

On a scale of 1 to 10, how legible is your handwriting? 🤪 How bout cursive?

Other than occasionally signing my name, I haven't written in cursive since junior high, which has been over 30 years.
At the rare times I write anything on physical paper, it's in block letters, all-caps, and fairly legible.
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At what age did you find your very first gray strand of hair?!? 😱🧓 (If you have, that is) Did you pull it out? Or leave it in, for added "character"? Lol 😜

Well, I've been bald since my early 20s, so no idea what's going on, up there.
But I first started seeing grey in my facial hair around 45 or so. That never grows longer than a week or two, so I don't care.

Do you often self diagnose yourself for things? If so... what you do got the nasty case of? Lol. 🤪

I have no choice, in most cases, because doctors are expensive and tend to only confirm what the internet says, anyway.
I can generally tell from listing specific symptoms and crosschecking legitimate medical websites and reports, within a certain range.
The real issue comes when needing medication that might actually help.
That can't be done with self-diagnosis.

Thoughts on captions... Do you like turning on captions for shows/movies and such? Or do you find it distracting?📺💬🧐

I honestly prefer not trying to read during a visual medium...which is why I don't enjoy foreign, (non-English), films as much as some people.
However, some films/series are worth dealing with subtitles...it just depends.

How does it feel to be ignored by someone you can’t help but look at and want the attention of when you see them in person? Would you care in a situation like that or no?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I prefer being ignored.

Would you be ok with reading books that are flawed when it comes to grammar or no?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Absolutely not.
I don't even like talking to people on the internet who can't spell or use proper grammar and parts of speech.
A whole book would drive me insane.

Language: English