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I live in an apartment complex. There is a girl that lives across the hall from me. She told me that she has a crush on me and invited me to her room when she was alone. We ended up 'sleeping' together but here is the problem: she is only 12 and I am 19. I'm scared now. What if she tells somebody?

You need to stop seeing her- you're over 18. Just talk to her about what could happen if she told people then I'm sure she will see sense x
Liked by: Izzi

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Is it weird to have a crush on a girl solely based on one picture of her and her age?

Nope. You can't help who you fall for, just get to know her :)

why is it okay for boys to have sex but not for girls? boys are treated as heroes for the amount of girls they sleep with but girls who sleep with many different boys look awful.

In my opinion that is true :( I honestly have no idea why x

i cant tell him, i dont wanna ruin the friendship with him x

Well if you're that worried then just talk to him and just flirt until you know if he likes you back :) x

how young is too young to be having sex?

I think that it's up to you. If you're both ready and you're sure of it and you know you won't regret it in the future then yeah you're not too young x

right, i like this boy and he said he likes me back but lately hes being a bit off with me, and im not sure if he still likes me back or not, but i really like him but i dont know what to do becaus ei dont know if he still likes me......help please? x

You need to speak to him! As soon as possible. You need to know what's going on. Just talk to him and ask him what happened Go for it x

no, im in year 11, i cant play truths lmao x

Texting you could haha. Well just text him saying you do. You can do it, take the risk x


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