

Ask @synfalen

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What is/was your nickname at school?

To many, norm, spydr, a few others list goes on but definitely depends on the school

What is your type of person you prefer to be your future spouse 🚶

Haven’t really thought bout it much sorry, all I know at this point in time is that they have to be honest and not a lier overall really

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Les personnes à qui tu peut tout dir sans gêne?

At this point in time not really anyone I think what about you anon person

What's the fastest way to make a situation awkward ?

It all depends on the situation, is it a meeting, a date...
Hmmm I guess for the meeting you could stand up and say “OMG fire!!!” But you have to be all serious bout it 👌🏻, and a few secs later be like “naaaa psych”
Probably get fired if not still...
For the date I guess you could always ummm hmmm I guess have something spilled on either yourself or your date
As I said all depends on the situation

Avoue le chocolat c'est la meilleure chose au monde ?

Well fuck ya it is, who says it isn’t these days tis best thing going 🤪😈

What have you always wanted ? Did you ever get it ?

A ‘56/‘57 chev and no I haven’t got it....yet 😂 key word there

How do you define happiness?

I guess it’s all about what you like and know, keeping it near you to keep you smiling I guess *shrugs*

Quel est la personne la plus bavarde que tu connaisses ?

You know I’m not really sure, I might have to go with maybe Larry

Juste pour le fun: Tu devra choisir une personne qui est la ou le plus parfait pour toi, dans les likes!!!

Well since not many read these it seems I would have to pick it seems the lady named Kai

Why do people usually push the door when it says pull?

Cause they are in a hurry and don’t read the sign properly it seems

Qui est la personne la plus belle dans ton pays ?

😂 I have no 💡, 🤔 I’ll go with maybe my daughter ya she is, not gonna say what one though

Do you think forgetting is the ultimate revenge?

Lol for me I’m always forgetting things *rolls his eyes* thanks to my epilepsy and surgery 😂 so I don’t think so

What's your most recent favourite photo that you have taken?

Lol I really don’t have anything photos that were taken recently I’m sorry to say my one last one that I do like is from like three yrs ago from Halloween though :-) and that’s of my girls
Whats your most recent favourite photo that you have taken

Do you worry about your exams????

Lol I don’t have any exams, and haven’t any since for like ever and a day now sorry, and when I did I never did worry bout them anyways I was to much of a brainiac for them anyways


Language: English