

Ask @synfalen

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if you could ask your soulmate anything, you would ask...

If i had a soulmate maybe ask something like why me

have you ever been to disneyland/world? how many times? what's your favorite thing about the park?

No I haven’t even been to disneyland at all yet I have to say

What they are really looking for?

I’m not sure who “they” are so I can’t really say what they are looking for at all cause could be anything or anyone at all

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Which one would you rather have .. a lifetime of nightmares evey night or a lifetime of it being almost impossible to even fall asleep no matter how tired you are?

Not falling asleep

Favorite color, favorite song, favorite book, favorite band, favorite clothes?

Blue, don’t really have any (but it’s anything but country and rap really) just jeans and shirts

What is the most overplayed song of all time?

There are a lot out there so it’s hard to pick just one or a few

Heya Archie! How you doing? I need a favour! Can you please help? Don't post maybe!

marslanwajid’s Profile PhotoPray Boy!
I’m ok and you. Umm what is that can I ask? Well can’t really say yes to someone I really don’t know and to something I haven’t an idea what it is about yet but it’s possible if I can, key word IF
+1 answer Read more

How many times have u been drunk

😂 probably a bit too many times when I was younger that is not so much over very long time now

so many people put on fake smiles just to get through the day so they don't have to face people telling them to stop looking for attention. so everyone why don't you stfu about what alexa is posting and let her do what tf she wants cuz I'm getting seriously fed up

Ummm no ideas whom this person Alexa is so do I really need to listen to this?

Be with someone who brings out the best in you, not the stress in you?

How can I be with someone if I don’t know anyone 😂😆

Advice for courage to ask someone out?

Just go for it, cause I really have nothing else to say but that I’m not really good at that sorta advice but I do know you’ll never know just by sitting back and doing nothing that they’ll never say yes if you don’t ask them

Have you ever trusted someone too much?

No I don’t think I have as of yet, I’ve trusted peeps the right amount for everyone I’ve known

What do you miss the most when you're away from home?

Depends, sometimes it’s a book or my bed or even my phone so it all depends on the day and my mood

What is the most difficult age for you? How can we avoid these difficulties?

I think for me it was as a teen, and I’m not sure how everyone has there own way of doing things mine was just the wrong way of saying/doing things I believe/think

how can I get rid of some feelings you don't want to feel??

I don’t know you that well so I can’t really give you that type of advice I hate to say, but I would talk to a friend about it probably


Language: English