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my friend really wants her potential boyfriend to ask her to be his valentine but doesn't want to seem too desperate, she already had to ask him to be her date

I think it will be best if she spoke to him. She shouldn't be the one who always has to do those things x

There's this total fittie at my school but doesn't know me at all but I really like him and I don't know wat to do because peeps are saying he likes me and he called me cute the other day!! Please help me

You have to talk to him! He might like you or he's flirting. I'm sure if you talk to him he won't mind and he'll carry on the conversation good luck x

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i cant flirt at all, how do you you flirt what can you say like over text sort of things x

Compliment each other alot and just be friendly etc x

I like this guy and i thin he might like me back but he's my enemies ex and it'll just be another thing for her to bitch about what should i do

You should talk to him and try and start all over again. Get close to him again and just try the best you can do x

My crush and I have been friends since childhood. Now, we're kinda frenemies, acting like we hate each other. At least I'm acting. I don't know about him. One minute, he's smiling at me, the next, he's insulting me or bragging about his girlfriend. Idk what to do anymore. Help pls. Sorry if long :)

It's not too long. I'm sure he's pretending, you should talk to him about it. Don't tell him yet how you feel yet because it might break up his relationship. You should just wait until he's single. Just tell him that its upsetting you about the bragging and just ask if he still likes you etc x

i was just reading through your page & wanted to say your amazing, i tried to kill myself in so many ways a while ago but always survived! i just wanted to say your an insperation trying to help people like this and i wish i had come across someone to talk to like you when i was suicidal, well doneX

Thank you so much it really means a lot :') xx

You spoke to my nephew last night am his auntie i just want to stil say thankyou and yes i couldnt get to him on time and he and he sadly did it am sorry :(

:'( r.i.p beautiful <3

So I'm currently in high school and I have a crush on my friend. I told her that I love her and now she won't talk to me. I bought her flowers and tried to apologize to her nut she won't listen to me anymore. What do you think I should do?

you can't give up yet, you need to find away to start talking again. Just keep on trying to talk, let her hear you out then see what she thinks. x

So the guy on twitter that I'm talking to on twitter that Ik cause I hav a class with him and I like him a lot I want to give him my number but I'm scared he might think it's weird what should I do???

you have a class with him? get closer to him, talk more.. etc and then say something like 'my laptop is running out of battery do you want to text instead?; even if you are on your phone. It's worth a try, and then you have his number. x
Liked by: Dana

I still kinda like this guy who I liked for ages! We used to speak alot but now he dosent speak to me at all and when we do its awkward. What can I do to get him to be okay wit me?

:o I'm like in the same position as you :( what you got to do is just try and carry on the conversation, I speak to the person probably about twice a week. I don't speak to him that much, but it does make the conversation not awkward.x

I put on a fake smile everyday, I say I'm okay all the time but I'm not. Nothing's okay, not anything.i can't trust my friend with anything without knowing they blab i have nobody to turn to, we'll nobody except from you.!;(xo

you need to stay strong, and you need to talk to them! tell them how you feel,if they carry on being like that then you need to find someone else. stay strong x

I have never had a good time in my life and seriously not ever. Thinking of it just now make me want to burst out in tears. I have been going through such a hard time in my life and I want to do something about it. I try to sort out my problems, but I have something wrong at least everyday..........

You need to talk to someone urgently!x

People say cutting makes you feel better from the things that are upsetting you... I mean I don't cut but I might try, I'm getting really sad at the moment maybe I should try it? I know somebody that cuts but she hasn't really opened up to me... I don't know what to do...

I don't think you should try it. You can get addicted to it and you can't stop. Take your mind off it when ever you feel like doing it. Think of all of the good things in your life and ignore the bad. You really don't need to cut its not worth it x

nothing possibly can but just make sure that the other people that your helping know that your one heck of an amazing girl to want to help people's problems and try and solve them that am only doing this because ive come to the end of the road in my life..

Thank you so much and you've got your whole life ahead of you!x


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