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(M) are you scared of anything?

yes unfortunatley, I'm scared of alot of things but these are my phobias
- spiders
- mosquitos
- sick
- being chaised
:( - molly x

There is this guy and during the christmas holidays he started talking to me and only then did I no how much I liked him but I no he dosent like me and I just can't get over him what should I do

first of all you got to know that you are not the only one in this position, second of all you should keep talking to him, or start talking to him again. You can't make someone change their feelings about someone, but he can change them himself. Good luck -molly x

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I keep having arguments with this girl. She seemed really nice at first, now she's plain horrible. What do I do?

This happened to me and my 'crush' we got really close, and we got so close that we used to argue over every little single thing.
We stopped talking for a while and we're only starting to talk again now fresh.
You should talk to her, and try and get it sorted or if it doesn't work then try what I did. Good luck! - molly x

ok, so i fell out with my friends because i said i didnt like the way they were treating me and i apologized but they still arent talking to me and i dont know what to do, they're ignoring me!

well they're not true friends they should realize how upset you are about them treating you like so. Do you have anyone else you can 'hang' around with? Just try and forget them and start fresh- molly x

molly i just saw one of your facebook pictures.. YOU MET TMB OMG I AM SO JEALOUS


he tells me he likes my eyes and i look hot !

this could be a chance he likes you- just notice all of the other things like;
is he asking you alot of questions? he might be trying to keep the conversation going.
Does he lean into you? If you're talking to him and he leans this could mean that he likes you.
He comes up to you? acts different around you then your mates?
all of these 'little' things can add up, so just try and notice abit more. - molly x

Right is there another definition for when a girl says to her friend that she is on it with a lad istead of having sex with him?

talking, getting close, flirting - molly x

I don't know what to do, this guy has been hinting for ages and im confused if he likes me!!!

what do you mean by 'hinting'? - molly x

I absolutey hate this girl, she Is a bitch but we re in the same friends group and cause our parents are so close, I can't not be friends with her, but I really can't stand her, what can I do?

this is the same position my best friend was in with her 'best friend',
you should just talk to your parents about how you feel about this girl and why you don't like etc
they might seem shocked if they're obviously that close, but they should understand or help you through this situation- molly x

i dont even feel like i want to be alive anymore, i have a great family, great friends and a perfect boyfriend, but i just hate being me i know it's selfish as people have it so much worse but i hate being alive, i cut, i burn and i make myself sick i just want to die now :/

hiya, you need to stay strong. Just focus on other things, your great friends, family, boyfriend etc. Do other things to get your mind off everything. It doesn't sound selfish, don't put yourself down.
Write all your feelings down in a book, let your heart out. If you need to take your anger out on something/someone take it out on your pillow. Please stay strong, speak to someone about this to a close friend/family.. someone who you trust and you love. You shouldn't have to go through this all alone. And about the self harming. Have you heard about the 'butterfly project' it's meant to be very helpful. (picture_
Also, if you ever feel like self harming again or like you're just going to break down then just turn off your telly, laptop, computer, phone, shut everything out. Lie down/sit down and get comfy. Close your eyes, and relax. Take deep breathes and just try to calm down. You are wanted, loved, and beautiful. Things will get better in time you just got to show everyone that you're strong and you can get through this, good luck- remember that me and eva are always here for you to talk to, and if you ever want to talk to us not on anon feel free to add me on kik- MollyRoseV
- molly x

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what happened to gemma

she wanted to take a break from it to sort out her own problems. I'm sure she will be back soon - molly x

I've liked my ex for almost a year now, we went out in June and I'm still not over him, I love him, and he's always onto a new girl, he's going out with this other girl now, and I'm going to this party thing at the weekend and he's going to be there, I always see him and it just makes me sadder:(

Personally, I think the best thing to do, is find someone new, be happy with them, show him what he's missing! He's not worth being upset over, you've got to find someone worth your time!
Eva xx

My ex won't talk to me though he says the break up was for personal reasons, I've tried to talk to him but he won't, what can I do? I miss him so much <3

I know its gonna be hard, but I'm afraid you're just gonna have to move on, find someone that's worth your time and effort, and loves you as much as you love them
Eva xx


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