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If you get the chance go on my ask.fm wall and read all the nasty questions and tell me what to do

just ignore them, they're begging for attention. Tell them to stop, and if it gets any worst, in the nicest way possible I think you should take a break from ask and then come back on when you're ready- molly xx

do you think i should ask that girl for a shift the next i seen her cus i wanna know if it was real or not should i or should i not (M) and i love her so much <3

well if you know she likes you back then go for it, if you're both ready, then why not? - molly <3
Liked by: yehia palani

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Hey i think im bi-sexual, i had a threesome with a boy and a girl but i enjoyed the girl more. what should i do?

hiya, well first of all you need to not worry about it. There's nothing wrong with being bisexual. You are what you are and nobody can change that. Have some alone time to yourself, and just think about it. Figure out if you really are or not, it might take some time. But you need to not worry about it, when you're ready and you are bisexual then don't feel upset or anything, ignore the haters if you get any!- molly x x

This girl won't send me a fan sign, how can i change her mind?

you can't force her to do it if she doesn't want to do it, so just look for someone else who will do one for you- molly xx

I'm always getting bulled I'm getting called a retard,fat,ugly and A whore at times

Ignore the bullies! Don't let them make you angry, this is what they are looking for. This will boost their ego. Show that you honestly do not care, they will get bored and move on. Ignore comments, who cares what they think? be yourself, and don't care what others say. Have confidence, and stand up for yourself. Stay calm, let out your emotions to your best friend, they should care about you and understand you and help you if they're a true best friend. Don't fight back and please just ignore it! you're beautiful - molly xx

I'm asking for advice And I'm not getting help. Some help you are fs

I do have alot of questions, wait I'll come to it soon

I'm in love with with a girl who I've been talking to for a year now but I also like this other girl who I've randomly started talking to also lately I've tried everything to get rid of the feelings for this new girl but I can't seem to get rid of them, what shall I do

okay if you really want to get over her (this might sound stupid) but you should try and find somewhere in the same position as you, there are loads of people who are in the same position of you. Talk to them, because they know exactly how you're feeling and they can help you. Distance yourself, don't go near her for a while. Meet some new people, carry on talking to the first girl, and take care of yourself. Good luck! - molly xx

HEHE I need some advice, There is a Boulder on my noose but i don't know if its cancer or just a pimple, SHould i press on it to get writ of it or not but when i press on it there is white slime coming out of it and i don't know but yea my mom told me i'm ugly and everytime she says that i get horny

ignore her and talk to a doctor about it- molly xx
Liked by: Sarah

I have a small hair growing backwards on my penis and it's really irritating me. My doctor doesn't know what to do. Please help?

I'm not a doctor whoops, keep asking them -molly xx

I love this guy that is totally in llove with someone else what do I do? ):

have you heard of the saying 'if you fall in love with two people, go for the second one because if you were that in love with the first then you wouldn't of fell for the second' so yeah, I think you should choose the second guy. But think about it carefully, good luck- molly xx

im starting to like this girl she is really nice and pretty and we talk everyday and i never get bored but she lives to far away what shall i do?

there's nothing wrong with long distance relationships if you're both commited, so do you think she likes you? if you don't know then you should just go for it and ask her. If she says yes and you decide to go for it, then you should talk to her about how it's going to work. If you're too worried to ask her how she feels about you then drop in hints that you like her, so be flirty, give her compliments etc
to be in a long distance relationship you need lots of love, and trust. Good luck! - molly xx
Liked by: Cal.

But he said that I love him then I do it and I said no but then he said he break up with me should I break up with him I think I going to

don't feel forced in to doing something that you don't want to do! he's not worth it, you will regret it if you'e not ready- molly xx

ive asked the people that where there and they said it was real and she said it was great

okay then! :) - molly xx

I just wanted to let you two know that you are both amazing! You get a lot of questions about incredibly serious issues (and some not so) but you always handle them with maturity and I really appreciate what you're doing. Thank you, girls. x

thank you so much this means so much to both of us! and no problem, it's a pleasure- molly xx

Should I have sex with my boyfriend tommorow the only thing is I'm 13 turning 14

Don't do anything you will regret. Honestly I think you should wait until you're 16 so you know what you are doing properly. - molly xx

i just shifted someone which means i tong kissed her and it was my first time but it went great and she said it was great to but the thing is that i cant remember if it was a memory or a dream

well..ask her if it was or not? or just think clearly to see if it was actually real or not - molly xx


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