
Majed Jarrar

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http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/139286416194 It remains illegal. I emailed the producer and they expplicitly said that "photocopying for private use" is legal but it does not include multiple photocopies or photocopying the entire book. Does the ruling change?

If it was for private use, it's legal.
If your teacher bought copies of the book and rented them out or allowed you to borrow them instead of photocopying, it is better for everyone and the environment.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته هناك شخص معه نقود تبرعات المسجد وهذه النقود في اليمن بالدولار ، هناك شخص يريد منه ان يعطيه هذه النقود بالدولار ويعطيها بالمقابل جنيه إسترليني فهل يجوز المبادلة ؟

Mohamed Marmash
وعليكم السلام،
افعلوا الأصلح للفقير.

Assalamu alikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakaatuh. deensquad halal or haram?

alaikum assalam,
Part I:
This is like asking: dressing modestly (such as a long skirt, long sleeves, hair tied up), halal or haram? The answer is: it depends on who's doing it.
I'd tell you if a girl who was not dressing modestly started doing it, then it's a step on the right direction, and it is something worth praising and encouragement. If it's a girl who used to wear niqab or hijab and ended up taking them off, then it's a relapse into disobedience, and it calls for immediate support and advice from friends and close members of the community.
Similarly, it would be said about smoking two cigarettes per week.
There are those among us who decided to abandon the pop music industry with its filthy lyrics and disgusting videos, and their repentance to Allah is making them move towards Deensquad and their likes. There are those who embraced Islam and found this type of music to be a fitting transition from the previous lifestyle. These people are to be encouraged and given support and help with integration into the community. As for artists themselves, if they had a sincere intention to bring people closer to God - devoid from desiring fame and money - then God may reward them with goodness for every person they have helped. Sheikh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyya (a.k.a the big scary salafi beast) says about those who believe that entertainment and dance can be worship: "it is possible that some people may commit it (something prohibited), and they would nevertheless earn a great reward because of their good intention." [iqtidhaa, vol. 4 ch. 1 pp. 297]
Part II:
Music is unanimously prohibited in Islam. All four mainstream mathaahib agree on the prohibition, and that listening, playing, trading and owning musical instruments is prohibited (save some specific percussion tools). Over 3,000 scholars of Islam have reinstated this in the past fourteen centuries.
A few scholars (less than 3) have disputed the prohibition, then came others who followed them who used that dispute - and the good reputation of those 3, to justify that there is no consensus and the laity is free to choose either opinions. That's as absurd as those who deny climate change because of the 3% of peer-reviewed journals that suggested climate change is not caused by humans.
Keep this dialogue in a fresh place in your memory:
Is there unanimous agreement that x is part of Shari'a? Yes.
Are there scholars who have contested the consensus? Yes, there are.
Does that negate the consensus? No it doesn't.
Why? Once a consensus is established regarding any matter, it cannot be undone afterwards. Even a later consensus cannot undo an earlier consensus. Imam al-Mawardi (d. 450 H/1058 CE) has a full chapter on this (Chapter 4: when consensus meets dispute), in his great book: Alhaawi alkabeer [The Great Repository]. in which he elaborates on this.
This isn't the first time I have answered this, but it will be the last time I will answer something related to it inshaAllah

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Sheikh one teacher made a classmate photocopy a book for us and pretty much all our studies are based on it. I don't have enough money to buy the legal copy,can I use the photocopied one or am I required to ask my parents if they can buy it first?

It's fine because the teacher owns the book and didn't photocopy it for commercial reasons.

أعجبت بفتاة ولكن عندي مشكلة رهيبة ممكن تستقذروني بسببها. لي توق شديد لأن يكون صدر زوجتي كبير بدرجة ما. هل يمكنني التأكد من ذلك ليس شرطًا عن طريقي؟ أرجو الجواب هاهنا %$*@&#%

لا حرج ولا مشكلة رهيبة ولا استقذار يا اخي، هؤلاء السفلة المنحطين في الإعلام يروجوا للفتن والدعارة صباح مساء ثم يريدوك ان تحس بالخزي أن يكون لك ميل فطري للنساء!
قال عليه الصلاة والسلام: "إذا خطب أحدكم المرأة فإن استطاع أن ينظر إلى ما يدعوه إلى نكاحها فليفعل."
وقال عليه السلام في وصف خير النساء لأزواجهن: التي تسره إذا نظر.
قال الإمام أحمد رحمه الله: "إذا خطب رجل امرأة سأل عن جمالها أولاً ، فإن حمد سأل عن دينها ، فإن حمد تزوج ، وإن لم يحمد يكون رده لأجل الدين ، ولا يسأل أولا عن الدين فإن حمد سأل عن الجمال ، فإن لم يحمد ردها ، فيكون ردها للجمال لا للدين." يعني، أن تسأل عن الجمال أولا حتى لا تشعر بالذنب أنك تركت امرأة بعد أن ارتضيت دينها. وقوله "سأل" تصريح بأنه لا بأس بالسؤال عن هذه الأمور من طريق غير مباشر.
وقال الموفق رحمه الله: "ويختار الجميلة لأنها اسكن لنفسه، وأغض لبصره، وأكمل لمودته، ولذلك شرع النظر قبل النكاح."
والمعلوم بالاتفاق أن الأذواق تختلف، فيكون مردّ معاني الجمال والسرور والحمد والسكنى المذكورة أعلاه إلى كل شخص بحسب حاله، والله أعلم.

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طبيعي إني نفسي جدا في صحبة ولو واحدة بس ودا كل همي وكل دعايا بكده ؟ بس بردو مش معلقة حاجة لحد ما ربنا يبعتها أنا محتاجاها .. ادعو لي بكده كتير

طبعا! المرء ضعيف بنفسه قوي بإخوانه
قال تعالى: واصبر نفسك مع الذين يدعون ربهم بالغداة والعشي يريدون وجهه
هذا في مخاطبة سيد المرسلين، فما بالك بالعبد المسكين؟

هل عندك إجازة لمنتهى الإرادات؟

لم انته منه بعد، ونسأل الله أن يمن علينا من فضله

i can sometimes waste all day on youtube and watching online videos ,, most of them are entertainment and pure waste of time ,, i know there are a lot of useful videos there ,, but can i just stop going on youtube and watching online videos all together and not lose out on useful topics and info. ?

You're already losing out.
The prophet said that on the Day of Judgment, every person will first be asked about how they spent their lifetime.
Embark on a sincere repentance to Allah, and make a serious plan to change. Start by banning youtube from your computer and phone for 40 days. Replace your time with an intensive commitment. If you like to learn then, sign up to learn Arabic at Bayyinah access program (http://access.bayyinah.com/), how to recite the Quran beautifully through live maqraa of alharamain (https://maqraa.com/en), or memorize the Quran live through the Global Quran Memorization Centre (http://www.iou-gqmc.com/)
If you are an outdoor person, sign up with plenty of activities to help others, kids, adults, elderly, the ill, the orphaned and the disabled.

Hi brother! I am a practising muslim and praise be to Allah. I have a question. If i am imam in a prayer and say the tasmi'...should i say the tahmid aloudly or quiet? I could not find any answer so i hope you answer this question! Thanks!


ماذا تحب أن يهدى لك في يوم ميلادك؟ 💕💕💕💕

الشرح الكبير لابن ابي عمر

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته، هل ممكن حضرتك ترشح كتب او محاضرات عن الأقليات المسلمه في الدول الغربيه؟

إقرأ رواية البؤساء وحتعطيك انطباع قريب جدا عن اللي بيحصل هنا

ازاي بتكون ترجمت العشرات من المقالات وفصول الكتب والكتب وماتذكرش حتى أسماء بعض منها يا شيخ :) :)

علشان الإخلاص يشرشر من وداني

Shaikh I sarcastically called Dawah Man the mujaddid of this time and said that he's chaotic. Is this ghaybah? If yea how do I repent?

There is no gheeba on those fussaaq, who commit major sins publicly, such as leaking secrets of Muslims, or speaking about the religion of Allah with no knowledge.

Am i allowed as a layman to do tarjeeh on the positions and follow the one I feel is stronger?

What tools of tarjeeh have you acquired as a layman? Flip a coin? You'd need at least 2 years of full time, intensive study of fiqh until you're able to practice tarjeeh under supervision of your sheikh, and only after he gives you permission to do tarjeeh then you can do it on your own.

can u tell me the cure for fibroids from Quran or Sunnah

The Messenger of Allah said: "Seek the cure, O servants of God; for God has not sent down an illness except that He had sent a cure along with it, except for one illness. They said: what is it, O Messenger of Allah? He said: Aging."

تقدمت ليها والجماعة وافقوا وكل حاجة تمام بس طلبوا مهر كبير وما قبلوا يأجلوا الدفع وانا وضعي على قدي 😭 حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل :(

يعوضك الله خيرا. قل لهم ليس عندي هذا ولا نصفه، فإن شاؤوا أنزلوا وإن أبوا فلا جناح عليهم.

السلام عليكم ، بعض الناس يقول عن الهالوين انه لم يعد ذلك الاحتفال الشركي والشيطاني وانه اصبح مجرد تسلية للأطفال بجمع الهدايا والشوكولاتة وغيرها من الترفيه للأطفال ؟ كيف الرد بارك الله فيك ؟

Mohamed Marmash
وهل أصبح من الضروري الرد على كل ما يقال؟

هل الإختلاط محرم في المطلق أم له شروط؟ تعودنا أنا وزوجتي مع عائلتين التقابل مرة في الإسبوع مع الأولاد. نأكل سوياً على السفرة ثم يتم جلوس النساء في غرفة منفصلة أو في نفس الغرفة ولكن في مكان منفصل وقليلاً ما يتم الإشتراك في حديث موحد. النساء تلبس ملابس محتشمة ومنهم واحدة منتقبة

لا أحب هذا، يفضي حتما الى المقارنة (أن تقارن الزوجة زوجها مع غيره، والزوج زوجته مع غيرها) وهذا باب فتنة الاولى سده.
التلاقي طيب ونافع للاطفال وللكبار أيضا، لكن ليكن حديث النساء منفصلا عن حديث الرجال، خصوصا وأنك ذكرت أن هناك منتقبة، يعني خليها ترتاح وترفع نقابها في مكان ليس فيه رجال.

What is in your opinion the best approach or method to teach english as a foreign language ?

Just because I know something well doesn't mean I know how to teach it well.

Salaam, a close friend of mine is having some serious tension between him and his parents to the point that he's planning to run away. I had to literally force him not to. He's been facing depression for quite a while and simply gives up on everything. What can i do to help him pick himself up again

Invite him for a good meal :)
Also, connect him with good friends and mentors.


Language: English