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Any time I really like a guy and we start to get really close and he shows a 'return' intrest in me, I always seem to get really distant and weird, and then we just stop talking. I don't know what to do, because I'm scared this is going to affect me for the rest of my life.

don't worry this happens to alot of people- I'm sure this will stop soon. Just try to keep the conversation running, find more interests with him. Think of new things to say, it only gets distant when one of you stops trying, it's either him or you. So keep on trying to get it running the next time you start getting a close to another guy but if he doesn't bother, then he's not worth it x
Liked by: Dana

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He's grounded for one month,but I'll see him next thursday ,am so exited/btw am the one who asked about that I love someone and he loves me too but I don't wanna be in a relationship yet :)

aw have fun! :) :)
Liked by: Dana

yeah I can. People just drop their problems in form of questions on your ask. Although you are trying to answer all questions but they don't understand that it's a human behind not a bot who is answering them and they say that you haven't answer their fucking question. Idk who u r bt doing gud job

aw thankyou so much it means alot, I try to answer them as fast as I can<3

I'm bipolar girl. My dad and his mum both have clinical depression, but only I suffer bipolar. But thank you for your amazing advice, you're wonderful, I love you<3

:( I hope it gets better soon, seriously. and no problem, thankyou so much- I love you too <3
Liked by: Dana

The guy I love is grounded and his parents took his phone,and now I really miss him and I just can't stop thinking about him,and whenever I remember him at night I start crying,is that a true love and what should I do?

do you know how long he'll be grounded for? if you do, count down the days until you can see him next- there's nothing wrong with you missing him when you haven't seen him for a while, and only you can decide if it's true love. Are you in love with him?
and you just need to wait, there's nothing you can do. Does he have a laptop/computer and if he does can you talk to him on it?
If not I'm sorry but I guess you won't be able to talk to him until he's not grounded, but I'm sure it can't be too long. x

I don't know how to talk to a guy , can you help me :x maybe that sound weird for you.. but I'm really shy when I like a guy , you don't have to answer but thank you anyway :)

of course that's not weird! alot of people are in your position, you have to remember that- you are not alone at all. Okay these are just some tips...
1) when you see a boy who you like or just you want to talk to one, just start with a casual greeting. So just saying hey, or asking about your classes or whatever.
2)'more formal' so ask something abit more in depth and intresting- wait for his response and if he sounds intrested into talking to you then carry on with the conversation. Don't get too personal though!
If you are really not confident enough to talk in real life- text him? facebook him? tweet him?
you can do any of these things- or you could just wait till he talks to you!
Don't worry, your shyness will go as soon as you work on it x

I lovw someone,and he loves me too,but the problem is that I don't wanna be in a relatioship,what should I do? Help please

tell him how you feel, if he understands an he truly loves you he will wait for you until you're ready to be in a relationship. Just make sure you tell him, or he might think you're just being hard to get.
Good luck x

have panic attacks, just wanna die

you have panic attacks? and please stay strong, you are loved.
Everyone in the world is here for a purpose, you have to stay strong- talk to someone who you trust about how you feel. It will get better!
Talk to me anytime if you want, I'm always here x
Liked by: Dana

it's amazing what are you doing for the others :)

thankyou so much, I set up this account today because I just love helping others and I hope I can help them really x
Liked by: Dana

I'm kinda shy and I have been talking to this guy on twitter that's in one of my classes and I want to talk to him but I don't know how to start the conversation can u give me some advice and help me

get to know him first, find out stuff about him. Then pluck up your courage and talk to him, your shyness might only get worst. It will go away, but as soon as you talk to him it will get better, trust me! Talk to him about your hobbies, see what you have in common, just talk to him about anything. x

my lifes been really shit at the minute, i've been seriously considering starting to self harm..i don't know what to do?help..

we all have tough times in our lifes, sometimes it can be amazing and then others it can go down hill. Things will get better after time, it will go back to normal.
You've got to get your mind off self harming, so talk to someone? one of your friends/teacher/family- make sure if you do it's someone you can trust with your life. It's better to not go through this on your own, they can help you and guide you through this.
Get your mind off the bad things, think about everything good in your life. your friends, your family..
try something new, do more sports? make something? cook something? just do anything you can to try and get some distraction off it.
when you ever feel like the need to cut, just turn off your telly, your computer or anything distract you and just lie down, think about everything. Listen to soothing musc, calm down and just take deep breaths. I hope it goes well for you, good luck. I'm here to talk if you ever need me x

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Liked by: Bobbie-Leigh


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