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If you could go back in time, when would you go back to?

This! I was going to say 2003, to spend as much time with Dad as humanly possible before he goes in March 2004. Like, just hang out and enjoy him, learn everything I can from him and about his life because, I have no one to ask and he was gone so quickly. This is my single biggest regret of my entire adult life. Not spending more time with the one parent I had who always made me feel loved and valued, even though he had his own issues. God, I miss him so much. Ok, who is chopping onions?
2018. Me and my best friend went on a school trip to England. It was the best time in my life. There were a lot of bad things happening during the trip, yet I would still do anything to came back. It was cold fall, we wore puffy jackets, were young, happy, drank tons of tea, snacks that they don’t sell at our country etc. I also found my favorite place in the world there. A really small town, Shakespeare was born there, I have never seen more magical place than this. I never had a chance to come back and we don’t really talk with my best friend anymore. But we both know that it was the best friendship ever and the trip was the best thing ever.
I would bet on major sporting events. I would win the lottery multiple times. I would buy shares in the start-up stages of all successful businesses. I would register every high-traffic domain name in existence. I'd cash out. I would hire someone to buy endless amounts of reddit gold. Every comment in reddit history would be gilded! Except for OP's.
I would take a truck full of AK-47s and ammo to the native Americans pre-colonization. I'd explain a terrible white man plague was descending, and they must repel them with the weapons I've provided. I'd create a super tribe of Natives who would fortify the east coast, uniting all the tribes under my banner. Yes we'd run out of ammo yes, but it would be enough to unite all the factions and deter the Europeans for long enough to modernise much of their new civilisation.
I certainly wouldn't pass up on such an opportunity. I would go back to 1624 with as much gold as possible, then open an account with the Monte Paschi bank (the oldest bank in the world) and then travel back to the present to collect my interests.
If I could go back 10 years ago, there wouldn't be much that I would change because of my age. However, the one thing that I would do differently would be to reach out to new people and have fun. Now that I'm growing up, me and the people around me are realizing that life is shorter then it seems. No harm is done reaching out to new people and gaining experiences from them. Doing this will only grow you socially in the years to come. Going back to my other topic, I wish I had more fun in my childhood. Being an adult sucks.

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Do you like to prank others? If so, which is the best prank you've ever pulled? 🥸

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Yes I do occasionally! As kids my sister and I pranked my mum a lot! There was this lady on our road who wore a wig and there were always loud noises coming from her house. My mum had this dream she was chopping peoples heads off. After she told us about the dream we put a wig in my mum's bed to find. She screamed so much! Looking back we were little terrors sometimes!

What do you say to convince someone to buy marble homeware?

Aha well usually the paintings on them gets people’s attention, then I tend to explain the uses of the homeware (that it’s heatproof and cut proof, then give examples of what you can use it for, (chopping board, placemats, to serve food, be used as tiles in kitchens, to place hot utensils on, etc.).
Then stuff kinda goes on from there! Folk tend to gravitate towards their favourite animals and they’ll start telling me about their connection to that animal and such, which I find is often a good sign that they’re interested (plus it makes the conversation more enjoyable too/it’s nice to hear) :)

↳ LEBEN: Ist euer Leben genauso wie ihr euch es vorgestellt habt, oder gibt es noch Dinge, die ihr ändern wollt?

JustAskUsx’s Profile Photojust ask us
Never thought I would actually end up beating the sh!t out of the bad guys at night, eventually chopping off their heads while being a mother but it feels.. like a mixture of very weird and cool. Everyone carry their demons with them and so do I. But I wouldn’t wanna change a thing.

How quickly have you fallen in and out of love?

I fall in love fast and as for falling out of love... It's more like chopping a piece of me at a time to get out of it; it's painful and it takes a while.
Liked by: ariana york Tyler

Language: English