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Ok thanks the only prob is that I think I might have broke my ankle and hav to go yo the hosptal and idk what to do or to tell him

how did you break your ankle? and just text him/facebook him/ tweet him to tell him you can't go but aw no :( x

any one of you! hehe so tell me about yourself

Okay so me (Molly) 14 in 2 months, live in somerset, england. Has alot of siblings, and I love to draw paha
Eva- 14 in like 1 month, lives in somerset, england, and she likes to sing :))))
- molly x

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I like this guy but i'm afraid to tell him because he's one of the popular people. I guess I'm kind of popular but I just don't what to do!

tell him! or if you're to shy get one of your friends, or his friends to talk to him, asking him how he feels about you, it's always best to know how they feel
eva xx

I'm bi and I really really really like this girl but she's straight and I don't know what to do?x

if your feelings are that strong for her, tell her how you feel, it's the best thing you can do, it'll save you worrying about how she feels about you.
eva xx

I'm still in love with my ex. what do I do?xx

if they're over you, then there's not much you can do, you'll have to move on,
but if you think they still like you, talk to them about it, talking can solve a lot of relationships
eva xx

My boyfriend of a year and a half dumped me on tuesday. I am completely in love with him. We were planning the future and everything. I have been a complete mess since then. He has been telling people that he still loves me and that he might get back with me. I am seeing him tomorrow. what do i do?

tomorrow, when you meet him, tell him exactly how you feel, what he's done to you, and ask him what's going to happen between you two, ask him how he feels about you and why he did it, you've both just got to be honest with eachother about your feelings
eva xx

how do you kiss a guy :$

i was worried the first time but honestly,
just wait for him to lean in, and i promise you, it'll feel completely natural
eva xx

I think I'm starting to like my bestfriend, he's been my bestfriends for 8 years and I don't know what to do?x

i honestly think the best thing to do, is hint. because if you tell him straight up, there's the chance that he'll be scared off by it. but by giving him hints,you can see if he likes you, because he'll hint back, but if you're still not sure, i'd get a friend of yours or his, to talk to him about it.
eva xx

what if he doesnt like me and it ruins our friendship and he looks at me differently?

there's always that chance, but if you don't say anything, you'll never know how he feels
eva xx

This guy asked me out just now. I said no. He goes to a diff school and has had a history of cheating...was i right to say no? But the only thing is he says the kutest things to me like: your stunning, bootiful and that i'm an angel.

it was the right thing to do, i guarantee that he said that to all of the girls he cheated on aswell, it will save you from getting hurt
eva xx

i like this boy, we have been friends for a while but im not sure if he likes me back, what should i do?

tell him, i always say, speak your mind, if you like someone, tell them, it will stop you from wondering how they feel everyday, no matter what the answer is, atleast you know it was worth it
eva xx

i think im in love with my best friends (who is a guy, i'm a girl) we've been close friends for 3 years, ive liked him for 3 years. i can't tell him how i feel because i feel that would put our friendship in jeprody. he means the world to me. what should i do?

seeing as i'm in this situation, i'll give you all the advice i can, i told him that i was in love with him, to begin with he was distant/weird with me, but after time he started talking to me more, and we were acting like we used to again. in my case, we forgot about love and just took things day by day, so if you're worried it will ruin your friendship, keep it quiet until he gives you signs of liking you
eva xx

I feel like I'm losing a girl what should i do

try to keep the conversationss going for longer, but don't be to clingy, and if after that she wants to leave, let her, she wasn't worth it
eva xx

Thought I'd as you guys, 'cause you're all girls. How do I get a girl to like me when she won't talk to me? I was talking to her earlier, but then she just randomly stopped answering me. She was reading the messages, 'cause it said on 'seen' on facebook, but she just wasn't replying

was it something you said that meant she didn't want to reply or was it random? if it was just randomly, if you see her, ask her straight up, be nice about it, but just ask what you've done to make her ignore you, or maybe she's just having an off day, if i was you, i'd leave her be for tonight, and try again tomorrow
eva xx

this is a little awkward, but on the girls part how do ou slow dance? do you like hug or put your arms around his neck? could you walk me through it as a first time slow dance

put your arms around his neck, stay close to him, and follow his lead
eva xx


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