
Majed Jarrar

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هو موضوع صلاة الفجر بعد الأذان بربع ساعة في مصر بس ولا كندا وباقي الدول برضه؟

تقصد حساب مواقيت الصلاة؟ اسوأها في الدقة هيئة المساحة وأم القرى، لكن تقريبا كلها لا تخلو من خلل ما عدا طريقة حساب هيئة مساجد فرنسا ده جربته عندنا في كندا ويكاد يكون مع الفجر الصادق نفس الدقيقة او حتى بعده بدقيقة.

Shubuhat ==> I will after ramadan in shaa Allah,if I remain in this state.it could just be that all the factors came together to pressurise me at this point.Pray that I get myself together,jazakallah.

Absolutely, take it easy brother.

Shubuhat question ==> Shaykh wallahi I can't handle it anymore, I have suicidal thoughts.I nearly left islam,everything just seems so negative,including Islam.Why can't everything just be clear and peaceful??

pm me on Facebook please.

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Veganism is Halaal ??

If you're asking about Vegan: the diet, it is discouraged. Imam Shafi'i explicitly stated that refraining from eating animal products for extended periods hardens the heart (and also said the same about consuming excessively of them).
However, if you're asking about Veganism: the belief, that animals are not a commodity, then this is a heresy; a Muslim who believes in it becomes an apostate; for God says
"And the cattle, He has created them for you; in them there is warmth (of clothing), and numerous benefits, and of them you eat.
And wherein is beauty for you, when you bring them home in the evening, and as you lead them forth to pasture in the morning.
And they carry your loads to a land that you could not reach except with great trouble to yourselves. Truly, your Lord is full of Kindness, Most Merciful.
And the horses, mules and donkeys, for you to ride and as an adornment. And He creates things of which you have no knowledge.
And upon God is the responsibility to direct upon the path [the animals, as well as you]. However there are ways that turn aside [e.g. Paganism for humans]. And had He willed, He would have guided you all." [16:5-9]

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Liked by: تيسير حرك

is it okay to celebrate Canada day and go watch the fireworks?

You are asking me if it's okay to celebrate the stealing of this land from its people, the broken treaties, the continuing kidnapping, murders and cultural genocides of aboriginals, the public heavy drinking in the streets and other public display of white colonialism and vices - All while it's the 27th night of Ramadan?
Let me tell you what, why don't you take a minute to read this
Maybe if you feel the pain of the author, and recall that the prophet peace be upon him taught us that those who approve of oppression, are equally guilty of it - maybe you'll understand why it's not okay at all.
Your Ramadan is running out quickly. It doesn't matter how you started it; what matters is how you end it.

ما معنى : وكان النخعي لا يستند إلى سارية؟ المصدر : فصل 11 (بين علماء الدنيا و علماء الآخرة) - صيد الخاطر لابن الجوزي

يعني لا يسند ظهره إلى عمود في المسجد، تواضعا منه رحمه الله، وتخفيا من الناس. حيث أن تلك الجلسة كانت صفة الجلوس المعروفة حينئذ للعلماء لاستقبال الأسئلة ولتدريس حلق العلم.
أما حالنا اليوم مما لا يخفى على أحد = تشهّي التصدّر للفتيا وللتدريس، بل ونطلب العلم من أجل ذلك، ونحزن إذا سئل غيرنا، بل ونقفز في التعليقات لنجيب سؤالا لم يكن موجها لنا بادئ الأمر، ولسنا مؤهلين له أصلا. ولو قدر الله أن نلقي كلمة أو - والعياذ بالله - أن نخطب جمعة، لا نبرح حتى نلقي الناس درسا مبرحا عن خطورة المسألة الفلانية - وهي من سفاسف الأمور - وننكر ما لا مجال للإنكار فيه، ونشنع في مواطن الخلاف. ومصدر كل ذلك = حب الظهور والرغبة أن يشار لنا بالبنان وأن يقال فضيلة الشيخ العلامة المحقق المجدد فلان. ونتجاهل مدى التقصير والتفريط والجرم الذي نرتكبه في دين الله، في خلواتنا وفي مجالسنا الخاصة والعامة، ولسان حالنا يقول: يكفيني من الخير ما أفعله للناس، مع أن أكثره لا خير فيه، وربما أحبط الرياء ما كان من خير فيه، فإلى الله المشتكى، ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله، وإنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون.
والفالح = من كفاه الله هذا كله، وكان همه إصلاح نفسه ونجاتها.
رحم الله الإمام النخعي وسائر أئمتنا الصالحين، وألحقنا الله بهم.

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راجع هذه الإجابات يا مولانا ربما تغير رأيك: https://ask.fm/BasionyAmr/answers/133727960231 https://ask.fm/BasionyAmr/answers/132722222759

كلام سليم، ومفيش تعذيب ولا جهاد ولا حاجة
والقبضة هي الطول الأمثل
وتوفير اللحية فوق القبضة إلى القبضتين جائز عند الجمهور، وقال بعضهم باستحبابه
وبعد القبضتين قيل فيه الجواز، والكراهة، والتحريم
والمنقول عن الصحابة أنهم لم يكونوا يأخذوا من لحاهم شيئا إلا في حج أو عمرة، وعليه العمل عندي
فلو شايف لحيتي زادت عن القبضتين وعاوزني آخذ منها، إحجزلي على الحج القادم وابعتلك سلفي من قدام الكعبة ☺

when having a haircut, is it permissible to have the sides shorter (not shaved) than the top? or is this also considered as al-qaza?

The prophet prohibited Qaza', which means to shave the sides completely, because it's a symbol of non-Muslim armies - Persians back then, US Marines today (see picture). They do it because of poor hygene in these armies, and lice only appears on the sides of the head. Generally speaking, Muslims should stay away from mimicking (haircuts or else) of defiant disbelievers or sinful celebrities.
Trimming is okay.
when having a haircut is it permissible to have the sides shorter not shaved

عمي توفى من سنة و جدتي توفت قريبا (بعد عمي) فهل لأولاد عمي المتوفى من ميراث جدتي ؟

يرثون بالتعصيب إلا إذا حجبهم أبناء الصلب أي أعمامهم، فلا إرث لإبن الإبن مع وجود أحد الأبناء.

following up from previous question regarding al-qaza3.. is it therefore permissable to have sides and back 1cm long, and the top be 3cm long?

The previous answer was clear, no need for a follow up.

السلام عليكم .. لو قررت أتصدق الليلة بمبلغ و أخبرت الشخص الذي انوي أتصدق له بذلك لكن تعذر وصولي اليه او اعطائه المبلغ هذه الليلة يعتبر اني تصدقت ام عندما يأخذ ماله ؟؟

عندما يأخذ ماله، استعجل على الخير بارك الله بك

Friend asking if the following is enough for the contract to be valid with ahl kitab girl: 1. Two Muslim witnesses be present. 2. One of them ask if man and women are willing to commit to each other 3. Both Muslims state they are witnesses 4. Man gives the women gift (mahr) 5. she's virgin & practi

6. she's blonde :)
ya akhi, have some taqwa of Allah and don't make up your own conditions. Go take a course on fiqh of marriage before you make the most significant decision in your life.
Liked by: Nayeem Haque

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/137021047618 If this individual is a relative, how should I go about advising him? His stance is that he and his teachers went to a clear area away from the city to observe fajr and denoted the time as significantly later than the IslamicFinder time (sun at -12°)

What he finds out with his teachers, he can utilize for his own personal benefit. He does not have the authority to disturb the public Muslim sphere with this. He should keep it to himself.

I don't know if this was asked here but I remember seeing something about if you buy on speculation it is considered gambling? A perfect example is the British Pound and how it plummeted yesterday I was looking to buy some as it will very likely climb back up. Is this an issue?

All trade is based on speculation, you buy or make something *thinking* it'll sell with profit. I strongly discourage buying British pound now, and generally I recommend not dashing on these opportunities. Those who want to make profit of the pound, have made it already.

السلام عليك يا حبيب انا دلوقتي بدرس لغة انجليزية في المعهد البريطاني ونيتي في ذلك الاتقان باذن لله ثم السفر ودعوة غير المسلمين مع مذاكرة للعلم باذن لله هل نيتي صالحة انا شايف اني مش استحق اي حاجة وربنا مش هيحقق حلمي علشان مش استحق واعمل اي اي علشان الاتقان نصيحتك انصحني

معرفش شخصيا حد اتعلم لغة عن كبر وأتقنها، إسأل @mustafaelmasry

assalmualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakathuhu majed, I was wondering about working for investment firm, not as a investment trader but in administration. would my income be halal ?is the pool of money I am earning my income halal ?

Depends what types of investments. Generally speaking, most ETFs, fixed income securities, gold and silver investments are considered major sins in Islam, because they are riba based. Investments in military, defense, alcohol, tobacco and pork industries are prohibited. Also investments in companies that have halal products but over a third of its capital as a credit/loan is prohibited. If you're joining an investment firm to become their portfolio manager for sharia-compliant investments, contact me on fb.

عذرا يا شيخ والدتي بتسأل بخصوص زكاة الفطر في احد الاقارب قال انه سأل وقيل له انه يستطيع ان يحول زكاة الفطر لدولة اخرة قلتلها اللي حضرتك قلته لي ان زكاة الفطر تتبعك في البلدت اللتي تصلي بها العيد هل كلام ذالك الشخص صحيح؟

كلامه يحتمل الصحة.

Shubuhat question ===> Well good friends don't exist,at least not around me. How do I treat them if no one has a proper answer?

The devil has put a pair of pessimistic eyewear on you. Take that off and you'll see that good friends are plenty in the places that God loves. People with knowledge have proper answer. You know where to find both.

The shubuhat have overtaken me ya shaikh.I did a lot of research and genuinely think that some have no answer.What should I do?

Don't bite what you can't chew. Don't expose your heart to a fitnah without having any armour. Stay away from shubuhat and shahawat that you haven't protected yourself from yet. Have a shield of good friends and knowledgeable people to take hits for you while you recover. For recovery: You need to stop the influx of shubuhat, and treat the ones that seeped into your heart.

If homosexuality is not a choice (i.e. people don't get to pick their sexual orientation), why does Islam reject it and consider it changeable by advice, and even sentence homosexuals to death?

People don't get to pick their degrees of lust, or anger, or greed, or any other instinct either. That doesn't mean Islam should allow people to be rapists, murderers and oppressors. One major objective of this religion is to curb one's desires and learn to channel them through means which pleases God.

As salam alkyum shaykh is it wrong if I tell the iman to inform the people to join the row heel to heel, feet to feet. , Shoulder to shoulder. Just like anas bin Malik said rasool saw did. I feel like they will not listen as I am only ,18 jazak

It's not a sunnah to inform the people at every salaah. Rather the imam should teach them that as the prophet did. Your imam is probably busy dealing with other issues in the community, so give him the excuse of forgetting. Try to email or text him with a gentle reminder about that sunnah, and in general about the sunnahs and obligations of prayer.
Barakallahu feekum and may Allah increase you in knowledge and following of the sunnah.
Liked by: Ahmed Helmy

AsSalamu alaikum Majed are we allowed to quietly read Quran in a place that has loud playing music (ex. A gym)? BarakAllahu feek

Reading it out loud in markets, malls or places where the audience isn't listening or music is glaring, is forbidden. Reading it quietly in these places is not forbidden, but is disrespectful to the Quran. It is better for the Muslim to avoid being in such places, alhamdolillah there are always alternatives without the loud music. May Allah honour you for honouring the Quran and glorify your status for glorifying its status.


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