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My bestfriend has two bestfriends me & this other girl. And I really hate the other girl, she's rude and mean. I don't know what to do about it anymore, because she always has to be with us, and I really don't want to lose a friendship with my bestfriend because of this other girl idkk what to do.

I know doing this is probably the last thing you would want to do, but you need to tell your best friend this, she should understand. Don't insult the other girl to your best friend as this could only just make things worse, just tell her exactly how you feel :))

There is this kid sending me inapropetate love letters. I know him he goes to my school and even if I tell him to stop they just get more nasty. What do I do?

You need to tell someone at school so they can get in trouble so it stops, that isnt right

Help, I really like this guy but now he's in another city for school.. And I don't know if he might be with other girls.. He comes back sometimes and sees me and acts like he really likes me, but I'm not sure if he does or he's just acting!

Take a chance. Go and ask him!!

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i was have a Bestfriend and he was a boy we Never met but he was my Friends Friend And we have Altercation then i Blocked him on fb So how can i get him back !!!

Go through your blocking list, or just ask your friend for his name if you don't remember it

What does it mean when a guy says he 'wants you'? Does he like me or just wants o get me into bed...

It could honestly mean either way

Ive been going out with this guy for a few months and i really want to break up with him but i don't want to hurt his feelings, how do i do it?

If you don't like him, then you need to do it. It will only hurt him even more if you don't do it sooner and he finds out. Just let him down slowly, and explain to him the reason why you'r'e breaking up with him, I'm sure he will understand. Don't blame yourself on not having feelings for him, you can't help who you do and do not fall for.

I like this person . && we dated before . I think he's falling for someone else . && I'm afraid if he falls for her I'll never have my chance to get him back .. how do you cope w/ that?

Start talking to him again if you're not. Get close to him. Make sure you're there when he needs to talk to someone. It may help. If not, trust me, you'll do fine. You'll get over him I promise you. You'll find someone better.
Liked by: ✝ⓐⓟⓔ.

I seriously have no friends, everyone started hating me for no good reason.. Even the boy I thought really liked me was really just using me. I have nothing to live for.

You do have something to live for. Wait around and see what happens. Try and make new friends, see where it takes you. Get a hobby. Come close with family.

What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

Perfectly fine, you can't help who you fall for. If you're happy, then go for it, don't worry about others.

I think I may be pregnant.

Don't worry about it too much until you know for certain. Tell someone you trust and I'm sure they can help, go to the doctors or get a pregnancy test to know. Don't stress about it, everything will be fine

Hi can you help me! My friend cut her self again. Her reason is -http://ask.fm/gabbybales/answer/63769946285 Pls help ASAP!

Just make sure you are there for her!!

So basiically I fancy my teacher, I know it's wrong etc etc, and I'm sure the feeling will pass, I'm just waiting it out, but that's not the problem, the problem is its a girl teacher and I've never fancied a girl before? I don't know I I just fancy her or if its another feeling?

Fancying a teacher isn't wrong, it's just if you make a move, it's wrong. Take time to think it through if you fancy her or not, you're probably young so it doesn't matter ;)

I am really shy in school and like talking to people in general. What can I do?

This will only be a phase, you will get over this insecurity and shyness in no time, if you work on it. Just think to yourself, every day. 'I'm going to make a difference' 'I'm going to be confident' 'I'm going to talk to that certain person'... etc) This will help you to achieve that certain thing, good luck!

I really like this guy, but I'm not totally sure that he likes me.. How do I make sure without just straight up asking him incase he doesn't?

When you're around him check for hints, does he look into your eyes alot? Moving close to you? Does he want to be round you alot? etc x

So this guy admitted that he's liked me for ages but I don't like him and now I don't know what to say because I don't want to feel like I'm leading him on and hurt his feelings

You need to talk to him and tell him that you don't like him in that way because he may get his hopes us and get hurt from it x
Liked by: Amy Saunders

Whenever I'm bawling my eyes out, nobody seems to be around to comfort me and tell me it will be ok. I'm alone, and I hate it. I just have the urge to cut and release my pain, to scream and I'm just fed up. Everybody is just walked out of my life and I just give up. Completely.

You need to think about all the different reasons that cause you to self harm and write them all down in a journal, writing your thoughts down can sometimes help you relieve the pain and get them out into the open. Self harm isn’t a way of dealing with your problems its a way of masking them hoping they will just go away, but honestly, they won't. Trust me, you're not alone. Lots of people love you. You are worth something. You are needed. You are beautiful. Please don't ever give up.x
Liked by: Advice Page

I have a boyfriend, but I think I like girls? I'm so confused on what to do, I don't even fancy my boyfriend?.. I don't want to hurt anyone

It's nothing to worry about, just have time alone to think about it. If you don't do anything and just leave the fact that you're with someone who you don't like then you could hurt him even more. Honestly if you don't like him you need to talk to him x

My boyfriend is so clingy and he seems to think we're perfect for each other but we have nothing in common and I feel awkward around him

You need to talk to him, because if you carry on feeling this way then it could hurt you both. Tell him exactly how you feel and I'm sure he will give you space. x

Whenever we talk though he just says that he's not interested in her and that he only has eyes for me but I don't know whether to believe him :(

you need to tell him that it's bothering you and he should understand x
Liked by: Brian McNamara

Hi, not trying to steal your people but could you give me a share? A lot of people helped me through difficult times and I just want to give something back, I respect what you do so much, so I thought I'd give it a try. Thanks. X

Advice Girl
of course and ^^^^ go heRE

My boyfriend spends more time with this girl than he does with me but he says he only has eyes for me but people have told me he's a player and if I confront him, he either doesn't reply or says there's nothing more than friends but he ignores me when she's around :(

defiantly talk to him, if he's going to ignore you around other people then he's not worth it, try and get answers from him!x

I'm attracted to girls. Should I come out?

Come out when you're ready, don't feel forced to do anything. x


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