
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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Shubuhat question ===> Well good friends don't exist,at least not around me. How do I treat them if no one has a proper answer?

The devil has put a pair of pessimistic eyewear on you. Take that off and you'll see that good friends are plenty in the places that God loves. People with knowledge have proper answer. You know where to find both.

The shubuhat have overtaken me ya shaikh.I did a lot of research and genuinely think that some have no answer.What should I do?

Don't bite what you can't chew. Don't expose your heart to a fitnah without having any armour. Stay away from shubuhat and shahawat that you haven't protected yourself from yet. Have a shield of good friends and knowledgeable people to take hits for you while you recover. For recovery: You need to stop the influx of shubuhat, and treat the ones that seeped into your heart.

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If homosexuality is not a choice (i.e. people don't get to pick their sexual orientation), why does Islam reject it and consider it changeable by advice, and even sentence homosexuals to death?

People don't get to pick their degrees of lust, or anger, or greed, or any other instinct either. That doesn't mean Islam should allow people to be rapists, murderers and oppressors. One major objective of this religion is to curb one's desires and learn to channel them through means which pleases God.

As salam alkyum shaykh is it wrong if I tell the iman to inform the people to join the row heel to heel, feet to feet. , Shoulder to shoulder. Just like anas bin Malik said rasool saw did. I feel like they will not listen as I am only ,18 jazak

It's not a sunnah to inform the people at every salaah. Rather the imam should teach them that as the prophet did. Your imam is probably busy dealing with other issues in the community, so give him the excuse of forgetting. Try to email or text him with a gentle reminder about that sunnah, and in general about the sunnahs and obligations of prayer.
Barakallahu feekum and may Allah increase you in knowledge and following of the sunnah.
Liked by: Ahmed Helmy

AsSalamu alaikum Majed are we allowed to quietly read Quran in a place that has loud playing music (ex. A gym)? BarakAllahu feek

Reading it out loud in markets, malls or places where the audience isn't listening or music is glaring, is forbidden. Reading it quietly in these places is not forbidden, but is disrespectful to the Quran. It is better for the Muslim to avoid being in such places, alhamdolillah there are always alternatives without the loud music. May Allah honour you for honouring the Quran and glorify your status for glorifying its status.

Sorry for another question about photography, but there's a difference in our family on the matter and it's preventing us from taking pictures of a newborn for memories/keepsake. Could you provide a source for this answer so I could send it to them? : http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/136357852482

i) Those who say photography is forbidden have a multitude of flaws with their semantics, etymology, epistemology and analogy mechanics which lead them to that opinion.
ii) Saying that photography is prohibited because the prophet said photographers are in the hellfire, is as flawed and superficial as saying that happiness is forbidden because God says "Verily, God does not love the happy people." [28:76].
Yet, these same scholars agree that the word happy in the verse actually means arrogant, and the meaning has changed over the centuries, yet they insist on taking the word photography in the hadeeth in a literal way without understanding its historic context, relevance and analogy mechanism.
iii) Proving photography is permissible in easy steps:
1. A photo is a snippet of a video, and a video is a recorded version of a live stream.
2. Live steaming videos is analogous to mirrors. It is authentically reported that the prophet peace be upon him used mirrors and looked at himself in the mirror.
3. Recording live video to a saved video is analogous is storing documents from written speech, and the companions kept records of the hadeeth of the prophet in his life and he permitted it.
4. Photography is a snippet of videography, and its ruling would be a subdivision of its ruling.
iv) To answer in full I would need a full lecture or a research paper. #nobodygottimefordat

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a weird question... is it haram to praise communism or socialism?

It is a little weird.
Muslims believe that there is no better way of life than Islam, and to imply that another system of governance is better in a way or another is a sign of incomplete faith about Islam, its complete message, its infallible messenger or the limitless Wisdom and mercy of God Almighty who sent it.
Having said that, Muslims are required to be just, and not to undermine the goodness in anything. Hence, a Muslim would praise the concepts of social justice found in communism, or incentives for boosting the economy found capitalism, while keeping in mind that these concepts are found in Islamic laws in better form and balance.

can you recommend any online resources for Islamic knowledge. in English. jazakhallahukhairan

Kashif Raza
Online Courses: http://www.ilmflix.com
Audio-visual: http://www.muslimcentral.com/
and http://en.Islamway.com
Books: I don't see the permissibility of downloading pdf books that were scanned without explicit permission of both author and publisher. If you find a scholarly opinion that permits that, then google and you'll find plenty of free books available in pdf.
Liked by: Kashif Raza

هل المسلم الذي يموت ولا ينطق بالشهادتين أثناء موته يعتبر مسلما؟

نعم طبعا. والشهداء يموت أغلبهم في طرفة عين وهم أعلى الدرجات يوم القيامة
Liked by: محمد حمدي

Q. what should one (عامي) do when a shaikh who he trusts and follows says something that: 1. he heard the opposite from other bigger Scholars or a hadith 2. doesn't not make sense to him 3. gets him really curious and wants to ask for its daleel without insulting the shaikh

1. Either he asked the Sheikh for fatwa and the Sheikh answered him specifically for his case, in this case whatever the Sheikh said is obligatory to be followed. The only exception is if there were reasonable grounds to make that fatwa wrong such as: the person didn't explain the situation fully or accurately, or something new came up to significantly change the context.
2. or he didn't ask specifically, but rather he heard the Sheikh say something and it opposed what another Sheikh said. In that case, it's one of two:
a. Either he needs to know what to do (one Sheikh says yes another says no), in which case he can ask specifically either of them whom he can reach, and whichever answer he gets follows the condition 1 above.
b. or, he wants to learn why there is difference, for that, he needs to study Fiqh, in which he would learn the types of evidence, the authenticity of evidence, the methods of deduction and their order of precedence. After going through that he can develop the intellectual tools sufficient to make tarjeeh (compare and choose between two scholarly opinions).
The underlining assumption in 1 and 2 that both sheikhs are trustworthy and knowledgeable.

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أنا مسافرة مع والدتي من لبنان إلى النمسا و يوم السفر يكون في 5 juillet يعني آخر يوم في رمضان... هل يحق لي إفطار يوم السفر هذا؟ و أن أقضيه بعد العيد؟

نعم، ولا يجوز الإفطار في صباح ذلك اليوم قبل مغادرة لبنان، يعني عذر الافطار لا يبدا حتى تغادروا بوابة المغادرة الى الطائرة.
وعليكم بتقوى الله في سفركم واذكروه كلما مررتم فوق مدينة او حللتم بها.

, , ” ألا وإن شهركم قد أخذ في النقص فزيدوا أنتم في العمل “ لا تنسوا عصاة المسلمين من دعائكم لهم بالهداية :'))

اللهم اهدنا فيمن هديت

What's the ruling on a woman sitting in itikaaf. Does it have to be in the masjid?

Sunnah, she should ask permission from her guardian first though. It must be in a Masjid, according to majority opinion.

عادى ادعى بامور الدنيا فى صلاة الفريضة ؟ (مال_صحة_عمل_نجاح...)

لا مش عادي، وتبطل الصلاة عندنا بالدعاء الدنيوي. اصل الصلاة العبادة لله، وطلب مرضاته، انت يتم استدعاؤك للوقوف بين يدي الملك الجبار، وتقعد تتشرط؟!

السلام عليكم..فى بعض الاحيان عندما ادعو كأن يعجل الله لى زواجى مثلا اكون لا ادرى امن الخير لى تعجيل الزواج ام لا فهل هذا ينافى شروط الدعاء

ربنا يحب الإلحاح في الدعاء. لو الامر مش متأكدة منه صلي استخارة.

السلام عليكم، ماحكم المرتد عن الإسلام من الكتاب و السنه؟ و ماحكم مانعي الزكاة بعد موت رسول اللّه صلى الله عليه وسلم؟ و ماحكم الدين في حروب الرده التي خاضها سيدنا ابو بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه و هل له مسند من الدين؟ و اذا إرتد امرئ عن الإسلام للإلحاد من مكلف بتطبيق عليه الحد و هل يجوز في زمننا هذا؟

عليكم السلام
١. يقتل
٢. مرتدون بالاجماع
٣. دلالة عظيمة على علمه وفقهه، وكونه أول خليفة بعد رسول الله, لطف ورحمة من الله بأمة نبيه. رضي الله عنه وأرضاه. مسنده شرعا انه خرج من ابي بكر الصديق، وهو من هو! قوله حجة، وليس هناك امرؤ غيره لم ينقل عنه رأي إلا وهو الأصوب في شرع الله.
٤. ولي الامر او من ينوب عنه.

السلام عليكم كيف نوافق بين حد الردة " من بدل دينه فأقتلوه" و بين "لا إكراه في الدين" البعض يدعي أن المرتد الذي لا يقاتل المسلمين لا يقتل... و يقول هناك عالم قال بها يستشهدون أيضا بنفي حد الرجم إستنادا بفتوى للقرضاوي...

لا اكراه في الدين لمن لم يدخله، وحكم الردة على من اراد الخروج. فلا تعارض.
الردة - مثلها مثل الرجم - حكم شرعي ثابت بنص السنة وعليه الاجماع. له شروطه وموانعه.

يا حبيبنا متعرفش موقع او مكان كويس او حد كويس يدلنى ازاى اخلى جسمى رشيق كده بعضلاته وبشكله زى رونالدو بالظبط كجسم ... ياريت لينك او اى تواصل مع حد

كل ما تحتاجه هو شهيد بولسين

يا حبييى بوركتم طيب لو الشخص ده نسى يصلى السهو او تعمد ميصليش السهو ايه الوضع ؟؟

نسيت تصلي السهو، ربي يهديك حتفضل تنسى الى متى؟ :) شوف طبيب يساعدك.
ترك السهو عمدا كترك ما سها عنه عمدا، لو عليه سجود السهو لترك واجب سهوا (مثل قول سبحان ربي الاعلى مرة في السجود) وتركه عمدا كان كترك التسبيح عمدا، وتبطل صلاته به.

I'm the one who asked about ahl kitab contract conditions, to continue my question, are the points i listed in my last question enough for contract to be valid or not?

Making up too many conditions. I suggest you, and your friend, attend a Fiqh of marriage class and learn a few basics for your own good.

I love you sheikh :D What's the ruling on marrying a non-hijabi? And does the same apply when marrying a kitabi woman?

alaikum Assalam, a non-Hijabi is called: Saafira.
Marriage is a little more complex than judging it by one variable.


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