
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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Why so long? And good friends,one of the two not hollow-headed friends that I have literally apostated,the other I'm leaving in a year or so :/ And,what should these "goals" be like? My family is against the field I'm going for anyway and don't think it's "proper"so can't do nothing with 'em.

Grapes start hard and bitter, then they become full of water - and appear beautiful, yet they are still bitter, after an entire season of care, slow watering, and daily routine sun exposure, they become sweet. Then, they are harvested. Sun-dried until they turn to raisin.
Greedy - and foolish - farmers, rush the grapes to the drying process before they turn sweet, and end up with a hard, dried, bitter fruit, not even good for compost.
A small kid who has little knowledge and wisdom, then rushes to sharing his 'gems' with the world, is an identical example of that bitter raisin.
Also, if you're in Ottawa, let's talk more about your field and why your parents think it's improper.

How can I,as an 18 year old in high shool,do something to participate in the revival of this ummah?

Everyone has a role, and no role is insignificant.
First) Strive to be the best Muslim in your situation.
1. Your worship of God, and treatment to parents
2. Your circle of good friends
3. A few trustworthy, knowledgeable teachers/mentors
Second) Search for your strength in your:
1. Talents
2. Skills
3. Interests
And share the best of the three with your parents and some teachers/mentors to help you create a ten year plan for you (including, most suitable educational degree, career path etc), revise the plan once or twice or thrice (with parents, teachers etc) before acting on it. Once the plan is decided, do not change or modify it unless you spend one full year evaluating the new plan with your parents and teachers.
Third) Hold yourself accountable regularly. 1. Every night, ask yourself: were you the best Muslim you could have been today?
2. Every Friday eve, your weekly deeds are raised to God. Anything to reflect on?
3. Every year, ask yourself are you 10% closer to your goals?
Finally) avoid public speaking, lecturing, sharing your gems with the world for ten years. Let's talk about that when you're 28.

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http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/137923379010 But that's only in Palestine right? The rest of the world has abandoned this policy...?

The USA alone is involved in 5 direct military wars right now (according to the paper published in Harvard Kennedy School, most of these are in Muslim countries), and it is currently conducting special forces missions in 134 countries, according to US special forces command report. All this is on non US soil, for purposes deemed by the US as morally justifiable (sometimes only the US sees it that way). If your friend was an American redneck, he'd be boasting that those 134 jihad talab is what's keeping the world safe.

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I have a rare question. where can I read the books or statements of hanbali scholars refuting the asha'irah creed? I have not seen this in except ibn taymiyyah and ibn qayyim... and i know the great hanbali sheikh al Saffairini said that Ashairah is part of ahl sunnah...is that a valid opinion?

Asharis-Hanbali debate is not a topic appropriate for the laity. Only extremists, their followers and fools have taken this to the street.
Even Sheikh ul Islam ibn taymiyya said in one of his letters that he had never discussed a matter of Sifaat in front of the laymen.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/137922060354 Well that makes it jihad aldaf' not altalab :/ Just tell me,is their claim that this policy of expanding the states sphere of control is not to be implemented today correct? From a jurispreudence prespectice. JazakaAllah Khair.

Any jihad daf' for us is jihad talab for our enemies. Claiming that one can exist without the other is like claiming there's a ying without a yang.

i want someone kill me....

Someone will take you soul. This is the only guaranteed truth about your future. The test lies in what you will do until then
My advice: Don't be like the hare who wanted to rest before the end of the test, and because of that he lost the race. Use every minute of life to progress in this test. Even uttering the simple word of subhanallah, can make a huge difference in your scale on the Day of Judgement.

What's your take on those who say in response to the shubha of jihad attalab that this system of empires that expand by means of military was how the world operated at that time,that is not the case today and thus,there is no need for it?

Send them to Palestine or Iraq.

Salam alayka ya shaykh, I am in a bad situation wal hamdulillah 3ala kuli haal. I don't know whether I should get married or pursue further education (ie phD). I want to go abroad to a really good school and am competitive but my desires dont leave me alone and I fear falling into haram.

Get married. Have you ever seen someone graduating with a sign on their car saying happily PhD holder?!

So orgasm and ejaculation are counted as two separate things?

Yes. Intercourse, ejaculation and orgasm are separate reasons for major purification. Hence: wet dreams (that could've happened without orgasm) and orgasm without ejaculation (due to illness or by intentionally withholding the semen from exiting), and intercourse without orgasm nor ejaculation, all mandate ghusl.
Liked by: Warisha.

intercourse, ejaculation, death, post natal bleeding, menstrual blood, accepting Islam ; what is the 7th obligations of ghusl in Hanbali Madthab? Jazak'Allah Khair

You're missing the second, which is orgasm (regardless of ejaculation). Here's the text from the akhsar
intercourse ejaculation death post natal bleeding menstrual blood accepting
Liked by: Ismail Kara Warisha.

هل عمدة الطالب أقل درجة من دليل الطالب بغض النظر عن الشروح التي على كلا الكتابين؟

كلاهما في نفس الدرجة.
والأفضل تقديم الدليل على العمدة بحفظ المتن، والعمدة على الدليل بقراءة الشروح، لأن متن الدليل أوسع وأكثر إشكالا. فإن أراد الاقتصار على إحداهما فيقتصر على الدليل. لكن لا يغني أيهما لوحده، وينبغي للطالب الحنبلي دراسة الأخصر والزاد والدليل، ويكتفي غير الحنبلي بأحد الثلاثة.
ذكر ذلك شيخنا أحمد القعيمي في كتابه اللطيف مدارج تفقه الحنبلي.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/137841939010 متاكد؟ دا الموضوع كان بياخد معاه قرونا من الزمان مش يومين،كان بيشلنا على ما يسجل! الناس تأكل و تشرب و تنام و حروب تقوم و دا متعلق فوق 😂😂😂

علشان ركبت رامات جديدة فالسرعة مضبوطة دلوقتي
Liked by: Ahmed Elgohry

why are muslims nowadays hostile against all sufis?

Who are the Muslims in your perception? when did the 'nowadays' time frame begin? what do you mean by all all sufis?
And, why are you concerning yourself about others judging others?
Liked by: Ahmed Elgohry

من فضلك، في رأي حضرتك إيه أفضل مدة للخطوبة و لكتب الكتاب حتي البناء ؟ الرجاء الرد حتي لو برأي حضرتك فقط

هناك خطوبة تستمر خمس سنوات وتكون مناسبة جدا، وهناك خطوبة تستمر خمس ايام وتكون مناسبة جدا.
ارحمونا يا جماعة الموضوع مش زي مذاكرة لامتحان، اللي يناسبك ميناسبش غيرك.

Does islam condone/encourage slavery?

Not necessarily. Slavery is an inherent part of wars throughout history, Islam has legalised and controlled how wars - and slavery - should be properly carried on. That doesn't mean it's encouraging it.
Before going further, one should understand what is meant by slavery in Islam, and how it was controlled. Slaves in Islam have more rights than unionised employees in the USA. For example, a slave must wear the same quality of clothes as his master, and must eat at the same table with his master. If the slave eats alone the master must carry the food to him from the table. It is not permissible to ask a slave to work more hours or do heavier tasks than normal. and it's not permissible to deny the slave the right to pray and take his religious holidays off.

Do you believe that those that commit adultery should be stoned to death? If yes, how does that fit in with the idea that any sin can be forgiven and anyone can turn their life around? If no, how do you justify the numerous ahadith about the Prophet SAW ordering adulterers to be stoned?

Yes, stoning was revealed as a verse in the Quran, and upon it the Prophet stoned, and Abu Bakr stoned, and Umar stoned, and gave an incredible speech about how one day people will doubt that stoning is part of Islam.
There is no problem fitting, some sins are punishable by death, like murder, and adultery, and that doesn't negate the fact that punishments in themself are an accepted repentance; for God would not punish the same sin twice.
Those who loot would be sentenced to cut their hand off, and that doesn't mean they can't repent and change their lives around - bearing in mind these crimes against other people can have a devastating and irreplaceable damage; and it wouldn't be fair for the criminal to walk out without an irreplaceable damage, even if they repented. Their repentance is between them and God, but their punishment is for the right of the other people they abused.
Additionally, stoning only becomes due if the person comes to justice with confession, or by the live testimony of four righteous men. For the first one hundred years of Islam, there have been less than twenty cases of stoning recorded by historians. All by personal confession (Sheikh ul Islam ibn taymiyya even reported that not once in history of Islam up to his time that adultery been committed in a public place in the lands of Muslims such that four righteous men would witness it). In Judaism stoning was carried on widely, even for fornications (unmarried couples), and without these conditions of witnesses etc. There's plenty of room in Islam for not having charges pressed in the first place.

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مواقع تبادل اللغات .. هل يشترط شرعا أن يكون الطرف المقابل من نفس النوع؟

يا حبذا لو كانا من نفس الجنس، ويحرم لو كان هناك مدخل للفتنة، مثل كونهما في عمر الشباب ونحوه.
وبلاش تقول نوع، نحن لسنا معلبات طماطم. نوع كلمة دخيلة تستخدم غالبا في إطار تطبيع الشذوذ الجنسي نابعة من اختلاف لغوي في الإنجليزية بين كلمتي sex وتعني الجنس (يعني النوع التناسلي)، وgender وتعني مجموعة الأعراف والعادات المرتبطة بالجنس في ثقافة ما، مثلا مسألة توزيع شراء العفش والشقة في العرف المصري (يعني الوظيفة المجتمعية التي يفرضها الجنس). والثانية مكتسبة على خلاف الاولى، وغالب حجة القوم الشواذ على أن الميول الجنسية هي من العادات والتقاليد، لا من طبيعة البنية الجنسية للإنسان، والبعض يقول بل هي ميول فطرية لا يمكن تغييرها (وهؤلاء حجتهم اقوى من سابقيهم، لكنها تستلزم إلزامهم بأمور تزيد حجتهم أشكالا).
على أية حال، يتم الخلط بين المصطلحين عن عمد وتحت منظمات ضغط عالمية لاستخدام مصطلح النوع بدلا عن الجنس في امور لا علاقة لها بالعرف - مثل هوية الأحوال المدنية ورخصة القيادة.
وجدير بالذكر أنه اصبح للمواطن الكندي مؤخرا حق إزالة خانة الجنس من هوية التغطية الصحية الحكومية، يعني لو دخلت المستشفى ممكن تقولهم عاوز اعمل فحص حمل وملهومش حق يفكروا حضرتك انك، لا مؤاخذة، ذكر.

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هل المشاركة في الدعاء الجماعي في حفلات الزفاف تجوز عندنا؟ لأن في عرفنا في معظم حفلات الزفاف الإمامُ يدعو للزوجين والباقون يؤمنون

عمل ممتاز وموفق ومبارك

Is it halal for me to break my family's tv by cutting a wire or just hiding it or something because it's just filth upon filth with all the constant music and awrah

No, you'll make them hate you and your religion. If you think breaking their TV will solve it, why don't you also poke their eyes and tape their ears so they're blinded and deafed from seeing and hearing the evil?!
Allah sent the Prophet as mercy to the worlds, and commanded us to follow him. Had the Prophet been this harsh neither you nor I would have been Muslim today.

Salaam akhi. I would like to help benefit my relatives that have passed away. How can a child (son, daughther) benefit those that have passed away. Can a non child (niece, nephew, grandchild) benefit his relatives that have passed away? If so, in what ways?

Charity, reading Quran, duaa, and doing Hajj/umrah (after you've done yours) and gifting the reward to them.


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