمك الاجتماعي، وعلاقتك بأصحابك وأهلك، ولغتك،. ولغتك، ولغتك، وعلاقتك بكندا ولو عندك فيها أهل وأصحاب، وخبرتك في السفر والغربة، وعلمك الشرعي وسهولة وقوعك في الشبهات، ودينك وسهولك انغماسك في الشهوات.
صل استخارة، وخطط واسأل واستشير ولا تستعجل بقرار مثل هذا.
Liked by: محمد حمدي


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