
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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i constantly fear that people who attack our people of knowledge such as yourself Sh. Omar Basyoni Sh. Ahmed Salem Sh. Mohammed Abdulwahed and many more make you not want to answer anymore questions. may Allah protect all of you. I love all of you for the sake of Allah

JazakAllah kher habeebi but this is really inappropriate to put me in their ranks. I spent the majority of my life avoiding the truth, while they spent the majority of their lives learning it. Yes, the four of us are only a few years apart in age, but I am more than a decade behind sheikh @Mohamadabdelwahed in Fiqh, sheikh @BasionyAmr in Aqeedah, and sheikh @Abufhr in awesomeness. These attributes take many years of serious seeking of Islamic knowledge. However, if I meet any of them again inshaAllah I could, however, impress them with my barbecuing skills. ☺
May the Almighty shower you with His love.

Are the missed prayers (qaza umri) from younger days to be made up. Someone I know offers two of each prayer one for now and one for one missed from their earlier days. Is this correct?

yes they must. That's one way of doing it.

I have a very huge exam coming up and I study for it all day starting early. Normally I follow shafi3i Athan tines. I was wondering if it is permissible to follow the hanafi isha time in order for me to pray isha earlier and wake up early to study without being tired.

1. "Very huge" is rhetorically incorrect.
2. You're either a layman, and have no matthab except what your sheikh tells you to do, in this case: no you can't. Or you do follow a matthab, and in this case you can't change your matthab because of a single matter that isn't convenient with your schedule.
3. Hanafi Isha is later than any other matthab. All other matthabs call for Isha when red twilight is gone from the horizon. Shafi'is actually have the shortest time span for Maghreb; in one of their opinions, the entire Maghreb time can be as short as ten minutes.
4. Men pray at congregations in mosques. Women pray at home. (to be more blunt: You shouldn't be asking this question in the first place)
5. I hope you realise, that anyone who read your question understood that study is more important in your life than your prayer. Is this a state you think which pleases your Lord? When prayer is truly your most important thing, you would be asking is it okay to pray for a very long time and be tired for an exam? Rearrange your priorities.

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شيخنا أحسن الله إليكم ما "الوقت المتسع" لقضاء رمضان تحديدا؟ هل من تفصيل؟

قبل دخول رمضان الذي يليه.

(Canada citizenship Q) I will do that :D, but I also want to know your point of view for myself :)

Governments are large corporates, you can always switch jobs to something that better suits your life style. Whichever company you're in, don't be a sycophant. Patriotism is ugly in all its forms.

I am studying in Canada and as you know many of us seek the citizenship. The question that I usually get in discussions, why do you want it if you don't agree on their values and their way of life, is not that sort of hypocrisy? I want to know your view of this point. JAK

tell them you like to be hypocrite and move on. #hatersgonnahate 😎

Assalamu Alaykum. The Ghusl for Eid is it best done after Maghrib the night before or after Fajr on the day of Eid? Thank You

Imam ibn Qudama in alMughni said: Ibn Aqeel said: "It has been stated by Imam Ahmed that it is before Fajr and after it, because the time before Eid is shorter than Jumua, so if it was only after Fajr one might miss the opportunity. Since the objective is cleanliness then it can be achieved in the night because of the short time. Nevertheless, it is best to be after Fajr to be on the safe side with regards to all opinions, and because one would be cleaner because it's close to prayer time."
قال ابن عقيل: المنصوص عن أحمد أنه قبلالفجر وبعده لأن زمن العيد أضيق من وقت الجمعة فلو وقف على الفجر ربما فات ولأن المقصود منه التنظيف وذلك يحصل بالغسل في الليل لقربه من الصلاة، والأفضل أن يكون بعد الفجر ليخرج من الخلاف ويكون أبلغ في النظافة لقربه من الصلاة. انتهى.

Memorisation nearly done! What should I do concerning the family?

I'm sorry memory is weak, what are we talking about? 😃

صوم ما عليها قبل الستة صعب لانها هتصوم نص شوال، هل هناك مخرج؟

ممكن تدعي ربنا يحبب لها الصيام؟

صوم ما عليها صعب لانها بذلك ستصوم نصف شوال، هل هناك مخرج؟

طيب ما هي صامت ثلاث ارباع رمضان فين المشكلة؟ الشيطان يجري في الانسان مجرى الدم، والصيام يضيّق عليه.

World's a dark place => Easy ya sheikh I'm in vacation from school 😂and making as good use of my time as learning a language,seeking shar'i knowledge,working out .I'm not in any of these positions alhamdulillah.But I will not lie to you,these thoughts are placing a very heavy weight on my chest.

Concerns about serious matters you can't change usually comes from too much free time and unused mental energy.
busy yourself with one heavy burden that you can change, one burden at a time. For training, start small, like quitting from a bad habit, or memorising the Quran. Once you successfully overcome that, go local = family, relatives then neighbourhood.

trousers below ankles? allowed?

Forbidden if it was intended to show off.
Discouraged if it wasn't.
Scholars added: permissible if it's the customs of the land you live in.

The world is a dark place for a huge number of people. Children get bullied;psychplogically tortured. Refugees and their children are made of. Poverty kills 8 million poeple annually.Human-trafficing. Forced prostitution... Thoughts?

I smell pessimism, and possibly depression. Are you unemployed now or in propose-less summer break? If yes I suggest you make a plan to buy your mind with a productive activity. Would you like to study one chapter of Quran thoroughly, read 5 tafsirs in parallel? I suggest Surat Saad, or Arra'd, or Al'ankaboot.

السلام عليكم، أعاني من فشل وعدم رغبة في المذاكرة بعد أن كنت الأولى على دفعتي منذ صغري،حدث هذا منذ سنوات بعدما رأيتي شيء أسود أخافني،لكني ما يؤلمني أن بيني وبين كتاب الله كما بين المشرقين،قيل لي أنه سحر وقيل أنه حالة نفسية،لكني اتألم بشدة وقد أصرع أو أرى أشياء بعد قرأتي للرؤية أو قراءة القرآن،أفيدوني

ضعي المذاكرة على جنب الان، ركزي في قولك "بيني وبين كتاب الله كما بين المشرقين"، هذا هو مركز الازمة في حياتك. خذيه بجدية - القرآن ليس مسألة حياة أو موت فحسب، بل جنة ونار.
١. اقرأي سورة البقرة كاملة كل ثلاثة أيام لمدة أربعين يوما.
٢. حافظي على الصلوات الخمس في وقتها
٣. والمعوذتين والاذكار النبوية كل صباح ومساء.
٤. قضاء ما فاتك من رمضان فورا بعد العيد وصيام الستة من شوال وكل اثنين وخميس والايام البيض.
سجلي ما انجزتيه يوميا من هذه الأربع على ورقة. كلميني ثانية بعد الأربعين يوما.

هل علي المرأة قضاء ما فاتها من صيام بسبب الدورة قبل صيام السته من شوال ؟

كويس كدة خروجا من الخلاف

مفيش حد مش مصري يعرف "فكاكة" يا شيخ. متعملش برئ! 😂

هي متطلبات الجنسية المصرية ايه غير تدوق كشري التحرير وكبدة عبده تلوث وتركب التوربيني علشان تاكل فول محمد احمد وترجع، وشوية هري فاضي من برامج التوك شو؟
سألني مرة سواق تكس في اوج حملة مداهمات أمن الدولة للبيوت سنة ٢٠٠٨، حضرتك منين؟ قلتله تعريضا: من هنا. قال ايوة منين يعني، قلتله تعريضا: أمي من المنصورة (اللي هي عندنا بغداد، بناها ابو جعفر المنصور)، قام رد مباشرة: كنت حاسس كدة 😂
انا بعد معيشتي في مصر اكتشفت ان أسهل بلد الواحد يصير فيها جاسوس في مصر 😂

Gazing at mutabarrigah... What about if there was a reason (teacher,classmate,proffessour,colleague etc)?

In western culture, eye contact is a sign of active listening. In eastern cultures, it is rude to make eye contact with a person who's talking. I have taught hundreds of students from over fifty countries, and have never seen one east Asian student - guy or girl - look at me while I'm talking (whether I was talking one to one with them, or in group/class setting). I never doubted that they were not listening attentively to me.
Being a Muslim, these are not reasons for gazing. Whether you're from west or east, an average Muslim should feel more committed to their religion than an average person to their culture.

is it permissible to listen to non-instrument 'nasheeds'?

There is no harm in listening to singing without instruments as much as you listen to any form of speech. Our mother Aisha - may God be pleased with her said: "Poetry is like prose; its good is good and its evil is evil."
Mind you a man is prohibited from listening to a non-mahram woman singing, albeit without instruments.

If two Muslims are fasting in your area should you break your fast bcos they are your two witnesses of sighting of the moon. Or should you follow your local masjid?

They should report to the masjid. You follow your masjid.

ما رأيكم على القول بأن "مجرد الإيمان بالأشياء هو موت التفكير والعقل والحمد لله لأن ديننا مبني على العقل والتفكير"؟

ألم ذلك الكتاب لا ريب فيه هدى للمتقين الذين يؤمنون بالغيب

هل قيمة زكاة الفطر هي نفسها قيمة فدية الصيام عن المريض الذي لا يرجى برؤه؟

زكاة الفطر= صاع
فدية الصيام = نصف صاع عن كل يوم

بكم تقدر فدية الصيام عندكم في كندا؟

كيلو ونصف تمر مستورد من خارج كندا ☺

السلام عليكم، لازم اعوض صيام يوم من رمضان و اصوم 3 كفارة يمين. بايهم ابدا؟ و هل هذا واجب ام مستحب؟ جزاك الله خيرا

وعليكم السلام، كلاهما واجب، ولا أدري بأيهما تبدأ
إسأل شيخنا @Dr_Mutlaq


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