
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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Is it haram to look at a female whose hair is not covered if there is no fitnah? And does the same ruling apply to non muslim women?

Yes, yes. Gazing for the believer men at non-mahram women is prohibited, whether there was fitnah or not. Gazing for the believer women at non-mahram men is prohibited if there was fitnah, and is better not to do when there is no fitnah.

Text ==> Sorry if I appeared rude,I didnt want to take a risk by following your fatwa,especially that I'm not hanbali like you,so it felt like i was using it as an excuse. Anyhow,so am I good if I follow what you told me? And I do know arabic.

Yes you're good inshaAllah, and you can ask sheikh @mohamed_salim_behery for shafi'i fiqh. If you live in Ottawa, contact brother Hesham Aghbari.


Because the gate to Islam is: to testify that there is no god except God, and that Muhammad is His messenger.
And to testify it means he needs to know what the statement means, to believe in it and to be certain of it.
Anyone can get doubts, that is the natural state of faithful people. The companions asked: why do we get so many whispers in our prayers while people of the book (Jews or Christians) seem to focus very well in their prayer? He answered: "Why would a devil enter an empty house?!" Is a clear message teaching us that doubts and whispers is a natural, healthy indication that the heart is alive with faith.
How do we face doubts? The natural way to face these doubts is to ask the people of knowledge in private matter. The companions had doubts about God Almighty, look at the beautiful way they addressed their doubts. They said: O Messenger of God, we have thoughts which would sound horrible to us if we were to hear them being said out loud. The prophet said: "Do you really find that?" They said yes. He said: "That is indeed the explicit faith." Meaning, the faith that would stop someone from uttering and spreading these doubts, and recognizing the whispers of the devil and stopping them.
As to declaring one's doubts publicly so that other hears them, and spreading one's doubts in hopes that others might receive those doubts as well = is a sign of apostasy. We seek refuge in the Almighty from invoking His anger.
How doubts are treated? Misconceptions are treated by asking the scholars. Evil thoughts are treated by seeking refuge in God from the accursed devil. Useless curiosity is treated by closing that door. The prophet said: "The devil lures one of you to think, who created this, who created that, until he gets one to think: but who created your Lord? If any of you find something like this, let them say: I believe in God, and let them stop."
O' Allah we ask you to decree for us some fear of you such that it becomes a shield between us and your disobedience, some obedience for you such that it delivers us to your paradise, and some certainty such that we can face the calamities of this world.

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Salam Alaykum, I am a Muslim, but lately I have been having serious doubts about the religion. It seems that Mohammad was just a smart man, a thinker, a Politician, and sufi who was really close to god, and through him god spoke the truths but god cn speak through othrs as well, he was not a prothet

Well, let's face it. No one can be a Muslim and utter these words. You can avoid dealing with these doubts, shrug the religion off and live without a purpose for the remainder of your life on earth. Or you can face these doubts in an honest way - not the anonymous ask.fm way. If you choose the latter, pm me on Facebook.
Liked by: Mahmoud Abdo

text ==> Ok,whats the jumhoor's opinion if you know?

My beloved brother, ya habeebi, please listen carefully:
1. I answered you with the mainstream opinion in our mathhab. Certainly, there are other opinions in other mathhabs. If you are shafi'i, then seek the fatwa from your shafi'i scholars. If you are going to ask a non-shafi'i person of knowledge, then either tell them ahead of time you're shafi'i and let them answer according to their discretion, or let them answer their best, and accept that their fatwa is binding for you.
2. No mathhab says you can decline a fatwa after asking for it. It is unethical to decline a fatwa after asking for it, and it's a misconduct to resort to a textbook answer after seeking a fatwa. If you ask someone and he gives you an answer other than your mathhab, then the fatwa you have received is binding until you ask someone from your own mathhab.
3. The answer of the fatwa is binding to the asking person, unless there was an error in the inputs, or the understanding of the question. Scholars don't sell build-your-own-combo kind of fiqh. They teach what they believe to be the ruling which pleases the Almighty.
4. If you're in Ottawa, or if you know Arabic, let me know and I'd be happy to refer you to shafi'i scholars under whom you can ask and learn from.
Remember: Knowledge is a double-edged sword, if you learn it and practice it, it will be a proof for you. Otherwise, it will be a proof against you.
May the Almighty grant us taqwa and make our goal to please Him

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حكم الإسبال الكراهة على المذهب يا شيخي ولكن لم تجيبوا - حفظكم الله - هل الكراهة تنطبق أم لا؟ حفظكم ربي

نعم، لا فرق يؤثر على الحكم.

Text ==> I have no access to a shafi'i sheikh now.Do you know anyone here on ask fm,that you trust?

I know very few English speaking pages on ask. It's too much wasted effort for you to be on a matthab without a close Sheikh of that matthab to teach you and to ask him. In five years won't progress much beyond basics alone. Find a Sheikh or follow the matthab of the closest Sheikh you learn from.

الحلم من الشطان ..والرؤيا من الله...فهل ما أرى فى نومى فى رمضان من الله حيث انه لا شياطين

الشياطين موجودة، رغم أنها مصفدة. والتصفيد يكون بربط الأيدي والأقدام، أما الأفواه فهي طليقة، توسوس ما تشاء.
والسجين إذا كان مصفدا واقترب منه الحارس، لم يمنعه التصفيد من أن يضربه برأسه أو يتفل عليه أو يسبه.
وكذا من سلك مسلكا قريبا من الشياطين في رمضان ولم يتحصن، فلا يستغرب أن يناله منهم أذى، إلا أن يتحصن منهم ويبعد عنهم ما استطاع.

if one was sick and had the intention to fast the next day yet he/she slept for almost the entire day, is his/her fast accepted?

No human can answer if a deed is accepted, we all hope it will be.
On the other side, yes, the fast is valid.

"وهو أيه أصلا" لم أفهم الكلام يا شيخ

يعني هو ايه حكم الاسبال في المذهب علشان نطبقه على البنطلون؟

شيخنا... إذا المسجد اللي على شمال منزلي يتبع مكة و المسجد اللي في الجنوب يتبع ISNA سمعت عن حادثة صارت العام الماضي واحد صام والثاني لم يصم. فأي المساجد اتبع إن تكررت الحادثة؟ مع العلم اني جديد في المنطقة واصلي مرة في هذا ومرات في ذاك.

اتبع اول رؤية ثابتة بالعين من مسلم عدل للهلال في أي بقاع الأرض، لقوله عليه الصلاة والسلام: صوموا لرؤيته. ونحن أمة واحدة

هل البنطلون ينطبق عليه حكم الإسبال على المذهب؟

وهو ايه اصلا حكم الاسبال في المذهب؟ ☺

شيخنا .. لي مجموعة من الاصدقاء يشتمون دائما ولا يصلون لكني اعلم فيهم خيرا و كنت مثلهم لكن هداني الله .. مش عايز اسيبهم و اعمل فيها دور الملتزم و اني سيبتهم لما التزمت لكن عايز انتشلهم من هذا الضياع و اساعدهم هم انفسهم يريدون ان يصلحوا من انفسهم فكيف احفظ نفسي و في نفس الوقت اساعدهم ؟؟

احسن جواب عند @mustafaelmasry

As salam alkyum. Can men wear fake gold. Eh. No ounce of real gold, such as a cheap 5 ring looks gold but isn't, or is it haram to wear anything that looks gold even if it isn't

It's fine, but not in public as it may cause fitnah.

As salam alkyum shaykh hope all is well. Can we send blessings on all the prophets or just rasool saw pbuh. Eg. I ask Allah to send blessings on all the prophets Jazak.

Yes, it's one meaning of the meanings of aal ibraheem = the prophets from his progeny who followed his footsteps.
Which makes the Salaah Ibrahimiyya an iterative process, you send a prayer upon the Prophet Muhammed everytime a prayer is made to prophet Ibrahim and his progeny - which includes the Prophet Muhammed, so you're always increasing him with prayers.

As salam alkyum, can we drink non alcoholic beer. Or is that imitating haram, such as non alcoholic champagne bottle, or those 0% lazia arabic non alcoholic beer. Jazak.

If it's somewhere public where you're seen representing Islam, then it's better not to. If it's just yourself or with close friends then is okay as long as it's not manufactured by a company that produces Khamr, otherwise you should boycott their products.

اذن الصحيح او الاقرب هو الدرجة 12 كما ذكرتم ؟

مقلتش كدة خالص. الصحيح تتبع الأذان عندك زيك زي المسلمين في مدينتك، لو عملت بحث وتبين لك خلاف ذلك فاعمل به لنفسك، لما يبقى عندك الدليل وطرق استدلاله صحيحة ونقض علمي لادلة الغير، يبقى تنشر مقالة في مجلة بحثية، ولما الفقهاء يقرروا في مجمع فقهي ان بحثك لو وجه، يبقى تروح تكلم الناس. أما الان = ففتنة.

Sexual text ==> Do all mathahib have this opinion? I'm a shafi'i.

I don't change my Matthab according to the asker. If you're Shafi'i then ask your Shafi'i Sheikh. They have a different opinion.

السلام عليكم لم اتبع موضوع أوقات الصلوات وأجوبتك من البداية، لكن أريد أن أسئلك هل لك اطلاع على موقع http://www.makkahcalendar.org ما رأيك في الذي يقترحونه لحساب اوقات الصلاة وبداية الأشهر؟

نكتة بلهاء. فاكرين نفسهم أتوا بجديد.

السلام عليكم، شرح بعض الإخوة كلمة النمص عند الحنابلة وإن المحرم هو النتف وليس الحلق ولا القص وأن للمرأة أن تحلق أو تقص شعر وجهها للتزين فسأل كثير من الإخوة والأخوات عندنا في الغرب: فما هو حكم من تحلق شعر حاجبيها بالكلية ثم ترسمهما كما تفعل كثير من النساء هذه الأيام؟

طيب متسأل بالإنكليزي مباشرة علشان الغرب عندكو يسمع؟ ☺

عموما لو بتتكلم عربي وبتتابع المشايخ يبقى مفيش داعي تسألني، أسأل مباشرة شيخنا @Mohamadabdelwahed

is it allowed to sit around a table and eat with non-mahrams, e.g. having a family meal with my sister in law present at the table?

Occasionally, yes. Always be most cautious around close non-mahram relatives.


Language: English