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I think you girls do such an amazing job! To say you are only 13! Well done keep it up girls!:) x

aw thankyou so much, means alot! - molly x

Hey it's the one who asked the really long question lol:) (Ben) thanks for the advice:) I totally agree and think she is just using me as a back up when she needs it. Not going to put up with is anymore and just stay away from her:) thanks again really helped! :D xx

no problem! and good on you :-) no problem - molly xx

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do you need an extra admin?

at the moment we're not needing one right this second, but if you leave your name (I won't post it) when we're looking for one, I'll try to get back to you- molly xx

Can I join, I'm a guy so I could probably give a different slant on a lot of the answers and offer help to things that you might not be able to?

at the moment we're not needing one right this second, but if you leave your name (I won't post it) when we're looking for one, I'll try to get back to you- molly xx

Loved me. She said I can't believe you actually believed that I did. I love this girl, but her saying this made me think the opposite about her. What should I do? Not speak to her and move on? Still talk to her confidence her to be with me? Please help:( at the moment I'm thinking of just moving on

hiya well basically you did such a nice thing and you waited for her, but honestly I don't think she's worth it. I think she's just using you, so she's not alone when she had a break up, harsh I know but thats what I think. You should just move on, it's not worth it. Find a girl who can treat you right and you do the same.
Just distance yourself away from her and avoid communication for the start, good luck! - molly xx

I asked her if we could get back together she said no, she isn't ready for a relationship, I said ok and respected that. Then today she told me she liked this new lad, I said so you are dropping me who you apparently love for someone you just like she said basically yes. Then I said I thought you


So when all that was happening she said she missed me and how we used to be, but i had found a girl that i liked. anyway, she ended up splitting up with her boyfriend and we got talking again a lot, she told me she loved me. But then she met another lad and started texting him and stuff...


Hey, A couple of years ago I went out with this girl, I fell in love with her but unfortunately we broke up but we never stopped speaking, she moved on and got into another serious relationship, but she had to split up from him because of her parents and the age difference, will carry on in another


I respect you guys a lot for doing this, I send people help and advice sometimes but this is a big undertaking, well done xx

aw thankyou so much this means alot- molly xx
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Hi, I'm a 18 year old who's currently dating someone 4 years younger then me, I keep getting bullied and called a "peed" and I dont know what to do about it.

hello :-) you should talk to your partner about it, see how they feel. Ignore the bullying, if you're both happy then you should get past it. Good luck!- molly xx

If I want to ask this guy out, but to afriad to, what should I do?

do you know if he likes you back? If he doesn't like you back- flirt with him, get closer to him, talk to him alot, be there for him, etc - make him notice that you're into him! If you think that he likes you back but you're not sure look at his body language. Does he try to get close to him when you're talking to him? Does he want to spend alot of time you? Does he act differently around you then with his friends? Just build up your frendship with him, ask your friends to ask him if he likes you. I'm sure he'll notice you like him if you do these things and if he likes you back I'm sure he'll make a move, if not then you should make the first move, take a risk! good luck- molly xx

(M) Hii before you wrote that you like the janoskians.... do they know you exist like what have they done to show you that?

heeya! yeah I love them:-) and I'm not meaning to brag but yeah Beau, Jai, James, and Skip follow me, I've played runescape with luke (just me and him) James shouted me out on twitcam and Norman and Gina follows me, and Norman has tweeted twice, retweeted and dm'd me lots:))) and I'm friends with James's two sisters on facebook:-)))) - molly xx

Hi, I'm a teenager and I'm worried because I constantly get moody. It usually lasts for 15 minutes - 1 hour, and it's always my mum & dad who are around. I've been seeing a counseller for a year or two now, and although I've improved slightly, I still have mood swings constantly. What do I do?

carry on talking to your counseller if you can. It's for the best. I'm sure you will grow out of it, when you get older. To stop it make sure you: exercise regulary, eat a healthy diet, dont have as much caffiene and sugar, avoid alchol, drugs and smoking, and also make sure you get enough sleep.
I think you should start a 'stress' journal, every day you have to write in it:
what caused your stress (make a guess if you're unsure what caused it)
How you felt, physically and emotionally.
What you did to make yourself feel more calm and better
and how you acted when you got angry.
when you get yourself in a situation where you feel angry, try and avoid it. Learn to say 'no' avoid people who make you angry, focus on the positives in your life.
When you get angry there are some ways which can calm you down: go for a walk, spend time in nature, call a good friend, drink coffee/tea/hot chocolate, play with a pet, watch something funny, draw, listen to music, take a long bath, write in your journal.. do a hobby
I hope this helps, good luck - molly xx

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so, i'm nearly 14 and my mood just can change proper quickly and i get really angry and aggressive, not as in hurting people aggressive, verbally aggressive, I've been told its probably hormones but it happens often, any idea's?

it could be your hormones or you could have bipolar disorder- read this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/emotional_health/mental_health/disorders_bipolar.shtml
if you think you may have it, you should really speak to someone like a doctor- molly xx

So I'm your age, 13, and I have a kind of addiction, I can't stop burning and cutting myself. I tried to commit suicide four months ago, and I'm seeing a counsellor, but nobody seems to care about me and my feelings:( I don't know what to do:(

hello, and carry on seeing your counsellor- you can't go through this alone, stay strong!
you're beautiful, wanted, and loved. You can get through this!
Have you heard of the butterfly project? It really helps,
remember that you are not alone! There are hundreds of people going through
the exact same thing as you. When you feel like you're giving up, or you need to break down
just turn everything off. Lie down, get comfy, take deep breathes, get calm and just relax.
Everything will be okay, write your feelings down in a book. It will get better,
me and Eva are always here for you when you need us- molly xx

Hi how do get rid of blisters in gums

I think it's best to leave it and call your dentist, or just clean your mouth out lots- molly xx

I've been trying to spend a lot of time with her but she tells me the same thing shed rather be by herself cause shes to tired but that's not like her I think the is something seriously wrong what should I do

I think you should just leave her for a little bit then but still care for her. Just make sure you're always there for her even when it doesn't seem like she needs it
- molly xx


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