
Majed Jarrar

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you didn't answer that part of the question: Is the presence of anxiety and depression due to a lack of closeness/understanding to our Creator?

Not every depression is the result of disobedience. However, every disobedience to the Creator leads to depression.
God said: "And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, they will have a depressed life, and We will gather them on the Day of Resurrection blind. They will say, 'My Lord, why have you raised me blind while I was [once] seeing?' God will say, 'Thus did Our signs come to you, and you forgot them; and thus will you this Day be forgotten.' And thus do We recompense those who transgressed and did not believe in the signs of their Lord. And the punishment of the Hereafter is more severe and more enduring." [20:124-126]

Salam. Our beloved prophet's (pbuh) marriage to Safiya bint Huyay raised some questions in my mind. 1) Did he (pbuh) marriage her in her iddah? Is the period of iddah different for slave-girls? 2) How does anybody marry a lady who just lost her husband and father?

ِAlaikum assalam, As I've said before, there is a religious purpose and great wisdom behind each and every one of the marriages of the prophet - peace and blessings upon him.
1. Yes, wars do have different rulings in most matters. A slave woman captured in battle has the iddah of one menstrual cycle, while a slave woman who was divorced at peace has the iddah of two menstrual cycles. The prophet took Safiyya, and asked Umm Saleem to take care of her until she finished her menstruation, then beautify her. When she finished he freed her and married her.
2. It is important to note first that the prophet, was sent as a mercy to all humankind, and a role model to all Muslims. God Almighty sent him to complete the ethics of humanity.
His marriage to Safiyya, the daughter of the leader of the Jewish tribes of Khaiber, was to grant security to the Jews of Khaibar - who became the in-laws of the prophet. Enmity between the Jews of Khaibar and the surrounding Arab tribes pre-dated Islam. Muslims (and Arabs) had never married Jewish women, nor a woman from a tribe at war with Muslims, nor the daughter of a prominent religious figure of another religion. Those were all taboos. The prophet married her to set the precedence, break those social taboos, grant security to her people and remove enmity from the hearts of the believers. May the peace and blessings from Allah be bestowed upon him, his family and companions.

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Liked by: Adnan Faisal

Assalamu alaykum. I always find your answers very profound masha' Allah. With due respect, may I ask you the background of your Islamic Studies?

Thanks alone to Allah for concealing my shortcomings, but I am less than what you think.
My first independent pursuit of Islamic studies began in Jordan over a few summers in the mid 2000s, where I received the ijaza in Quran, six in uloom hadeeth, studied parts of sahih al bukhari, and learnt some hanafi fiqh and usool, at the hands of different Palestinian, Syrian and Jordanian scholars in Jordan, including some of sheikh alAlbani's oldest students. Then I traveled to Egypt for nearly six years, where I did my undergrad. I studied the Quran, aqeedah, Shafi'i and Hanbali fiqh extensively, as well as parts of Bukhari and Muslim, at the hands of some of Egypt's most prominent scholars. Started to build my own library. I joined American Open University for Islamic Studies but didn't finish a degree. Then I returned to Canada in 2012, and continued to study online through whatsapp, telegram, skype, hangout, etc. I studied mostly fiqh and usool, but I also studied some hadeeth, and received ijazas for over forty books of hadeeth with connected sanad to the prophet - peace be upon him, including Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmithi, Abu Dawood, Nasaa'i, Ibn Maja, Muwatta' Imam Malik, and of course, Musnad Imam Ahmed, may Allah have mercy upon them all. I also joined Islamic Online University and currently at the last semester to finish a graduate diploma in Islamic studies.
Having said the above, I can't stress enough that acquiring ijazas should never be a goal. It was never a goal for me. I have never asked for an ijaza from someone in my life. My goal was to learn the good they had. I had peers who acquired hundreds of ijazas and tazkiyas within the same time frame, and are still mixed up about so many things in religion. The manners and wisdom I have sought, sitting by the feet of scholars, surpasses all the chains, ijazas, degrees and books I have studied.
Set your ultimate goal to be earning the pleasure of Allah. Don't be attached to smaller achievements in life. Dedicating yourself to seeking Islamic knowledge is only one path, taken by very few people. Ask Allah to guide you to His pleasure. Take whichever path Allah puts you which pleases Him, and excel in that path = that, will be your profound success.

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How do you make sure you are raising you child the proper way? What is the number one thing one should focus on when raising a child? Shouldn't the youth (brothers and sisters) be taught these things before they get involved in relationships?

1. Parenting requires some knowledge, heaps of mercy and oodles of patience. 2. Make sure you don't force them into becoming like you, because Allah created them for a different time than yours. 3. It's better to learn about parenting after marriage as a couple, because what new parents need to learn depends on who the parents are, their skills, culture, and how their parents raised them.

Can anxiety and depression be cured Islamically? If a person doesn't want to take medication. Is the presence of anxiety and depression due to a lack of closeness/understanding to our Creator and our religion?

The messenger of Allah said: "Seek medications, O servants of Allah; for Allah has not revealed an illness except that He revealed a cure for it; except for one = death."
There's no contradiction between the different treatments. There's an obligation to seek spiritual cure from the Quran, physical cure through dieting, and seeking chemical cure through medication, whenever any cure is needed (often in that order.)

I recieved a bottle of wine from a non muslim friend and I didn't have the chance to give it back to him. Is it haram to give it to non muslim friends as a gift or should i just pour it off ?

Pour it off
Liked by: محمد شلبي

Can one still be of the 70,000 who enter firdaws without حساب or عذاب, even if they had done (still do sometimes) major sins (but not كبائر). 70,000 is such a small number that it makes me feel that there's no way i could be of those people and that surely there are others who truly deserve it.

We know that some of those 70,000 spent half their lives worshiping idols. We also know that none of them will earn that rank by the virtue of their own good deeds.
Allah says: I am at the expectations of my servant of me. So don't look at how little you have to offer, but how generous is the One whom you are asking.
Liked by: Saadia Ali Khan

Do you have to memorize Quraan in Arabic and master classical Arabic to be on your way to becoming an alim?

The greatest and most blessed knowledge of Islam is in memorizing the Quran. Without mastering Arabic you are dependent on the interpretations and desires of translators (what to translate, what not to translate, how to translate). Both memorizing Quran and mastering Arabic are fundamental requirements for ijtihad. Every Muslim wannabe-scholar must master Arabic, but not every scholar is required to memorize all the Quran.

Islam Online University, American Open University, or weekend seminars by AlKauthar Institute to become an alim?

All of these together will not make you 10% of a 3alim. On the other hand, doing nothing will keep you at 0%. Start somewhere.

What made your day today?

finishing revision 57 of my phd survey. I hope it's the final one (for the 56th time)
What made your day today

But isn't istikhara done when you're IN a situation or in the process of persuing a matter.

Istikhara is encouraged any time istishara is possible. In other words, any time you're inclined to seek advice from someone wise = you should seek guidance on it from the Most Wise.

If you prayed istikhara for a matter that didn't work out at all but after several months you see another opportunity for that matter, should you persue it although it requires time, effort, money and emotions. Or do you stay away from it?

Doing istikhara again doesn't require much effort, time or money.

For reference which mathhab is it that considers rennet filthy?

The majority of Hanbalis and Malikis, as well as the consensus of Shafi'is are upon the opinion that human-induced transformation (chemical or otherwise) of filthy matter do not purify it.
The opinion of Hanafis, Dhahiris, and one narration from Imam Ahmed and Malik, as well as Ibn alQayyim, Ibn Taymiyya, and most modern Saudi Arabian scholars, is that it does.
It's a dispute with strong proofs at either side.

I keep falling back in the same sin over & over again yet i have the nerve to say to myself "Allah WILL forgive me" yet I still do the same sin over & over again. is that the wrong way of thinking?

The Messenger of Allah said "Allah will never give up (on forgiving) until you give up (on seeking forgiveness)."
You need faith, not nerve, to say it.

Is love or relationships before marriage haram?

Love is a heart feeling and one cannot be blamed for it. You shouldn't be alone with, or engage in an unnecessary conversation with, someone from the opposite sex.

Salam Alaikum. A friend told me that I should not eat/drink from Tim Hortons as many of their foods/drinks contain whey powder made from pig rennet, which he argues is haram. What's your opinion on this?

Adnan Faisal
Rennet is filthy, and hence haram to consume, according to our mathhab. It's used only to make aged cheese faster. If there's a proof they use rennet, then their cheese croissants and similar products may not be halal, but I have asked multiple Tim's managers and have not received a definitive answer on their cheeses containing any rennet. If you have any formal answer please let me know. until then, there's nothing to indicate, even slightly, that their desserts and drinks are haram.
Liked by: Adnan Faisal

If you knew you had one day to live, how would you spend it?

There is no greater deed we know of that sending peace and blessings upon the Messenger of God. We ask the Almighty to grant us a good ending.

I do not have the time to attend the Jurisprudence lessons can I just depend on YouTube ?

You and Imam Abu Hanifa had the same time. It's a matter of how you assign your priorities in life. Instead, you should say "I do not have the intention..."
If you are seeking to become a student of knowledge in Fiqh, and hope to contribute even the slightest thing in jurisprudence, then you need to spend at least 30-35 hours per week on fiqh, for 2-3 years, before you can get yourself out of a layman status to a student of knowledge.
If you're just looking to learn your mandatory rulings in your worship, transactions and family issues, then YouTube alone won't do it. You will need to learn it from someone whom you can ask questions.


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