
Majed Jarrar

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Salamun Alaikum I was buying a cookie from Tim Hortons recently and I knew the price was $1.50 because of the sign, but when I went to the cashier he only charged me $1.05. I payed him $2 and he gave me back a loonie. Was it wrong for me to not call him out? and what can I do now?

Since you won't be able to pay it to them again, I suggest you donate the difference to the Tim Horton's foundation (there's a donation box at every location).
I have to say that it is very unlikely that such mistake happens (the cashier doesn't type in a number, they just click on the button which says cookie), and it's more likely that they had a discount (late night price, trying out a new recipe, etc).
Next time make sure you count your money before you leave.
Liked by: Ahmed Maher Hegazy

ASA. I'm in love with someone from the MSA. We both want to marry each other. Problem is we both worked together in the MSA and kept communicating with each other. We stopped talking, but feelings are there when we're alone together in public. Is this real love and marriage be blessed?

The best thing for any two in love is marriage. Find out if you're ready for marriage before you give any promises, and consequently hurt someone's heart.
Basically, you're ready for marriage If your life and faith are going great, and you want to share it with someone you love. If you are struggling with salaah, managing your time and lowering your gaze = marriage will only add to the burden, not fix your problems.
You should be able to answer yourself if it's real love or not. When real love strikes in your heart, it will flip your life upside down, make you forget about eating or sleeping well, will make you do crazy things, and become blind of your beloved's deficiencies.
The last two are important to note; because they will likely affect your judgement, and ability to restrain yourself from falling into something which God has forbidden. As I've said before, unless your life and faith are strong, that relationship will be - as the prophet said - the most dangerous fitnah that could ever inflict you, second to the dajjal.

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What do you if you feel you're starting to lose patience after being tested with the same trial from Allah? How can one ease the trial and remain firm and steadfast? Jazakum Allah kheir

The Quran is the Rope of Allah, whosoever upholds to it will be rescued, and the unlimited well of faith, whosoever drinks from it will be quenched.
Also, good deeds, reading the biography of the Prophet, reading the biographies of great imams, making duaa, making thikr, seeking righteous mentorship and good companionship, renewing intention, reminding oneself the rewards of patience, etc, are all great sources for help. Read Uddatu-s Sabireen by sheikh-il Islam Ibn alQayyim

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How will you show gratitude today?

The admittance of the inability to be grateful enough to the Almighty, is the epitome of gratitude.

Salam alaikum. There is a hadith that says Abu Lahab is given water from his finger in his grave because he freed a slave on the birth of our prophet (pbuh). Two problems - 1. His intention was not to please Allah then why will he be rewarded? 2. Will non-Muslims be rewarded for their good deeds?

Adnan Faisal
While hadeeth is in Bukhari and is authentic, it is a dream by a companion of the prophet (also before he even became Muslim). Dreams and visions do not carry a legislative weight in Islamic law or creed, and cannot be used as proof. However, there are other clearer evidence on this meaning. So here's the solution to your two problems:
1. Every good deed, whether for the sake of God or not, will be rewarded. Paradise is only rewarded to those who do good deeds for the sake of God alone. The polytheists and disbelievers do not want Paradise, God rewards them before it. The prophet said: "Whoever does good for fame, God will give them fame, and whoever does good deeds for show-off, God will make them a show-off (as their only reward)." [Bukhari and Muslim]
2. Every good deed, whether by a believer or not, will be rewarded. God says: "So whosoever does good equal to the weight of an atom = shall see it. And whosoever does evil equal to the weight of an atom shall see it." -[99:7-8]. All rewards for disbelievers and polytheists will be given to them before the hereafter, whether in this life in form of health, wealth and status, etc. or in the grave as some scholars have suggested.
On the day of judgement, all good deeds by those other than the believers will be rejected. God says: "And We shall turn to whatever deeds they (disbelievers, polytheists, etc) did, and We shall make such deeds as scattered floating particles of dust." [25:23]
We ask the Almighty for safety and acceptance on that day.

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Liked by: Adnan Faisal

Salam, I wanted to know , what's the ruling/punishment of one who misses prayers and then decided to skip them not because he believes salat isn't wajib, but because the shaydan just played him. & whats the punishment and concequence of one who knowingly misses asr salat repeatedly

A person must make up all their missed prayers, regardless of how many or how long ago. Missing an obligatory prayer intentionally, is the greatest sin in Islam - it is greater than drinking alcohol, abusing drugs, adultery, homosexuality and murder. Some scholars even considered it an indication of apostasy from the Religion. There's no greater loss in this world than losing one's prayer. The prophet said: whomsoever missed Asr prayer = it is as if they have lost their entire family and wealth. A person who is even slightly interested in a good life and afterlife should be seriously concerned about missing their Salaah. I ask the Almighty to guide us and grant us steadfastness upon the truth.

As salam alkyum, I have a question regarding Isha, some people say we can delya isha, some go as far as saying you can pray before fajr, can you explain how isha works, if you pray it later is there no reward.)?

The sunnah is to delay Isha until the third of the night; that's the best time of the reward. It is sinful to delay it past half the night. Praying in congregation is far better. So if you can guarantee find a later congregation then it's okay to delay it until then, otherwise pray with your imam.

If one had a "negative" response to an istikhara that was done a year ago+ causing them not to pursue a matter. However positive changes regarding the situation occurred causing one to want to pursue the matter once again and pray another istikhara. Is this permissible? JazakAllahuKhair

Yes. The mainstream opinion in Hanafi and Maliki mathhab is that praying istikhara multiple times for the same issue is recommended, for the prophet used to ask three times for something in duaa, and istikhara is a form of duaa. Shafi'is have said multiple istikharas are recommended but didn't set a number. There's also a hadeeth that the prophet encouraged to make istikhara seven times, but many scholars have ruled it was weak.

Salam alaikom is ok to listen to anashid which dont have bad meanings? What if the singer is a girl? Lastly what if it's sung by people who sometimes fall into excessive praise of the Prophet (alaihi salah wa salam)? JazakAllahu khair

Yes, if one was safe from fitnah.
Yes. As long as they don't describe exclusively-divine attributes, then it is not excessive. No creation deserves more praise than him, peace and blessings upon him.

asSalamu alaikum Majed, how one could become honourable in the sight of Allah?

When they honour Allah in their private moments.
The Messenger of Allah said: "... and know that the honour of a believer = is his Qiyam (prayer) at night."

I have a question from my understanding if ones parents are in debt and they cannot pay it. A son/daughter may use his zakat AL maal towards that is that true? Or not I have seen situations stating it is better to give zakat to ones relatives because they have more rights on you.

Shafi'is and Malikis say that giving zakat to a parent/dependent is only prohibited in the poor and needy categories, because a person is obliged to feed their poorband needy dependents anyway.
Hence, according to them, if the parent/dependent is amongst the other 6 categories of Zakat (turn their hearts to Islam, are in debt, working in Zakat, are enslaved, or gone to Jihad) then it is permissible to give them Zakat for that purpose.
sheikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyya - amongst Hanbalis - chose that opinion as well.

Salam alaikom! If I'm traveling to a place where halal food is not available (or if it is, it is far from where I will be staying), is it okay to eat meat/chicken that is not halal?

Principles are more precious than protein.

How do we stop sinning? There are a lot of us that are striving to be role models in the deen, but sometimes the sins from our jahiliyya come back to haunt us and we fall into them again causing extreme disappointment in ourselves. How do we stop this, which we feel is like a never ending cycle?

You will never stop sinning. the Prophet said "If you were not to sin = God would have taken you away, and brought people who sin, so that they repent to Him, so that He forgives them."
Instead, you should recognize that you will fall again, and plan your recovery path ahead of time. Focus on how quick and sincere you repent, and how quick to follow the sin by a good deed. Always aim to have more good deeds than your bad deeds in any given day of your life. The busier you are doing good, the less time, energy and mental triggers you will leave for the sin.
Some sins require seeking solutions outside this realm of personal repentance. A young Muslim who keeps falling repeatedly for things like smoking, pornography, or any form of addictive behaviour need not to succumb to their desires and surrender. These are, first of all, minor sins. They can be dealt with through many ways. Listening to YouTube reminders about the punishment for people who commit this sin will not help you if you can't get away from it; it will only make you more hopeless.
If you have developed a habitual dependency to a sin, and years have gone by and you still haven't succeeded in overcoming it on your own, then you should seek help. I don't mean asking more questions on the internet, but by speaking to a professional councillor. They'll help you find the triggers of the habit and how to reprogramme your brain to take different paths. It is longer of a process than learning a new language, but with du'aa, mentorship and dedication = you will achieve your goals inshaAllah. This doesn't contradict with the obligation to keep your sin secret. There are plenty of confidential Muslim counselors out there.
Imam Shafi'i says: "Walk towards Allah, albeit limping and with fractures."
Your defeat begins when you lose hope in yourself, and decide 'I should fix myself now, help others later'. Only then, the devil will pop his champagne and claim victory over your lonely lost soul.

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How do you make sure Earth knows you love her?

On the Day of Judgement, Earth will report its news (Quran 99:4). It will say: Lord, so-and-so has done such and such on my surface. And it will testify to every good - and bad - deed that was committed on top of her.
The Messenger of God - peace be upon him - said: "Whomsoever prostrates to God, that spot of earth will testify for them on the Day of Judgement"
Therefore, you'd better show earth some love and mercy. You will need it one day, for sure.
Liked by: Ahmed Maher Hegazy

Asalamualaikum Sheikh, my friend is asking this question: why did the Prophet(S.A.W) marry Aisha when she had not hit menstruation. And if he did want to take care of her why didn't he just adopt her. JAK for taking the time to answer this question.

wa alaikum assalam.
Praise be to God. Peace and blessings be upon His final messenger, the most noble of creation, Muhammad.
There is a wisdom behind every marriage conducted by the Prophet - peace be upon him. As for Aisha - may God be pleased with her -, her marriage was to teach:
1. That there's nothing wrong with a Muslim who marries the daughter of a friend, or of a different age.
2. There's nothing wrong with marrying a girl who hasn't started menstruating. Note that in some cold countries - or some individual cases - girls don't hit puberty until 20 years old, some even never. Also read Quran 65:4 pertaining to marrying women who haven't reached puberty.
3. To show that Islam does not reject betrothal; the world's most common form of marriage until the 20th century (Wikipedia - Betrothal). Fathers would conduct the marriage on behalf of their daughters/sons while they're still young, for social or economic ties. Today there are over half a billion people on earth who are married below the age of 18 years old (Wikipedia - Child marriage). Betrothal of children was endorsed by Judaism and Christianity and is practised in over a dozen Christian countries until this day. Islam improved on betrothal by adding the condition of bridal consent; which is that the bride-to-be must give consent over the marriage, regardless of her age, even if she is younger than age of puberty.
4. From a very young age she was known to have a superb intellectual capacity. She memorized the lineages of hundreds of Arabian tribes and thousands of verses of Arabian poetry, to the extent that her father and Umar - may God be pleased with them - would consult with her in these matters = to have someone like her to live with him - peace be upon him -, record everything he does and register everything he says, observe every passive behaviour of his, then narrate that, in the most accurate and detailed manner, to the Muslims. Imam Ath-Thahabi says in her biography "The most knowledgeable Muslim female scholars of all time. In fact, we don't know any woman in history of humanity who had a greater intellectual capacity than her."
5. Having a great memory at such young age enabled her to memorize a great amount of the prophet's words, and live long enough after he passed away to teach them. She is one of the six greatest narrators among the companions; she narrated over two thousand two hundred hadeeth.
6. Like all wives of the prophet, she had the status of motherhood to all Muslims; meaning no Muslim could marry her or disrespect her. This gave her the privilege of being the first known woman in history to teach religion - even politics - publicly, for decades, without being persecuted or even killed by her people. She brought dignity to womankind that would have never existed, and was a role model for thousands of female Muslim scholars to follow. (Google: Al-Muhaddithat, sheikh Akram Nadawi)
Lastly, A sheikh is someone senior in age or knowledge, and I am neither.

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Liked by: Ahmed Mohammed

If reincarnation is real, what animal would you come back as?

It isn't real; probably a fat lazy cat. :)

تفسِيرُنا الخَاطئْ لمفْهومْ(عِزَة النَفس) ! جعَل الفُرص الثَمينة هَباءاً مَنثُوراً , و الاعْتذارْ أمْراً محظُوراً .. ~

فين السؤال؟
Liked by: Khalid Jarrar

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