
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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Following up on the health insurance question; if the insurance was mandatory (I am obliged to pay) how far can I use it?

it's best to use it as little as possible, and try not to gain more than what you pay.
Liked by: air 2107

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Does the time for Fajr prayer remain till the sunrise time given in the digital calendars/weather websites? Because, when I wake up from sleep for Fajr prayer and check the sky I see it is very bright but my calendar says there are still 10 minutes for sunrise. Do I still have time for Fajr?

It's still fajr until the sun comes up. According to hanafi matthab it's even recommended to delay fajr until it's bright.
But that's in congregation, and is against the majority opinion, so get up and go catch fajr in the Masjid like other men. 💪💪💪

Are mortgages completely forbidden? I was told that it could vary depending on whether you get "fixed" rate (permissible) or "variable" (forbidden) rate and also on whether you're buying the house to live in (permissible) or as a revenue stream (forbidden). Could you clarify this please?

There are many ways mortgages can be permissible. However the standard way through which banks in north America and mortgage companies do mortgage is unanimously forbidden in Islam.
In early 90s, scholars (who were fresh off the boat) ruled that it's a life necessity to own a home. Since Islam permits to waiver some prohibitions in cases of life necessities/emergencies, they ruled that it's permissible to buy a home through mortgage that is prohibited if it was your home to live in.
However, most of these scholars came from countries where owning homes were a life necessity, because there were no rules protecting tenants from immediate eviction, or hike in price, or change of rental conditions, etc.
Everyone knows that rights of tenants are protected in Canadian laws to a very harsh level. A home owner who is renting to someone can't evict them even if his own uncle becomes homeless. Plus price changes are capped at just around inflation rate and changing them requires government approval.
As if that wasn't enough, the 2008 financial crisis hit and suddenly mainstream real estate magazines and advisors started arguing in favour of renting over owning a house because it was more economic and secure.
Yet some people uphold ancient fatwas that suits them more than they uphold the word of God.
Imam Malik was reportedly heard saying that a fatwa cannot last more than one year, and a person must check again with the scholar if circumstances have changed, because it may change the fatwa.
People will say: oh why so harsh why do you say all mortgage is haram haram. I say check out the first line of the answer 😎

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I am a 2ed year university student (engineering), before going into engineering I wanted to go abroad and study Sharia. My parents however would not let me till I'm done uni. I'm fed up with school and I don't want to study anything but Sharia

You can study Sharia while studying engineering, and still excel in Sharia if you want.
Your parents aren't some old couple standing in your mission to enter paradise. Your parents ARE your gate to paradise. The sole intention of making your parents happy for doing something you hate is sufficiently and absolutely worth the reward to undergo it. Displeasing your parents is sufficient reason for Allah not to accept any Islamic studies, or any good deeds you do. Some of the most deviant and destructive people on earth have studied Sharia, but clearly it didn't make them righteous nor beneficial. Simply because they didn't act upon it. The greatest act in Islam after worshipping God alone, is being righteous with your parents. God said: "Your Lord has decreed that you may not worship anyone but Him, and excel (in treatment) with your parents." The prophet said "the pleasure of Allah is in the pleasure of parents, and His wrath is in their wrath."
The Prophet told us that the greatest Muslim on earth after his time is that man named Oweis, from the tribe of Qaran, who lived in the time of the Prophet, and sacrificed traveling to go see him - albeit once to become a Companion! - because he was taking care of his sick mother.
One day our parents will be gone, and you have no one telling you what to do or not, but you will do anything to regain one minute of their lives to add happiness to them. Use your time with them wisely, and stay as close as you can.
May Allah preserve our parents and give them long righteous lives.

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Alsalam alykom Shaikh, Is it permissible to buy a health insurance plan in the USA since not having one means that I'll have to pay really high amount of money if I got sick (laqaddar Allah)? If I baught it I am planning to use it only when I really need to. Jazak Allah 'ilm wa khayr

Insurance companies combine several of the major sins in Islam. Paying someone more than they paid is a sum-based usury (riba alfadl), paying someone later with increase is time-based usury (riba annasee'a), paying someone if something happens which is unknown in time, date, frequency and type, is gambling (maysir), making enormous amounts of profits undeclared to the buyer (gross profits can reach over 80% of payments in insurance companies), is a type of scam (gharar). Each of the above alone would sufficiently be a reason to forbid such transaction in Islam. Most of these are also considered major sins.
A reasonable solution is found through cooperative insurance companies, they are fundamentally different than commercial ones. Coops, in the most basic form, are made of community members, such that everyone who has a stake in the company has a share in the company. The people agree to invest the money somewhere reasonably, and the whole community agrees together whenever someone in need to withdraw from the investment to help them. Here's one fundamental difference: money not spent on covering damages, still belongs to the people, and profits that come out, still belongs to people. I know some insurance companies in the world that gives options for individuals to withdraw their principle and investment after a period if they didn't claim any damages.
The problem with existing coops is that they usually invest in low risk portfolios, which means mostly investments that are prohibited. But the principle here is not problematic. The consortium of Muslim scholars in Mecca has been calling for at least three decades now for wealthy Muslim foundations and individuals to get involved in this area.
The easy solution? Move to Canada 😃 universal healthcare is free! Otherwise, beware of the above, and in case of necessities/emergencies, take exceptions that are proportionate to the necessity/emergency.

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Liked by: air 2107

Found another bird died at the entrance of the building .. Seems like there's an uncoated electricity wire 😢

call humane society and report. Also you can call 3-1-1 if you're in Ottawa they have a service for collecting road kills and dead animals and burying them outside the city.

If a Muslim is harming you in your work and you are tying not to retaliate but you got to a point where you are really fed up after constantly trying to clear things up but to no avail. Would it be sinful to take it to higher levels and risk having him lose his job?

Since the question is about what I would do, I will answer it that way.
So the person is repeating the same pattern of wrong behaviour, but it is me who got fed up. So, firstly, I need to recharge my patience and expand my tolerance. A famous character of the prophet was that he only became more patient when an ignorant person did more wrong to him. I remind myself that I will be held accountable for my reaction, not his behaviour. If I respond with goodness, I will win the ultimate reward of the Almighty, as well as that person's heart and admiration.
Secondly, I'll try to advice that person, wisely and gently, start with implicit advice first, buy them a book like the Ideal Muslim, or the biography of the prophet. Write them lovely notes on their desk. Email them beautiful Quran recitations or reminder, etc. I'll be the conversation starter every day, and I'll set the tone to be friendly and positive. Character is difficult to change and takes a while, but I anticipate a reward that will be immense. The prophet said: Allah rewards (people) for gentleness that (huge reward) which He does not reward for anything else.
Of course, I could go ahead any time and report them to the bosses. But I would miss the opportunity to practice an excellent character and lead by example too. So I would not do that, and not even mention it as a threat. I would remember how many times I've done things wrong to God, and how He tolerated me, and how I hope for His pardoning, and I would do unto others what I'd like to be done to me.
Unfortunately, I am aware that some Muslims want to be treated like they're God's favourite people, yet they keep looking beneath them for the lowest example. I will not learn from them or be like them, but I will strive to be like those who listen to an advice and follow the best of it. I ask the Almighty, the Most Generous, to grant us good character.

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فى سؤال الطائر الميت..هو فعلا لازم كل الناس تحرق الطيور الميته؟؟ ولا ده ف بلاد وبلاد؟؟...وفى سؤال العشاء..هو فعلا لأسباب سياسيه بيتم الأخذ بقول الحنفيه ف التقويم الرقمى؟؟ ممكن توضيح؟؟ وجزيتم خيرا

ده كوكتيل اسئلة 😃
يدفنه bury
فإن لم يستطع داخل اسوار البلدة دفنه خارجها،
ولا يحرقه not burn.
موضوع وقت اذان العشاء متعلق بالدولة العثمانية - الحنفية - وتبعات سقوطها ووراثة قوانينها دون تمحيص.

Is it allowed to eat vitamins that contain gelatin, considering that the vitamin is needed to cure a disease?

Dead animal bodies that weren't slaughtered properly, are filthy according to unanimous consensus of all Muslim scholars.
The difference of opinions stems from whether a chemical transformation to a filthy matter purifies it or not.
Some Shafi'is say the only chemical processes that purify filthy are the ones that have textual evidence (like wine turning vinegar naturally, and pigs turning to salt) Other than that it's all filthy and won't be purified by chemical transformation. This is also the opinion explicitly stated by our Imam, Ahmed bin Hanbal, rahimahullah. This means gelatin, and any other substance derived from non halal animals after they die, is prohibited in our mathhab. Other Shafi'is say it's only purifying if the transformation is complete and irreversible. There seems to be a scientific debate whether gelatin can be reversed/traced back to its original matter or not.
However, Malikis and Hanafis state that any chemical transformation will purify the matter as long as it changed it's nature. According to them, gelatin is permissible.
I should remind that - according to unanimous consensus of all Muslim scholars, no Muslim can be blamed for following a mainstream opinion of any of the four matthabs.

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I have read that Isha begins after Maghreb. Does that mean one can pray Isha after the time for Maghreb ends? Also can one pray Isha before its time due to sleep?

Very important question, thank you for asking.
Isha begins when Maghreb's time is over. Which is at the end of the twilight, according to unanimous consensus of the scholars.
The majority of the scholars, including Shafi'is, Malikis and our mathhab: Hanbali, are all upon the opinion that twilight is defined as the red light in the horizon. However, Hanafis are upon the opinion that twilight is the white light in the horizon (which stays much longer than the red, almost twice as long).
Unfortunately, due to political reasons, all digital calendars in the world today use the hanafi (minority) definition to measure isha time. Hence, correct isha time according to the majority begins earlier than the calculated according to hanafi opinion.
This implies two things:
First, it is crucial that one doesn't delay Maghreb until almost calendar-Isha time, because that means the prayer has been missed according to majority opinion.
Second, it is safest to pray isha with after the white (calculated) twilight. The later the better, with a congregation. Because delaying isha prayer up to a third of night is sunnah. Keep in mind though, that praying in congregation is always more important than praying in the best timing.

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والله بحبك في الله وبحترمك كشخص، وحابب اقول لك شيئ يا ريت يتسع صدرك له، الاخ اللي سألك عن تركك لبلاد المسلمين ومعيشتك في بلاد الكفر سؤاله مهم ، لا تنظر له انه فضول وانه شيء لا يعنيه، انظر للموضوع انك ممكن تكون قدوة عليك مسؤليه تجاه اخوانك، وان الحرب واقعنا ودول الغرب اعدائنا، فطبيعي نتساءل يا حبيب

احبك الله الذي احببتني فيه يا حبيب. نعم والله أعرف أن سؤاله شديد الأهمية، ولي بحث مفصل في المسألة منذ سنوات لم انته منه بعد. لكن هناك فرق بين من يسأل ليتعلم ومن يسأل ليعاند. ووظيفة الفقهاء - بخلاف جوجل والمكتبة الشاملة واصحابهم - هي إجابة السؤال بحسب حالة السائل, لا بمعزل عنها. ولو كان عنده مثل أدبك وحسن اسلوبك لكان الجواب موجها لصلب الموضوع لا لشخصه. نسأل الله أن يصلح أحوالنا ويهدينا إلى سواء السبيل.

I found a dead bird at my balcony .. should it be buried or what ?

Note that some cities, like Ottawa, don't allow burial of animals within city limits, fearing their bodies may spread infections. You could get a heavy fine if caught doing it :) In that case you can bury it off a trail outside the green belt. May your sins be buried far away.

Ur Jordanian?

I was born in Jordan to a Palestinian father and Iraqi mother. I lived there until I was four years old.

I thought that by this time in my life, I'd...

eat all the chocolate I want and still be physically fit 😢

السلام عليكم اذا غضب الزوج من امر ما فشتم الله عن غضب ثم استغفر هل يفسخ عقد الزواج؟

وعليكم السلام
ارجو الاتصال بدار الافتاء في بلدك

I am studying at university with a tuition loan of £9k pa, (interest free until 6 months after graduation with salary >£23kpa) I get a government grant (not loan) of £3k every year to help with expenses, i dont repay this. Is donate money from this to grant to charity bad because i need to pay loan?

Let's look at a bigger picture: Zakaat is obligatory, charity is recommended and paying back debt is obligatory.
If it's established that you are not allowed to pay Zakaat while you have an outstanding loan (unless you're wealthy enough to do both at the same time), then you should realise that - even more so - you shouldn't pay charity while you have an outstanding loan (unless you can pay charity and still pay off your loan on time). If you spend money in charity then get to the time of payment and are unable to pay off your loan, you're not excused from the sin of the interest that you brought upon yourself.


Language: English