
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Hi kak syaza! :D I just want to knw wht was ur pointer for ur 1st sem at INTEC & wht was ur SAT score? & maybe your TOEFL ibt score aswell. :D sorry for asking all these questions. Im just curious cause I kind of want to follow ur footsteps since ure majoring in smtg tht I wish to major in aswell :)

Hello :)
My pointers for my three semesters in ADFP in INTEC can be found here -> http://www.syazanazura.com/2013/07/summer-and-final-results-for-adfp.html
I scored 109 for my TOEFL iBT, and a 1940 for my SAT 1 exam.

Assalamualaikum, kalau lepasan diploma uitm boleh ke sambung study oversea?

Wa'alaikumsalam. Boleh tu boleh. Dapat ke tak itu lain cerita.

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pointer saya jatuh. so bad.

"Failure does not mean I’m a failure;
It does mean I have not yet succeeded.
Failure does not mean I have accomplished nothing;
It does mean I have learned something.
Failure does not mean I have been a fool;
It does mean I had enough faith to experiment.
Failure does not mean I have disgraced;
It does mean I have dared to try.
Failure does not mean I don’t have it;
It does mean I have something to do in a different way.
Failure does not mean I am inferior;
It does mean I am not perfect.
Failure does not mean I have wasted my life;
It does mean that I have an excuse to start over.
Failure does not mean that I should give up;
It does mean that I should try harder.
Failure does not mean that I will never make it;
It does mean that I need more practice.
Failure does not mean that You have abandoned me;
It does mean that You must have a better idea."
Jatuh sekali tak bermakna jatuh selamanya. Bangkit semula, angkat kepalamu, dan terus maju ke hadapan. :)

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Akak keje sambilan tak kat us . How did you survive there as mata wang ringgit kita makin jatuh

Kerja, yes.
The fact that mata wang ringgit turun doesn't really affect me that much, since I mostly live on MARA's allowance (which is in the USD) and the money I get from my work. And since I rarely ask money from my parents, the MYR going down doesn't affect me that much [other than the fact that the amount I might have to pay back to MARA might increase, but that is a problem for after graduation]

Mesti dulu time spm cemerlang ni. Sekarang dekat oversea ke or dah habis degree kat sana?

Dulu SPM macam tu je la. Technically sekarang di Malaysia, but still have two years left in the US.

Eh dah sampai Malaysia cuti summer ke tak balik langsung tahun ni?

Dah seminggu lebih dah kat Malaysia ^^ Balik US balik July 27th nanti :3

budak adp walau kontrak 2tahun boleh je buat jadi setahun pastu fly eh? tak berape faaham😅

Ikut perjanjian la. Kadang-kadang dia tulis kalau lepas a certain pointer masa first year boleh fly.
Liked by: ainggg

syaza,mara kan tak tetapkan negara yang kita fly.Urusan mintak U and ielts semua tu mara assist tak?ke kita urus sendiri semua?

Urus sendiri. Kolej mungkin akan tolong bergantung kepada kolej persediaan di mana.

kak nazu. i have problem in searching for another penjamin because my parents arent in good terms with their family much and i have no idea who should be the other one as they needed two. the first is my father. how should i do this :'///////

Hmmm. That's a tough one. I know that it doesn't necessarily have to be a family member or relative. If you can, possibly try looking into your cousins, those who have started working? 'Cause my other penjamin is my cousin, other than my Dad.

akak nk kad raya x...kalau akak nk saya buat special utk akak...

Kalau ada orang nak bagi, apa salahnya. 😁

Assalam akak , i've gave you my adress before yg from Terengganu tu , and u say you have received it , but i just wonder if i still can get your 80 cards or not available , so i just submit my form , and if i get one of those 80 cards , you can just crosss out my name on that submit form list -c-

Wa'alaikumsalam ☺

-c- But can you please read my wish that i asked you to write ? i hope you can do it :) i just submit the form incase i sent that adress to you soo late and its not available that time ^^ thanks akak and sorry in advace

Hi :) Got your address & the things you want me to write, will make a note of that 😊 hihi.
Liked by: ShuNaim

Kakak saya nk kad raya jgak boleh tak ^^ available lg tak

Sebenarnya dah habis dah ._. Haritu akak order 80 cards je and dah habis ._.
But if ramai yang nak lagi, mungkin akak boleh buat second order. Kalau tak ramai yang nak & tak cukup nak buat order tu, akak tak print baru tapi akak bagi kad raya lain la, okay? :)
Kalau masih ada yang nak kad raya tu, boleh isi kat sini -> http://goo.gl/forms/SJnyKs5FlI
This form is so aku boleh bezakan yang mana aku dah set aside kad raya tu and yang mana belum, so aku boleh estimate berapa banyak lagi aku nak.
[I should've done this form earlier lol, makes my life so much easier]

Salam, kak macam mana akak dapat inspirasi nak organise projekinspirasi tu?

Wa'alaikumsalam. Hi :)
It's more of a 'friends-inspiring-friends' kind of thing.
My friends and I (Nazran, Ali, Aizan) were a part of a team called 1994s that started back in 2011. [you can find it here -> http://1994s.blogspot.com/]
Then from the 1994s, we tried to start the 94fs but that stopped halfway as people got too busy with studies and everything.
But the four of us (along with a couple of others) have always been active in helping out SPM-leavers on Facebook (and blogs, possibly), so we wanted to bring it up a notch. Last year, we joined the Facebook group for SPM 2014 students, and I decided to do a Google Hangout session with Nazran and see how it would be like.
We did a couple of sessions last year, but they were unorganized and a bit messy. So I tried to reorganize it a little bit this year to make it more structured and easy to follow [though I failed terribly and will look to make it more organized next year].
So, yeah, that's the history of #ProjekInspirasi. Just a group of friends who's too bored and didn't want to study and wanted to do something that would leave an impact in students' lives around Malaysia. :)

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Language: English