@tristanandiseult3#2 🇺🇸


What is your definition of intimacy

tpoe16700’s Profile PhotoSuperGremlin
I believe it’s more than just physical. For me, it’s a connection and deeply experienced physically, mentally, and emotionally. For example, if it were just physical, you can satisfy hunger with fast food and destroy your body inside out. Your body suffers and so will all else. Rather, I believe in choosing something that requires more work and devotion to reach higher levels of engagement: one that satisfies body, mind, and spirit.
What is your definition of intimacy
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What others replied to:

What is your definition of intimacy

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being very close with someone. could be physical, could be emotional. it's about sharing a bond that you can't share with just anyone.
Intimacy- the natural romantic connection to your partner, you feel like you known your partner forever

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