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Good or bad, apa satu hal yang paling berkesan dari mantan terakhir kamu?

He actually treats me like an equal despite of our 5-year age gap. :)

Top 30 kung-fu/wuxia/chinese martial arts films?

erdiawan’s Profile PhotoErdiawan
That's way too many. I'll just mention top 5...
1. 英雄 (Hero)
2. 十面埋伏 (House of Flying Daggers)
3. 精武英雄 (Fist of Legend)
4. 卧虎藏龙 (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon)
5. 叶问 (Ip Man)
I also really love 满城尽带黄金甲 because of the set designs but if only they'd kick Jay Chou from that movie. IF ONLY.
And now everyone can guess that I really love the works of 张艺谋 (Zhang Yimou).
I used to watch wuxia films a lot when I was in primary school because my dad was a big fan, but I barely remember any of them now. xD
Liked by: Erdiawan

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Do you like yaoi??

I read them but not necessarily liking the whole genre itself? As in I would read it if it's good but I won't necessarily like it because it's "yaoi"? LOL I don't know how to explain this!
Basically to me I'd enjoy any genre if they're good, not because they're from that genre. I also read yuri and GLs (especially one-shots cause they're so cute!) and H manga (like Velvet Kiss, cause the art is damn pretty). Most of the time I skip on the sex scenes because they're boring, lol.

Kak kasi aku tips buat komik 4 panel tentang kencan pertama dongg

Hahaha aku nggak bisa bikin 4-panel karena nggak bisa ngelucu 8') Gini aja, kalau kamu bisa ketawa/terhibur bacanya, berarti orang lain juga!

Ih kita sama!! Hahahaha tapi gambarnya bagusan kakak :3

Ah jangan gitu, gambar kan bukan kompetisi xD *sungkem lagi*

Language: English