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Turns out my sisters funeral was today. I can't do this I can't go on without her we were like to peas in a pod with an extra one added in. I barely made it through the funeral. Our dad barely got to know her. He only came back a week ago. He didn't know his only daughter. My mom can't take this I..

you need to stay strong for you, your sister, your family and your friends. How would they feel if you gave up? I know it's hard, and I am so so so sorry but you can get through this, me and eva both know you can! - molly xx

(M) I think my bf is flirting with his ex but she's bi

if you're really upset, then you should talk to him about it. Tell him how you feel, if not then don't take it to much to heart. They could just be talking friendly. - molly xx

Girls where I live are really hard to get to know( they're dry and pretty stuckup) how could I make them like me over bbm? And get them to start talking? Thanks:)

just keep trying to start a conversation with them, talk about their hobbies (if you know them) just talk about random things, but don't bbm them like 100 times today as you may come across as clingy, - molly xx

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Rember me the person who told you about the boy that plays with alot and won't admit that he like me well he ask me out today it was the cutest thing ever

yes of course I remember you! and aww! I'm so happy for you, did you say yes?! :') - molly xx

No exaggeration in here, im a boy and have been cutting for just over a year now and have become pretty depressed dont find happiness anywhere now, also get hit by dad sometimes which makes me feel worse, get a lot insults because of my depression and selfharm i also get teased because of suicide

hiya first of all read this: http://ask.fm/askmeadvicex/answer/28488723349
You really need to talk to someone about this! Ignore the insults,
you're strong I know you are, and you can get through this. Whenever you feel down, turn everything off (laptop, computer, tv, radio... etc) get comfy, and just calm down, breathe slowly and relax.
No matter how stupid this sounds, get paper and write all of your problems and feelings on it, then burn it- it will help. Tell someone you trust, you can't go through this alone. They will help you. Talk to us whenever you need, we're always here for you. - molly xx

(M) what sort of bad day? I mean you always listen to or problems, I want to help you with yours:)

nothing is actually bothering me I've just been a bit down all day for no reason :( but thankyou so much - molly xx

so my `bestfriend` treats me like crap, and im scared of er, im too scared to say my feelings but she follows me everywer i go shes like keeping me to er self i have friends other than her ow can i avoid her and grow apart from her please help me x0x

it's going to be hard but if you're sure about this then you need to talk to her first of all.
Tell her how you feel, and how that you need to back away from her abit. Also, try to distance yourself away from her. Don't go out as much with her (if you do) make up excuses.. hang around with different people more. She sound soon see the message and back off, good luck - molly xxx

I keep crying at everything omg, I cry at cute little kids and I cry at stuff that isn't even to cry about like disney films

It may just be normal up and downs of hormones, or you may just be upset about something and it's just not dealing with it. It will get better and heal over, if you're worried talk to a doctor about it - molly xx

im starting to have feelings for a girl but were like best friends and i dont want to ruin our friendship and she lives like 2 hours away im 16 and she is 15 can you help me?

you can't help having feelings for someone. Hint it to her, so if you don't meet up then flirt with her alot through text, give her compliments etc she'll soon get the message- molly xx

I feel really jealous, I'm 14 and quite as mall chested, this girl I know is younger and is really big chested:(

remember that we all grow at different ages. It's your body and you should feel comfortable with it. Just be patient! - molly xx

I allready said it but you guys give really good advice!But I just wanted to say that if people have problems they can always come to me ,I will listen also dutch people (:

thankyou:_) and ^^^ - molly xx

Alright thanks for the advice. I'll try not to stress about it. I know I'll probably be on here again tomorrow because I'm going to be nervous about speaking at the funeral. It's amazing that you girls want to help out crazy people like me. Thank you.

No problem and you're not crazy at all! Talk to us whenever you want. Good luck - molly xx

I'll try and stay strong but I'm not sure how well it will work. I'm scared of what lies ahead tomorrow at the funeral. I'm scared my family is going to think I'm crazy for crying because I'm supposed to be the tough one. If my sister saw me right now she would call me a wuss for crying.

Don't say that! It's okay to cry at a funeral, is shows that you care. Don't stress about crying, if you do then that's nothing to worry about. You have a reason to be upset - molly x x

I'm trying to sleep but it's too hard knowing my sister isn't here. She's in all my dreams it hurts knowing that I couldn't save her. I just want my sister back. I have no idea what to do with myself

It's going to be hard at first. Take time to think, it will get better in time believe it or not. Stay strong that's what she would of wanted you to do - molly xx
Liked by: Kat


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