
Majed Jarrar

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أصحيح أن الحنابلة أخذوا التلفظ بالنية للصلاة من الشافعية وأن متقدمي الحنابلة لم يأثر عنهم التلفظ بها ولا الإمام أحمد؟

وانت مالك ومالهم يا أخي؟ :)
Liked by: Amr Ahmed

Help me sheikh! Is it really permissible to marry a girl before she hits puberty? Without her permission?! I thought apostasy and stoning were the worst it could get,but this shubha is just waaaay above my limit...

No, not without her permission. The prophet peace be upon him said: "The previously-married woman may not be married against her request, and the virgin may not be married without her permission."
Also this,

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته، حضرتك تظن ما السبب أن المسلمين لم يستطيعوا جمع العدد الكافي من التوقيعات ليتمكنوا من عرض موضوع تجريم الاسلاموفوبيا في البرلمان الكندي؟ لقد تخيلت أن هذا الموضوع من المفترض أن يكون من الاهميه بمكان. جزاك الله خيرا

Bahy Emam
اولا، المطلوب كان ٥٠٠ توقيع، وقد جمعوا اكثر من خمسين الف.
ثانيا، الحملة ما كانت لتجريم الاسلاموفوبيا، وإنما طلب شجب وإدانة.
ثالثا، غثاء.
Liked by: محمد حمدي

UOMSA: What advice would you give to stop someone from masturbating, specially in this society where Zina is the norm and highly encouraged?

MajedJarrar’s Profile PhotoMajed Jarrar
Let's do this self-disciplinary exercise together. Say the following words out loud:
I will never think of the colour green. Never. Ever.
Now tell me how well did that exercise go?
You know what happened? You guaranteed yourself to think about the colour green.
You know what also happened? you forgot to think about masturbation - for that second.
As long as you are fighting yourself about *not* doing something, you are bound to fail. You are masturbating because you have plenty of time and mental capacity on your hands, and literally nothing better to do. Busy yourself with goals, projects, physical and mental activities. Walk 10,000 steps a day in a park, swim, run, cycle, do some high intensity interval training, read books, memorize Quran, teach, visit hospitals, volunteers in the food bank, walk kids to schools, there's a thousand thing you can put your energy into.
You have sexual needs = you should plan to get married.
The plan starts with: becoming a responsible person with marriageable qualities. That point precedes searching for a partner on dating sites.
Can't get married? work on removing obstacles to marriage.
Fasting can help as a physical suppressor, as the prophet indicated. It helps along with point 1.

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UOMSA: Aya in aleImran 54 : when it will happen & for who?

MajedJarrar’s Profile PhotoMajed Jarrar
Specifically, the context is about the Jews who wanted to crucify Prophet Jesus - peace be upon him-.
Generally speaking, all the time. Every time someone plots evil. God's plots to make that evil turn back against them.

UOMSA: What do you think of the trend of Muslim rapping/singing (Deen squad)

MajedJarrar’s Profile PhotoMajed Jarrar
Answered it before they were even a trend. Search my archive (search link in bio)

UOMSA: How do I handle multiple marriage requests when I am very weak in my control with the opposite gender?

MajedJarrar’s Profile PhotoMajed Jarrar
Pull yourself together, man up, and accept them one at a time :)

UOMSA: I love gambling, the thrill of it is almost addictive. What is the fiqh behind it?

MajedJarrar’s Profile PhotoMajed Jarrar
If gambling involves no money (e.g. in a video game or as a joke between friends), and does not lead to a sin, nor distracts from worship such as prayer on time and remembrance of God = then it is discouraged, because you are wasting your time - your most valuable asset - in something useless.
If it involves any of the above then it is a major sin.
God said:
"O you who have believed: indeed, intoxicants, gambling, stone alters, and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid them that you may be successful.
Satan only wants to cause between you animosity and hatred through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you from the remembrance of God and from prayer. So will you not desist?
And obey God and obey the Messenger and beware. And if you turn away - then know that upon Our Messenger is only [the responsibility for] clear notification." 5:90-92

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Should a man marry a woman knowing that he is not attracted to her? Is there hope for the marriage?

Yes, absolutely. Omar - may God be pleased with Him - said: "Are all marriages built on love?! what will happen to compassion and selflessness, then?!"
Liked by: Umm Anṣār remo

UOMSA: From the sisters perspective, I feel like I am being judged when I speak to a guy. This makes me refrain from it even more. Can you comment on this?

MajedJarrar’s Profile PhotoMajed Jarrar
There is only one judgement that is worthy of being considered and cautious of.
(Hint: it is not the judgement of any creature.)

UOMSA: I love to volunteer during IAW but the mixed gender interactions is very hard to control and I find myself emotionally tangled. How do I balance the two?

MajedJarrar’s Profile PhotoMajed Jarrar
Stay away from what that in which you can't control yourself. Saving yourself precedes helping others.

UOMSA: if you are in the midst of getting to know someone (as in the first steps before getting engaged), and you find something out about them that you do not like (whether physical or otherwise), are you able to separate yourself from the situation or is it not permissible?

MajedJarrar’s Profile PhotoMajed Jarrar
What does "separate yourself from the situation" mean?

UOMSA: Is there a possibility to have a practical example and everyone of the panelist tell how he or she got married / how they proposed / got proposed to

MajedJarrar’s Profile PhotoMajed Jarrar
Finishes School. Misses airplane. Has to go back to the dorms and wait for a week to catch the next flight. Meets wife on campus.
Leaves a week later. Meets again two years later on the other side of the planet. Gets married that week.
*the crowd breaks into a bollywood dance* :)

UOMSA: I have very cultured parents who only want me to marry someone of the same ethnicity/background (i.e., Tanzanian). How do I balance my parents interests with something more realistic in growing up in this society?

MajedJarrar’s Profile PhotoMajed Jarrar
Your parents have the right to think that way. It takes some diplomacy and kind discussion to reach the core values that must be found in your partner. Maybe it's cultural appreciation, or cultural sensitivity that they want.
At any rate, Islamically, it is recommended to marry from within your same culture, for a higher rate of matching success.
Note: *your* culture.


Language: English