
Syaza Nazura

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Thank u so much cus u answered my ques. May Allah bless u always & bless ur studies as well.

You're welcome, and the same to you too. Good luck in everything 😊

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why u want to do the part time job

Because I don't want to depend on my parent's allowances to be able to travel and buy things.

How do you manage your time? Between study and your part time work? Yeahh for sure we, students do have a lot of assignments, test and need to study as well. In a day, how many hours you have for your free times (the time for you to entertain yourself)

Hi :) Sorry this took me 4 months to answer. Didn't really have a specific answer for it and wanted to 'take some time' to think of a proper answer. Apologies.
Well, personally, I entertain myself quite a lot every week. I mean, whenever I eat my dinner / study at home, I'll put on some anime/movies in the background (usually Disney/Pixar movies or animes that I've watched before so I can listen to the sounds without actually watching it).
For studying/part-time work, I work around 16-20 hours a week (I'm allowed to work max of 20hrs/week as an international student). Since 8hrs of it would be for my overnight shift on Thurs/Fri, I spread the other hours during the weekdays (I try not to have scheduled hours during the weekends so I can study / sleep in / do some other stuff).
For myself, I manage my time by knowing my habits and what I like to do. For example, I don't like to wake up early in the morning unless I have to either go to work or class. So even if I have an 11am class in the morning, and I slept early the night before, I usually won't wake up (or I'll wake up and play games on my bed) until 10:15am when I have to go and get ready for my class.
Because of this habit, I would usually stay up at night and finish off what I need to do (like homeworks, quizzes, studying, etc) before I sleep, since I know I won't do it in the mornings. I also fit in some quick tasks (emailing professors, any quick homework or assignments) in between classes (whenever I have 1-3hr breaks) so I can have more time to myself at night.
Hope this helps. :)

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So after the scholarship is verified, for e.g Petronas, & what should I do next? Apply for Intec on the website? Hm I'm sorry cus I ask u so many ques cus I really confused

If you secure a scholarship, most of the time you won't have to apply for any pre-university college as they will decide where you will go for the preparatory program.
Say, for example, you applied for Petronas and was given an offer. In the offer letter, it would state which program you'll be doing and where you'll be doing it.

Blh cite sikit x psl malaysian community kt uw-madison

Nak tahu apa?
Ada dalam 60-100 Malaysians, more or less.
Some are sponsored, either MARA, JPA, Petronas or other sponsors.
Some are private students.
Most of the Malaysians you'd meet would either be 1) Actuarial Science majors (like seriously) or 2) Engineering (any types of Engineering).
What else?

frehsman . boleh tak akak bagitahu tarikh mula2 permohonan di buka dan tarikh akhir permohonan setiap term 😊

Freshman admissions.
Application buka sometime around end of August/early September.
First notification deadline: November 2nd (or roughly around this date every year).
Second notification deadline: February 1st (or roughly around this date every year).
Beza 1st and 2nd notification deadlines:
Kalau hantar application before Nov 2nd & COMPLETE APPLICATION MATERIALS (i.e. transcripts, SAT/ACT test scores, TOEFL, etc) within "a reasonable amount of time" after Nov 2nd (this is where the 'Materials Receipt Deadline' comes in, berbeza setiap tahun), you are guaranteed to hear back by the end of January.
Kalau hantar application before Feb 1st & COMPLETE APPLICATION MATERIALS within "a reasonable amount of time" after Feb 1st, guaranteed to hear back by the end of March.
Link: https://www.admissions.wisc.edu/apply/freshman/deadlines.php

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imma spm leaver of 2015 & I've a doubt. I don't know how to apply for Intec. As far as I know, Intec is private & does it require scholarship?

1) Yes, INTEC is a private college. No, it does not "require" scholarship. If you want to get there and study by yourself (read=bayar sendiri), by all means, go ahead.
2) There's two typical ways of studying in INTEC.
(i) Applying privately to INTEC on their website (Go Google it up).
(ii) Applying to INTEC through a third-party (a scholarship, typically). This is where most people go through, where they apply for MARA, JPA, Maybank, Petronas or any other sponsorship bodies and list that they want to do their pre-university studies in INTEC.

Does intelligence depends on race? Why white people are so clever?

No, it does not. And not all whites are clever. Biggest example? Look at the presidential campaigns now and tell me who's the biggest joke of all.

lepastu score utk toefl and sat kena hantar bila ? masa isi 2nd november ke ?

Ni merujuk kepada soalan https://ask.fm/syazanazura/answers/133962020178 ke?
If yes, score TOEFL/SAT hantar la bila ada. Meaning, alang2 dah dapat free score report lepas ambil TOEFL & SAT, terus hantar score la. Unless korang nak bayar lagi la, that is.
And hantar score tu semua sebelum deadline application la, whichever that you're applying for. Takkan nak suruh dia mintak baru nak hantar.

hello syaza I've just submitted my application to uwisconsin.☺☺ pray for meeee 👐👐

Good luck! :) 😊

Assalamualaikum, are you encourage SPM leavers like me to take Actuarial Science since this course is quite demanding? And then i love Maths n Addmaths, so by taking AS is good enough? AS is quite challenging but all of those hurdles can be overcome right? 😊

I would not want to say "Yes" or "No", because ultimately, it is your choice.
Even if I say yes, some people may end up not liking it, and thus would start blaming me or other people for forcing them into taking Actuarial Science. And even if I say no, based on personal experiences, some people may actually have enjoyed it more than I do, and that's not fair to them.
Personally, although it is super bloody extremely hard and I don't see myself working in Actuarial Science as a career in the future (or maybe not yet, I don't know), I've (for most parts) enjoyed studying it. It sucks getting D's or failing some of the exams or struggling through at 3am in the morning, but heck, that's life, no?
Liking or 'loving' Maths and Add Mathematics is not a good enough reason to say you will enjoy Actuarial Science, or even a major in Mathematics, for that matter. I absolutely love taking Add Maths in high school. Heck, it was my favorite subject and one of the few subjects I was absolutely SURE that I would get an A+ during SPM (the other one being Mathematics obviously). But taking Calculus 3 in university is NOTHING compared to what you took in SPM. Taking Statistics and Actuarial Science classes are NOTHING compared to what you think it might be.
So whatever it is, I would recommend you to really think about it. Take some time off and think about why you really want to do it, and pray for His Guidance. :)

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cmne sya nak jawab secara profesional yg maybe waktu spm tu sya banyak main2. tak serious. tak matured lagi. tak fikir tntg masa depan. hmm. I've no experience in interview. help me akak.

"jawab secara professional"
Just be yourself, and be honest. Just admit your mistake, own up to it. If I was interviewing someone, I would rather listen to them talking about their past mistake and how they overcome it or what they learnt about it, rather than listen to someone talking bullshit about how perfect they are and how they've never failed ever in life.

akak sebenarnya saya respect dgn akak sbb ambil actuarial science😊 . i know that it too much tough 😔 . what another course that you are interesting selain AC ?

Tak payah respect sangat dowh. Tengah struggle macam nak mati ni ._.
Well, the first program that I planned on doing was actually Computer Science or Graphic Design. Then it was Engineering (thank God I didn't pursue that, I would've died). And then Mathematics (again, I question my younger self). Then it was Journalism or Mass Communication.
But now? I'm leaning towards Education xD
Liked by: Raziq Khirudin Nur

erggg LOl i dont mean that interest ? i mean something else like passion ?

Lol sorry.
I have another question like this that I will answer "soon" (in the next week, or so? probably?) so I'll answer yours with it as well, alright? :)

Assalamualaikum Kak Syaza, if we're a sponsored student like under MARA or JPA during our preparatory programme , then it is able for us to make use of that scholarship for our degree? It is just like automatically MARA or JPA will sponsor for our degree as in our preparatory programme as well?

That depends entirely on your agreement with your sponsor. If they said that the sponsorship will continue until your degree program, then yes. If they said that it is contingent upon a certain results or something, then you'll have to fulfill the requirements first.


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