
Majed Jarrar

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I've been told that (for men) wearing a head covering (ex. topi) is sunnah when praying salah - does the type of head covering matter? Could one wear, for example, a baseball cap?

The sunnah isn't headwear, it's a turban. There are two ways a turban is worn (how it was done in the time of the Prophet) muhannaka (spun horizontally around the head then one vertical round around the chin; today's custom of West Africa - see attached photo, courtesy of the internet), and thaatu thu'aaba (spun horizontally in rounds, with one tail sticking out from the back slightly to the left - see my profile photo) these two ways are the only two that are Sunnah, where wiping over them is permissible during wudu.
Anything else, whether it's a baseball cap, Azhari cap or topi, doesn't replace a turban or enable one to wipe over it. However, scholars in the past have stated it's encouraged for men to cover their head while praying, but I don't know if the encouragement is applicable to any headcover or just a turban.

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Ive been told that for men wearing a head covering ex topi is sunnah when

As salam alkyum shaykh hope you are doing well. I have a question about mermaids, I was reading an article, it says that mermaid washed up on shore. You see a woman have hair ,fish body. How is this explined in islam. Allah made the fish look like a woman, are these. Cursed people? Interesting it is

Sorry I'm too busy today I think I lost my three headed monkey I don't have time to answer this. 😐

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كيف يكون لعاب الكلب نجس وينفغ ناكل مما يصطاده؟؟!

عادي، تغسل الموضع الذي عضه وخلاص. هذا معتمد مذهبنا.
قال العلامة البهوتي: يجب غسل ما أصابه فم الكلب ؛ لأنه موضع أصابته نجاسته ، فوجب غسله كغيره من الثياب والأواني (كشاف القناع 6/224)
والرواية الاخرى في المذهب انه لا يحتاج حتى للغسل.
Liked by: Ahmed

The khateeb today said that according to the four schools if someone comes late to the khutbah (last few minutes) he will have to pray four rakat instead of two rakat because the khutbah counts for two. Is that true?

Completely wrong. All four mathahib say that whoever catches last rak'ah of Jumua, has caught the whole jumua (and makes up just one rak'ah), this was explicitly stated by Ibn Masoud, Ibn Umar, Anas, Saeed bin Almusayyab, alAswad, Alqama, Alhasan Al-Basri, Annakh'i, Urwa, Azzuhri, Abu Hanifa, Malik, Ahmed, Awzaa'i, Athawri, and majority of Shafi'i scholars like Annawawi and others. May Allah have mercy on them all.
There are two narrations to Umar that he said whoever missed the khutba they must pray four, but both narrations have a missing link (one by Yahya and the other by Amr, both disconnected by over 80 years after Umar, and they didn't indicate who's the link between them and him. So it cannot be validated as his opinion (especially that his son, Ibn Umar holds an opposite opinion with authentic narration).

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assalamu alaikom I removed my wisdom teeth this morning and blood is still coming out. I didn't want to miss the fard so i just made wudu and prayed even though I can still taste a bit of it in my mouth after several tries to clear it. Is my prayer valid?

alaikum asalaam, yes, congratulations, hope there's still some wisdom in you :)

Shaykh every time I read about Imam Ahmad rahimahullah I get an impression that he was somehwat an unhappy person,am I right?

No. You just have a convoluted understanding of happiness.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/137515564354 So this means that if someone is comfortable on the material level Allah does not love them....?

Not necessarily. Allah gives this life to those whom He loves and those whom He doesn't, but He does not give the eternal hereafter except to those whom He loves.
The Prophet said: If this life was worth the wing of a mosquito to God, He would not have given a disbeliever a sip of water in it.
Nevertheless, the believers are always on the lookout for signs of their relationship with God. If someone is sinning and is receiving more worldly possessions when they sin, this may be a lure to Hellfire. Hence, the pious believers have been especially cautious at times of worldly comfort.

Salam Alaikom, I am trying to give my zakat to community members. What's the qualifying criteria to fall under للفقراء والمساكين?

Alaikum Assalam, if they're below minimum wage they're faqeer, if they're above minimum wage but below livable wage, they're miskeen.
Also, do ask a mosque in your town, they usually do the calculations for the community. For Ottawa, I suggest you contact Islam care centre.

i feel that I am unlucky girl

If it's because you're not getting as much share of worldly matters as you want, then you should be overwhelmingly grateful. For Allah keeps away worldly matters from the believers whom He loves, just like we keep certain foods from the patients because we know it'll hurt them.

What's the secret behind you recommending surat Al'ankaboot to depressed people? *just curious*

I recommend people who are too worried about life, or afraid of someone or something, to the extent that they can't feel the peace and serenity in their worship. There's no secret, the surah has cure for all that, written all over it. Read it and read its tafsir.
Liked by: لؤلؤه

Asalamu alaikum akhee.. do you mind if I take a screenshot off of your page to share for daawah purposes?

That's a new level of adab ☺, screenshots don't require permission akhi. Barakallahu feek.

I am going through big (at least to me) challenges and hardships and I feel discouraged and hopeless most of the time. I just can't believe that there can be a silver lining, or to trust that God will fix things at some point, no matter how hard I try. Any help is appreciated

Maybe you need to try softer, not harder.
Listen to surat al-ankaboot, and read its tafsir.
Liked by: لؤلؤه

ليس هناك نقل صريح من الحنابلة قبل ابن تيمية أن حلق اللحية حرام وهو أول من صرح بتحريمه فمن أين جاء بأن الحنابلة يقولون بتحريمه؟

هو الحنابلة 😎
انت زعلان ليه؟

Salam Alaikom, If someone relocates to a different city for work (significantly further than 78 km) is he considered a traveler when he returns to visit?

Your "residence" is where you have a house, or a wife. Those cities are the only ones that you don't shorten prayers when visiting on vacation. For all other cities (including your hometown after leaving, your parents town, your kids town, etc) you are a traveler, for the prophet shortened the prayer in Mecca when he visited it after he immigrated from it, and Uthman didn't shorten in Hajj because he had a wife in Mecca.

I want to learn about political Islam.How about Dr Yasir Qadhi and Dr Tariq Ramadan? Reliable?

There are quite a few prerequisites for you to learn before that, once you learn those prerequisites, you'll be able to learn about politics in Sharia better (and you'll be able to answer this question you asked).

Any good tips for an adult wanting to start memorisation of the Quraan?

No, just bad tips. :/ Ask the Sheikh under whom you'll memorise.

Is it normal to say that god is sexless?

Saying things about God's attributes and actions without knowledge is as prohibited - in the same level - as murder and associating partners with God.
Scholars have stated that confirming or negating an attribute to God which He didn't inform us about is like saying things about God without knowledge.
Hence, negating any sex or affirming any sex to the Almighty is equally prohibited. We are required to describe God only in the way He described Himself, and His Messenger described Him.
Is it normal to say that god is sexless

I saw your answer about engineering graduates...is this only for engineering or all majors and only ontario or all provinces? (Potential international student) Jazakallah khair.

Mostly engineering, mostly Ontario. However, generally speaking, educational inflation is a global phenomenon.

1) is a 3rakat witr w/ no sitting in 2nd rakat valid? (Recently heard it's not good to do) 2)is a 5 rakat witr prayed with only sitting on 5th rakat valid?

Yes, yes.

Salam Alaikom, This last Ramadan I attended taraweeh where they read the Burda afterwards. I researched it and there were multiple opinions on it. I wanted to know your take?

And, people with knowledge and wisdom would never read any book or do any halaqa in Ramadan except with the Quran.
Liked by: Mahmoud Abdo

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/137441726786 Well then according to your madhab, if a community does not have forty men who regularly attend jummah what should they do, pray duhur?

A community is defined by the city limits, and an employer has no right over the employee during the time of Jumua, and hence you're obliged to go and attend Jumua at a mosque, in which a minimum of forty men attend.
I said ask someone else from the start 😐, a Maliki or Hanafi would give you an easier opinion.

Belief test ==> Umm well,I do worry about bad deeds,more like I don't want to go to hell than I love Allah. I do the minimum of good deeds,and constantly feel the urge to get Islam's restrictions off me. What are your thoughts?

It's natural, and a sign of true faith = The fact that you call them urges and try to suppress them.
There are three levels of required patience in Islam: Patience with worship (i.e. to put up with it when you're down and tired), patience with sins (i.e. to restrain yourself from committing them when you're desiring them), and patience with destiny (i.e. to accept the calamities that God Almighty destined, and have certainty that He planned it for your own benefit.


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