
Majed Jarrar

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You are just making assumptions that if he is running a secret mafia and this and that. What I am saying if I am helping other people or even saving their lives, why would God punish me? Take the example of Bill Gates. He doesn't believe in God. But helps others. Why would God punish him?

Gates foundations requires African governments to buy certain drugs from companies of which Gates is an investor, and of which prices are x10 times more expensive than competitors, in order to qualify for their noble and altruistic help.
Regardless, you seem to have missed the point of my previous answer, please read number 3 and number 4 again carefully.
Liked by: Mohamed Shawky

السلام عليكم زوجتي قبلتها الجامعة أكسفورد لتفعل هناك ماجستير والحمد لله لكنني لا أستطيع السكن معها هناك فعملي في لندن هل يجوز أن أسافر معها هناك وأجعلها في السكن مع النساء فتكون هناك مقيمة وأنا أزورها كل أسبوع أو أسبوعين (الأمر سهل تأخذ ساعة تقريبا بالحافلة) وطبعا إذا أرادت السفر أسافر معها وبوركتم

لا بأس، واحرص على أن تكون مع رفقة صالحة حسنة الأخلاق

حدثنى عن اول لقاء .. الرؤيه الشرعيه كيف يجب ان تكون ..بإستفاضه :D

انت روح الأول وبعدين حدثنا وخلينا نضحك شوية عليك ☺

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As salam alkyum shaykh, I have a friend who is a girl , when I talk to her I look at her, she doesn't wear hijab, she is Muslim, should I look down when I talk to her towards the floor, or should I be friends with her at all I don't really talk to her only when I see her in school sometimes. Jazak

alaikum assalam,
As God Almighty described, "Tell the believing men to reduce of their gazes and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, God is Well Acquainted with what they do." Keep your relationship with her to maximum respect and minimum need, as you'd want any man to act with your sister.
As salam alkyum shaykh I have a friend who is a girl  when I talk to her I look

مثل هذا لم أتوقع من الإمام أحمد! هذا يجوز؟ قال الإمام الذهبي في ترجمة يحيى بن يحيى النيسابوري سير أعلام النبلاء ١٠/٥١٢ : وبلغنا أن يحيى أوصى بثياب بدنه لأحمد بن حنبل ، فلما قدمت على أحمد ، أخذ منها ثوباً واحدا للبركة ، ورد الباقي ، وقال : إنه ليس تفصيل ثيابه من زي بلدنا.

من عظيم فقهه رحمه الله

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/137622697026 How about the first part, if it's no longer affordable to maintain for whatever reason, and does waqf refers to the asset value?

if it's rented, it's not a Masjid according to majority opinion. In other words, it's permissible to rent a space and turn it into a Masjid. But as long as there's no money put into endowment to build a Masjid, then it doesn't follow the rules of the Masjid. Hence there's no harm, in ending the lease if not enough people are praying there.

Salam Alaikom, What's the ruling on selling mussalahs/masjids if their upkeep was becoming untenable? For example a dwindling community who could no longer afford it or due to space constraints making an expansion impossible,building a bigger mosque in a different location.

If destroying or selling the Masjid is done in order to move to a bigger one, or expand it, then it is permissible, as long as the entire value of the assets are used to the new Masjid. Once the money enters into waqf (endowment for the sake of God) then it must remain in waqf.

شو أعمل طيب اذا والدي يمنعني من الحجاب حتى أصل للجامعة!؟

تزيلي سبب المنع، تكلمي والدك أو عمك أو تخلي والدتك تقنعه
والحجاب أهم من جامعتك، وغالبا لو جلستي في البيت وقلتي لن أخرج للجامعة إلا بحجاب، سيحرجه ويضطره إلى الموافقة، أهم شيء الثبات على الحق وعدم المفاوضة فيه، وكما يقال: من ثبت نبت.

بنت عندي ٢٠ سنة و بدور علي مكان أحفظ فيه قرآن يكون مستواه عالي شوية أو الأفضل أدور علي حد من صحابتي تكون حافظة و أحفظ معاها ؟ وهل ممكن تدلني علي تفسير باللغة الانجليزية؟ *بخاف من الكلام اللي مش مضبوط في التفسير و غالبا بيكون عند كتيير من البنات.

بالنسبة لسؤال الحفظ، لا استطيع مساعدتك لعدم معرفتي بمراكز القرآن حول العالم، اللهم إلا لو كنتِ مقيمة في كندا. اسألي أحد المشايخ القريبين منكِ جغرافيا
الترجمات: صحيح انترناشيونال، أو تقي الدين هلالي، أو محسن خان

Why would God punish good non-muslims?

Short Answer: Without doubt, God rewards every good deed. He says "Hence, whoever does an atom's weight worth of goodness = shall see it."
Long answer:
1. The definition and scope of goodness. Feeding one's hungry puppy might be a good thing. But it could be an evil act, if that person's kids were left to starve to death in the same house.
If a person is super nice to his family and kids, but runs a secret mafia and goes to work everyday to torture people. Will his family think he is bad?
Your perception of any other person's goodness is subjective to your view. Theoretically, the only person you can judge truly for their goodness, is yourself.
God says: "Rather, the human, against themself, is the most insightful witness, even if they presented their excuses."
2. Why would the USA kill one of its own brave soldiers if they fought for a good cause and did major accomplishments, but he was actually fighting against them in the army of North Korea?
Or why would Microsoft punish one of its smart employees who made a significant contribution, but sent it instead to Google's algorithm?
The answer is = duty.
The good these people have done, is not for the One who created them to do it, gave them the power to do it, and asked them to do it. So the deed is worthless.
You see, God created humans, gave them physical, mental and spiritual abilities, sent them messengers and books, and asked them to do good deeds for His sake only. But they didn't do that. They did good for their own sake, and under their own conditions and convenience. Would they have a case against God why He didn't accept their good deeds? When humans decided they'll do good deeds for their own sake, then they have betrayed the trusts God gave them, and used them for another purpose.
God says on this:
"Say, 'Shall we inform you of the greatest losers, in terms of deeds?
They are those whose effort is lost in worldly life, while they think that they are doing good.
Those are the ones who disbelieve in the verses of their Lord and in their meeting Him, so their deeds have become worthless; and We will not assign to them on the Day of Resurrection any importance.'
That is their recompense - Hell - for what they denied and because they took My signs and My messengers in ridicule."
3. What if someone's computer at work acted up and started complaining that the human only works on it for 40 hours per week, which means less than 25% of its total time, hence this human is lazy and must be sitting at the desk 24 hours every day. Wouldn't the human just unplug that computer? why?
The answer is = authority.
This question you sent would come from the role of someone who has the authority to evaluate and judge God's work, and no one does that except Him. He is the master, and we are His slaves. Our tiny brains can't even fathom the universe, which is His creation, yet we think we can assess God's work?
God says "He is not questioned about what He does, but they will be questioned."

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Asalamu alaikum, I would like to give a English translation of the Quraan to a Christian man I know. Do you have any versions to recommend

Simple quick answer: Sahih international, or taqi-addin al-hilali, or mohsen khan.

I am invited to a wedding where a Muslim sister is marrying a non Muslim. Is there any issue attending the wedding based on that only?

If he doesn't willingly enter Islam before the wedding, then the marriage is invalid according to all four schools of Islam, and the clear verses of the Quran. God said: "Do not let the polytheists marry (your Muslim women folk) until they become believers; for a believer slave is better than a polytheist, albeit you liked him." and God said "If you have verified that those women are believers, then do not return them to the disbelievers; for their are not permitted to get married to them, and they are not permitted to marry them." If you're close to her you should advise her not to solemnise the marriage unless he willingly embraces Islam.
As for the wedding, it's not permissible for a Muslim to attend it or bless it with a prayer, because that's like blessing someone for adultery.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/137582126914 another asker I don't recall saying bismillah before making ghusl.. does that mean my prayers are invalid?

obligation means you must do it. If you intentionally don't do it your act is nullifies. However if you forgot or didn't know then it's okay.
Pillar means the same, except for the last part: if you didn't do it the act is nullified even if you forgot or didn't know
Liked by: Rizwan Awan

Did Allah send angels to help in every single of the ghazawaat? What about uhud? Or was it just Badr and hunain.

There are verses and hadeeths indicating the angels did partake in the battles of Badr, Uhud, Hunayn, and Khandaq. and arguably all battles except one.
Liked by: Mohamed Shawky

Could you briefly go through the pillars & sunnan of making ghusl? I am afraid that for years I have been praying assuming my morning shower covered both ghusl and wudu, without being sure that I've met the requirements for either :(

One pillar = pouring water over the whole body
One obligation = saying Bismillah
Five conditions = using purifying water, using water you're permitted to use, post-toilet cleaning (if you used the toilet before), removing barriers on skin, and intention.
Numerous sunan
See details here: (Ghusl begins around 3:30:00 in day 1)

As salam alkyum shaykh, there is a RIS conference coming to Ottawa in August., Would this be great for me to attend

I dunno who you are and this could be a great thing for you to attend indeed. However, in my own opinion, turning scholars into celebrities, and knowledge seeking halaqas into concerts, does not appeal to me. I find it a great catalyst for hypocrisy, and giving a platform to some who aren't worth listening to. The speakers selection committees in such conventions after all aren't a group of scholars choosing the most knowledgeable nor pious scholar, rather they're employees choosing most famous, people-grabber, sponsor-magnet celebrities to make their events financially successful.
I hope I'm wrong and the event will bring more people closer to the Almighty, but to me these conventions are on a path which was created by Protestant/evangelical institutions and will always be tainted by their way of life.

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كيف أتقن الإنجليزية كلاما وكتابة وقراءة ؟! هلا من طريقة بارك الله فيك ؟

أجزم أن في اللغويات - على الأقل: إسأل خبير ومتسألش مجرّب.
كثيرون ممن يبهرك أحدهم بطلاقة لسانه لا يعرفون كيف تعلموا اللغة ناهيك كيف ينبغي أن يتعلمها غيرهم.
اللغة رياضة عقلية، ينبغي عليك ممارستها يوميا، وابحث في اجوبتي في الارشيف كلمة "لغة" ستجد عدة اجوبة

Salam, should I take part with the shaykh, he does ziyara to the graveyard and we pray for our dead families

(Not sure if this is a continued question. If you expect me to know who the Sheikh is, or if there were more details in a previous message please resend) Generally speaking yes. Going to the graveyard is like going to Friday prayer, except that everyone who's silent there is actually the best khateeb. You're the only one able to talk there, but the best thing you could do there is listen to their life lessons.
Liked by: SisterlyAdvice

I've been reading about shaving the neck hair below the pharynx but I'm confused what constitutes as below the pharynx; and is this a strong position that you can shave the neck hair? Jazak Allah Khair

the pharynx is where your vocal cords are located, I think you are referring to the so-called Adam's apple, that's where the larynx is. Anything below that is isn't a beard. Here's a website for aetheric reference (not written with the haram and halal in mind) http://www.beards.org/neck.php

As salam alkyum shaykh, which is better making dhkir alone or with a group?? Jazak.

Whichever brings your heart closer, and humbles you more before God. If you utter thikr with your tongue and find heedlessness in your heart when in group, but find your heart trembling when alone, then group thikr is not for you, and the opposite is true.
Thikr in group is great as long as it doesn't involve a bid'a, for example everyone making the same thikr in one voice, or involved a rhythmic move by everyone.

لما العادة السرية حرام طب ليه مفيش نص صريح من الحديث مع انه امر مهم وينفع اخد براي من احلها وقت اشداد الشهوة

في نصوص صريحة كثيرة في القرآن والسنة
والذين هم لفروجهم حافظون إلا على أزواجهم أو ما ملكت أيمانهم فإنهم غير ملومين، فمن ابتغى وراء ذلك فأولئك هم العادون.
وردت هاتان الآيتان مرتين في القرآن، فلا تبتغ وراء ذلك فتكون من العادين.
وقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: ومن لم يستطع (يعني الزواج) فعليه بالصوم فإنه له وجاء (يعني الصوم يكبت شهوته)
والموضوع ليس بالأهمية التي تظن، أمر نهاك ربنا عنه فانته، واشغل نفسك بحاجة مهمة تكتشف أن الموضوع ملوش قيمة ولا حاجة.


Language: English